Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2004: : 7 color dragon corpse, how could I harm you?

A group of black dragons flew by.

After leaving for a long time, Heilong Mingshang stopped, and looked behind him with lingering fear, "That guy actually came to Dragon Tomb? What is going on, why can he enter the Dragon Tomb by himself?!"

Heilong Mingshang was very puzzled.

"Dragon Lord, what's wrong?"

A black dragon looked at the black dragon and asked.

Heilong Mingshang took a deep breath, "Immediately send a message to my father, telling him that Madman Chu is here in Long Tomb!"

When the dragons heard the words, their pupils shrank.

"The Madman Chu is number one on the avenue list!"

"The Madman Chu with three kings behind him, isn't he a human race? Why can he enter the Dragon Tomb?!"

All dragons are extremely surprised.

On the other hand, Heilong Mingshang showed a smile on his face, "He came just right, then let this dragon mound become his burial place!"

The rest of the black dragons also shined upon hearing the words.

The enmity between Madman Chu and the Dragon Clan was settled. After all, his act of pulling the dragon's tendons was an absolute provocation for the entire Hongmeng Dragon Clan!

Most dragons want to kill him and then hurry up.

This dragon mound, as long as it is not the existence of the dragon clan or the power of the dragon clan, it is impossible to enter, even those who are detached from the king are no exception.

Madman Chu is outside the dragon tomb, and the three kings behind him can't come to rescue at all. There is no better place to kill him than this.

"Hei Xuan, a traitor, can just ignore it and prepare to deal with Madman Chu. You can't let him leave the Dragon Tomb alive."

Heilong said coldly.

"Okay, I'm going to inform the Black Dragon King."

"There are other dragons, let them be prepared."

"Madman Chu, he can't escape this time."

The dragons sneered.


In the dragon mound, the corpse of the dragon floats in the starry sky, exuding a little bit of light, dotted with the starry sky, and that monstrous dragon aura fills every corner of the starry sky.

Madman Chu and Long Jingjing were walking in the starry sky.

According to the guidance in the dark, the two madmen of Chu came to the core area of ​​the dragon tomb. There were not many dragon corpses here, but each one contained an incomparably astonishing dragon energy that far exceeded the rest of the dragon corpses.

Even if they have died for so many years, the bones on their bodies still exudes crystal celestial glory, like indestructible celestial gold.

Those who can be buried here are at least the dragons from the Great Dao to the Holy Realm.


In front of them, a dragon corpse full of colorful fairy radiance floated, and runes flowed around, conveying shocking waves.

With the appearance of this dragon corpse, several dragons with crystal-clear and colorful dragon scales swept over them. This is the line of the colorful heavenly dragon.

"The aura of this dragon corpse is extremely ancient, and the aura on its body even surpasses the ordinary Dao Sovereign. This must be a half-step emperor's dragon corpse who condensed the power of the law before his death!" The dragon clan exclaimed.

"If you can get its inheritance, you will definitely benefit a lot."

There are dragons looting towards this colorful dragon corpse.

But it was bounced off by the power of the rune above.


The inheritance of this dragon corpse does not want to give it to the other party.


"I am also a colorful dragon, why not pass it on to me?"

The colorful Tianlong frowned slightly, very puzzled.

at this time.

The dragon crystal beside Chu Kuangren seemed to sense something, and he walked slowly towards the colorful dragon corpse. When she approached the rune, the rune on it did not resist her, allowing her to enter easily.

Seeing this scene, the rest of the colorful Tianlong frowned slightly.

"This senior Dragon Race has chosen her as the inheritor."

"Why is it like this? She is just a small Hunyuan realm, not even a great road. Why should we pass it on to her?"

Jilong was very puzzled.

The Madman Chu was bright.

"It's not bad to be recognized by this dragon corpse."

I saw Dragon Crystal walk to the front of the dragon corpse and put his hand on the dragon corpse.

The moment of contact.

This colorful dragon corpse buzzed with a shock, and then turned into countless light spots, converging towards the dragon crystal, and was sucked into her body by her.

And in her mind, there was also a lot of information, a powerful dragon power, and her aura rose rapidly like a rocket.

She was originally just Hunyuan Yixuan, but she quickly promoted to Wuxuan.

Actually directly promoted four small levels.

This made her open her mouth wide and felt incredible.

"So strong!"

"Moreover, I feel that this dragon power in my body has not been fully exerted, otherwise, my strength can be improved even more."

The improvement of cultivation is only one aspect.

The most important thing is the various dragon exercises and practice experience in her mind. This is the key to her future practice.

"Damn it, obviously I came first. This inheritance should belong to me." The rejected colorful Tianlong showed unwillingness in the eyes.

He looked at the Dragon Crystal and said proudly: "You are also in the line of the Colorful Heavenly Dragon. I now order you as the young master of the Colorful Heavenly Dragon to hand over the inheritance. I can barely accept you as my personal guard."

ha? ?

Dragon Crystal is a little confused.

She looked at the so-called Young Master Tianlong in front of her like an idiot.

This inheritance is very good. It is impossible for anyone to hand it over easily. After handing it over, you actually want to be a personal guard for someone?

The other party also regarded this as a gift, and at a glance, he knew that it was the kind of pampered guy who hadn't been beaten up.

"The look in your eyes makes me very upset."

The young master of the colorful Tianlong snorted coldly, and the dragon prestige on his body vented out and smashed towards the dragon crystal, with immense power.

His cultivation is far above the Dragon Crystal, the realm of the Great Dao.

"Since you don't want to hand over the inheritance, then I will do it myself."

He grabbed it with one claw. UU reading www.

The colorful dragon qi converges to form a giant claw.

"The one who wants to hurt me, have you ever asked me?"

At this time, a sword aura shot out, easily cut off the dragon claws of the young master of the colorful Tianlong, causing him to let out a miserable howl.

"Little Lord!"

"This kind of breath, Terran?!"

"How come there are human races? Is it the dragon blood race?"

The rest of Tianlong looked at Madman Chu and his expression changed.

"Who are you?!"

Young Master Long asked with his broken arm that day.

"Chu Madman."

"Madman are the one who pulled out the dragon's tendons of the Ancestral Dragon Nebula!"

Young Master Tianlong was so scared that the dragon scales on his body were about to stand up, extremely frightened, the strength of Ancestral Dragon Nebula was far above him.

And Madman Chu was able to pull out the dragon's muscles of the opponent, which was not comparable to him.

"You are a human race, why are you here?!"

Madman Chu didn't reply, just raised his hand, sword energy flowing between his fingers, the other party saw this, without saying anything, and immediately fled.


Sword Qi fell.

No matter how fast the young master Tianlong was, he couldn't get the sword energy fast, and he was directly beheaded.

As for the other dragons, they left quickly.

Long Jingjing glanced at Madman Chu in surprise, "Why didn't you kill the other dragons?"

"They escaped too fast." Madman Chu said lightly.

Long Jing's face was full of disbelief, "No. 1 on the dignified avenue list, can they escape from you? Are you stupid for me? Wait, you did it on purpose!"

She seemed to understand something, staring at Madman Chu, "You deliberately let them leave. You want all the dragon clan to know that I am with you. Do you want me to have no place in the dragon clan?"

"Why? Let's meet each other somehow, how could I harm you like this?" Madman Chu looked at Long Jingjing with extremely sincere eyes.


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