Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2005: : Dragon hunters enter the Dragon Tomb, the forbidden burial area of ​​the Dragon Tom

Dragon Crystal is almost certain.

The other party wanted to leave him alone and helpless among the dragon clan. In this way, he could only rely on Pangu Sect to have a ray of life.

She was so angry that she bit her teeth, but she was helpless.

"Mad Chu, your heart is as dark as ever."

Long Crystal said helplessly.

"I saved you twice in a row. How do you look at me like that, Dragon Crystal, Dragon Crystal, who is this black?" Madman Chu said with emotion.


When Long Jingjing heard this, he couldn't help but bowed his head ashamed. Anyway, it was true that Madman Chu saved her, and it was still twice.

Seeing the passing sadness in Chu Kuangren's eyes, she felt that she had done too much, and she apologized.

"I was wrong, I shouldn't try to figure you out like this."

Perhaps, the other party is not as black-hearted as he thought.

Dragon Crystal thought to himself.

"Fine, I used to be an enemy of Tianyuan Universe, and it is normal for you to have a grudge against you." Madman Chu waved his hand and said.

Then he walked forward.

Looking at his back, Long Jingjing seemed to feel a little depressed.

In my heart, I blamed myself for what I did just now.

She quickly followed.

Madman Chu, Madman Chu, I can't escape your clutches after all...

"It seems that my acting skills are not bad."

Madman Chu noticed the guilty look of Dragon Crystal behind him, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, where there was a half-sorrowful look.

In fact, Dragon Crystal guessed it all right.

I want to let the other party have no foothold in the dragon clan, so that the other party will join the Pangu Sect for their own use.

If it were the previous Dragon Crystal, Madman Chu would not bother with this scheming.

Love to join does not join.

It doesn't matter.

But I got a dragon crystal that was infinitely close to the existence of the monarch realm, and its value was no longer comparable to the previous one.

It is almost certain that it will become a boulevard.

Even if there is a chance, it is not difficult to become the Supreme Master of the Great Dao.

There are not many such talents in Pangu Sect.

Panguzong has just been established, and everything is lacking.

Resources, talents...

He wants it all.

"It feels a bit like being the Sect Master of Xuantian Sect before."

Madman Chu shook his head and smiled.


The entrance to the Dragon Tomb.

Dozens of figures flew in.

These people, each wearing a standard armor, carrying a longbow and various weapons, are dressed in a dragon hunter's line.

"Haha, a lot of dragon corpses."

A dragon hunter looked at the countless dragon corpses in the starry sky, and his eyes could not help showing a strong color of greed. For a dragon hunter, a dragon's corpse was wealth, and the more dragon corpses, the more wealth.

And the starry sky in front of them is the greatest wealth they have ever seen!

"Hey, these stupid dragons, they thought that other people in this dragon tomb would not be able to enter. As everyone knows, we have already converted part of the blood in our body into dragon blood, and entering the dragon tomb is not difficult at all."

"This is due to the Dragon Blood Family."

"Hmph, I'm angry when I talk about this. The dragon blood is disgusting to death. If it weren't for retrieving the gods, I wouldn't want to transplant dragon blood."

A dragon hunter showed disgust on his face.

"Don't talk nonsense. Although there are many dragon corpses in front of us, they are not our goal. Remember, our goal is only one, and that is to get back the ultimate gods belonging to my dragon hunter line... Dragon Blade! "

Speaking of Dragon Blade, the eyes of several dragon hunters were shining.

That is the supreme **** soldier belonging to the line of dragon hunters.

"Many years ago, the dragon hunting blade was taken away by the strong man of the Ancestral Dragon line and brought into this dragon tomb to seal. The dragon hunting man at the time was almost killed and wounded in the line of the dragon hunter, and he was unable to retrieve the gods. After years of recuperation and layout, this time, we must retrieve this magic weapon!"

"Yes, only by retrieving the magic weapon can I reproduce the scenery of my dragon hunter's lineage. We must let the dragon race tremble for us again!"

These dragon hunters have expectations in their eyes.

"Contact Huang Jiulong and ask him how he is now."

"it is good."


Madman Chu didn't know that the dark tide was surging inside this dragon tomb.

According to his inner feelings, he swept towards a certain place.

But at this moment.

When passing by a star, the power of the candle dragon in his body seemed to sense some threat, sending out a kind of restlessness.

"What's happening here?"

Madman Chu was a little surprised.

He looked at the Dragon Crystal next to him, and saw that the opponent's brows were slightly frowned, and he looked at a distant star field, and his eyes also showed disgust.

"What did you sense?"

"A feeling of extreme physical discomfort."

Long Jingjing looked at the distant star field and said.

"It's really interesting."

Madman Chu looked at the distant star field and couldn't help being curious.

"The dragons in front, don't you know that this is the forbidden burial zone of the Dragon Tomb? Go to find opportunities elsewhere, you can't come here." A dragon passed by here and said after seeing the two Dragon Crystals.

Burying the knife domain, back to the forbidden area of ​​the Dragon Tomb?

Madman Chu became more and more interested in this place.

It's a pity that he is now going to find the source of the resonance of the candle dragon's power in his body, and he has no time to explore this burial knife domain.

"Let's go."

Madman Chu and Dragon Crystal were about to leave, and the Dragon Race who came to remind them saw the situation and did not pursue them, so they wanted to explore other places.

He transformed into his original form, a dragon with two wings.

This is Ying Long.

It is an extremely powerful line of dragons.

It can even be compared with Zulong. UU reading

This Yinglong was so fast that he flew far away with a swish, but suddenly an arrow burst out of the air and pierced Yinglong's neck.


Ying Long let out a scream.

Then he fell on a star and gradually lost his breath of life.

Not far away, Madman Chu, Long Jingjing couldn't help being surprised when he saw this.

I saw a group of people flying not far away.

One of them, holding a longbow in his hand, had an extremely overbearing aura. Obviously, it was this person who shot Ying Long with an arrow just now.

"It's a dragon hunter!"

Dragon Crystal's pupils shrink slightly.

While Madman Chu raised his hands, Hunyuan crystal stones swept out, turning into a formation around them, hiding the two of them in it.

The dragon hunter glanced at the discovery where the two madmen Chu were, but only saw a void, and couldn't find them at all.

"What's the matter? What about those two guys just now?"

He was a little puzzled.

He clearly saw that there were two other people with Ying Long just now.

"It should be scared away."

A young man walked over slowly, and he glanced at Ying Long's eyebrows on the ground and frowned, "If you rush to make a move, what if you attract other dragons?"

"Hey, the three big dragons, Black Dragon, Yinglong, and Zulong, among the dragons, these three have the highest value. Once I have seen it, how could I miss it?" The dragon hunter laughed and then took out one. A knife.

He slashed out with a few knives, and began to deboning that Yinglong's skin cramps. The technique was extremely skillful. Obviously it was not the first time to do this.

The Dragon Crystal hidden in the formation saw this scene, only to feel extremely sick, his fists clenched, and his teeth were gritted with anger, "Damn!"

"Calm down and see what they are going to do."

Madman Chu said calmly.

He didn't think there was anything, he even pulled out the dragon tendons by himself.

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