Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2005: : Nine treasures of humanities, the secret of the ancestors, the remnants of the king

After the creation of Pangu Sect, the Madman of Chu opened up nine caves in Wanbing City, eight of which were used to store Daoshan and one to place the lake of the avenue. These caves were used as a place of cultivation for the monks of the Pangu universe.

With the help of these Daoshan Mountains, I believe that their progress will be much faster.

Inside a palace.

A light mirror was floating in front of Madman Chu.

And what is shown in the light mirror is exactly the situation within the cave sky.

He watched the cultivation of the Pangu universe monks gradually get on the right track, nodded slightly, "Nothing has happened, it's not bad."

For most monks, Daoshan is such a treasure, you may not be able to see it once in a lifetime. It is normal to fight for a Daoshan. Many such things have been performed in Dao Ling Lake before.

He took out Daoshan, and he also kept some testimony.

I want to see if the monks of the Pangu universe can stand firm in front of this mountain, now it seems that the result did not disappoint him too much.

Everyone in the Pangu Universe was still a little bit frictional at the beginning, but then under the mediation of Sanqing, Wa Huang and others, there was no more trouble.

Think about it, too, Pangu universe has gone through hardships, many people have the friendship of comrades-in-arms, the friendship of fellow men, and the cohesion is naturally stronger than other forces.

He found Xuantian Jiuxing.

Except for Bi Anhua who is still in the underworld of Pangu universe, the other eight people have come to Hongmeng Great World. These eight people are his confidants.

He has to focus on training.

"Xiaohong, take this god's spear and refine it."

The madman of Chu took out the spear of the gods that he had obtained from the possession of the gods. This is a great treasure of great power, so powerful that even the emperor should pay attention to it.

However, Kuangren Chu had a few pieces of Hongmeng Supreme, and it was useless to keep the God's Spear, so he used it for Chu Hong.

Then, he gave the Yu Tianzhu to Lan Yu.

Some treasures were distributed to other people.

He has a fantasy roulette wheel, and the treasures on his body are countless.

Anyway, if you keep it, you keep it. Only after you use it, you can get the most out of it.

After Xuantian Jiuxing obtained the treasures from the Madman of Chu, they went back to practice, and strived to be promoted as soon as possible to contribute to Pangu Sect.

"Sect Master, I want to tell you something."

On this day, Emperor Wa found the Madman Chu.

Her expression was a little serious.

I took out the great treasure from the Great Dao Spirit World, which is the crystal, "I have refined this great treasure, and from it, I have gained some secrets. I feel that it is necessary to talk to the lord."

"Oh, please speak."

Madman Chu showed a little interest.

"The name of this object is one of the nine treasures of humanity, and it is closely related to the origin of humans..." Wa Huang said slowly.

The human race is spread across the heavens and all realms.

And the emperor Wa is the founder of the Pangu universe human race.

In the minds of countless human races in the Pangu universe, she is the mother **** of the human race. In fact, in the universe of heaven, there are multiple existences similar to the emperor Wa, who under the guidance of the underworld, created Terran.

They are known as the patron saint of the human race.

But above the patron saint of human race, there is still an existence named Renzu.

He is the origin of the heavens and human races, the first human race.

Contains infinite mighty power, its will is spread all over the heavens, and the patron saints of many human races created the human race under the guidance of his will.

"I learned from the crystals of good fortune that the ancestors had left a legacy in the great world of Hongmeng. Only by collecting the nine treasures of humanities can it be opened. And this crystal of good fortune in my hand is one of them. …"

After listening to the emperor Wa's narration, the madman Chu's eyes flashed slightly.

The origin of human race, the ancestor of human.

Unexpectedly, the treasure in the hands of Emperor Wa still has such a source.

No wonder the emperor Wa can get this treasure, besides she also practiced the way of good fortune, more importantly, she is one of the patron saints of the human race.

"This crystal of good fortune, you temporarily keep it. As for the inheritance of the human ancestors, if the time comes, it will come into existence."

Madman Chu said.

The situation in the universe is complicated.

Human race, as one of the major forces, is even more so, countless human races have formed countless forces.

But in the final analysis, it is the human race after all, and he will definitely be interested in this person's ancestral heritage. He feels that someone will come to the door.

"I understand."

Wa Huang nodded slightly.

After she left, Madman Chu thought about Renzu for a while.

This matter can't be rushed.

He put it down for now.

"Next, it will gradually develop with the domain as the center."

Madman Chu thought to himself.

However, there are still some things that need to be resolved.

That is the remnant party of the World Exterminating Armed Forces Association.

These people staying in the beacon domain will eventually be a hidden danger.

It must be resolved as soon as possible, and Fengyu will be under complete control.

Thinking of this, when he walked out of the palace, he had to personally go to the headquarters of the World Exterminating Armed Forces Association to completely clean up these remnants.

As soon as he left the palace, he ran into someone head-on.

It was a military disaster.

The other party glanced at him and said lightly: "If I'm going to eradicate the World Martial Arts Association, I'll go with him too, it just happens that my hands are itchy."

"Oh, go with it."


Destroy the world inside the Wuhui.

Fortunately, Long Sha and Lin Sha, who had escaped from the City of Ten Thousand Soldiers, were gathered together, their faces were very ugly, but their eyes faintly revealed fear.

"What should I do now, the warlord is dead, the Madman Chu would not let us go if he wanted to." Lin Sha said with a trembling tone.

"But not only Madman Chu, other forces will not let go of this opportunity to beat the dog in the water if they want to." Long Sha sighed.

In the past, the World Extinguishing Martial Arts Association relied on the presence of a king, but did not do some deception. Now, the World Extinguishing Martial Arts Master is dead, and only two of the Ten Killing Stars remain, and the whole martial art is almost torn apart.

How can those forces that have been bullied ever let go of this opportunity.

It won't be long before the door will be called.

"Damn, what should we do now?"

"Open the things left by the warlord first."

There was hope in Long Sha's eyes.

The World Destroying Martial Master once left a mysterious thing, saying that if he was not there, the Martial Club would encounter a crisis and could take it out.

Now is the time.

The Dragon Killer and Lin Killer came to an underground secret room of the World Destruction Martial Arts Association, and then took out a bronze box.

There are countless mysterious runes engraved on this box, which is mysterious and unpredictable.

The two of them poured all the power of the Great Dao in their bodies into it and opened the box according to the method left by the World Exterminating Warrior. UU reading

I saw a stream of light flying out of the box, turning into a light ball with countless mysterious runes circulating.

"This is... the king's heart!"

Long Sha couldn't help exclaiming.

What is hidden in this box is the heart of the king!

"No, this is not the complete heart of the king, it seems to be incomplete." Long Sha soon discovered the strangeness, and was a little confused.

But the doubts were unresolved, there was a mysterious power in his body that was circling around his limbs, about to break out.

"what happened?"

The expressions of the two changed, but before they could react, their bodies turned into blood mist and exploded with two bangs.

The blood mist was sucked in by the incomplete emperor's heart, and soon there was a figure that condensed into it, and it was the warlord who destroyed the world.

He is not dead yet!


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