Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2006: : The dragon hunter who transplanted dragon blood

"Dragon hunter, how can you enter the Dragon Tomb?"

Madman Chu had some doubts.

"Master, these are not ordinary dragon hunters. They have dragon energy in their bodies. It is estimated that they have been transplanted with dragon blood."

"Oh, the dragon hunter actually transplanted dragon blood?"

Madman Chu was a little surprised.

According to him, the dragon hunters and the dragon clan are not at odds with each other, and they are almost incompatible with each other.

They hunted the dragons and disassembled their bodies in exchange for belongings.

Treat the dragons just like mortals treat livestock.

As a dragon hunter, transplanting dragon blood is like a mortal replacing his blood with pig blood and chicken blood.

They don't want to do this kind of thing at all.

"Interesting, don't hesitate to transplant dragon blood, but also enter this dragon tomb. What is their purpose? This makes me curious."

Madman Chu was watching these people nearby.

It was discovered that the purity of the dragon blood in the dragon hunter was not high, far inferior to other people, especially a young man in a yellow robe. The purity of the dragon blood on his body made people almost think that he was a dragon. .

Still a very high-level dragon.

But in essence, it is a human being.

According to the conversations of these people, these people came from a dragon blood family named Huang Family, and the young man with the highest dragon blood purity was named Huang Jiulong. Madman Chu remembered seeing this name there.

"Hmm... I remember, the tenth place on the Human Race God's Son List."

He has seen the list of gods.

Although it was only a rough scan, I still remembered a rough idea.

In addition, he seemed to sense a peculiar aura in Huang Jiulong's body, which made the power of the candle dragon in his body respond.


At this time, one by one dragon hunters came from a distance and was able to enter the dragon tomb, proving that they had all transplanted dragon blood.

"This is the Burial Sword Domain..."

All the dragon hunters looked at the star field in front of them, looking forward to it.

"Yes, my ancestors from the Huang family have entered the Dragon Tomb several times and judged that this is the most likely thing you want."

Huang Jiulong said lightly.

"My dragon hunter's supernatural army is buried here!"

The headed dragon hunter is a vigorous old man. His cultivation has reached the supreme Dao Dao, and he is the strongest person present.

He looked at the burial knife domain with fiery eyes, "Go, go and retrieve my dragon hunter's supreme warrior, and reshape the glory of my dragon hunting line!"

Everyone flashed, and swept toward the depths of the Burial Sword Region.

Hearing their conversation, Madman Chu's eyes couldn't help but shine.

Extremely magical soldier!

He has only heard of Chaos Supreme Treasure and Hongmeng Supreme Treasure, but this is the first time he has heard of the Supreme Dao Divine Weapon, and it is known as the Supreme Dao. It must be something at the same level as the Supreme Dao Cultivation Technique, and its value is above the Hongmeng Supreme Treasure. what!

There are not even a few kings.

And an extremely precious soldier that is more precious than Hongmeng Supreme Treasure...

This kind of treasure, the king will be eager to flock!

"I didn't expect this kind of windfall."

Madman Chu was a little excited.

He temporarily gave up looking for the source that resonated with the power of the candle dragon, and took the dragon crystal towards the depths of the burial knife.

An extremely magical soldier, this is not to be missed.


"I always feel something is wrong."

Among the dragon hunters, the great master with the strongest cultivation base called the Seven Evil Venerable, his brows frowned, and he felt a little uneasy.

"what happened?"

The rest of the dragon hunters are a little curious.

"I don't know, but I just feel something is wrong."

"It must be your long-cherished wish for many years, and it is about to be fulfilled, so that's why you can't help but think about it." Huang Jiulong said lightly, a strange color flashed across his eyes.

"It's not like that." Venerable Qisha rubbed his eyebrows, "I feel like someone is following us."


Huang Jiulong released his immortal knowledge and kept sweeping around.

The others also began to search around.

But I didn't notice it at all.

"In addition to us, in this burial knife realm, where will anyone come here? Venerable thought a lot." Huang Jiulong said.

"Yes, this is the forbidden area of ​​Dragon Tomb. Where can dragons come here, and the humans who come here, except us, will have no one else."

The other dragon hunters also said.

Venerable Qisha also swept across the starry sky with immortal consciousness over and over again, and gradually breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that no one was following.

"It seems that I was really over-concerned, but everyone should be careful."

"it is good."

The Dragon Crystal, who was following the crowd, saw everything. He glanced at Madman Chu with a weird expression, and asked curiously: "When will you deploy the formation? And the hidden effect of this formation is so good, even the Great Dao. I can't even detect any clues."

Madman Chu said lightly: "It will always be."


He has always been able to set up an array, but not long ago, after obtaining the inheritance of a super god-level array mage, his level has improved several levels.

In the inheritance of that formation mage, there are various formations.

The formation that Madman Chu is currently setting up is called the Great Formation of Hidden Sky, and it is a formation specially used to conceal whereabouts.

As long as some Hunyuan spar, or the source of the avenue, it can be arranged.

If the materials are sufficient, he can even lay out a great array of secrets that even the emperor can't find them, let alone a great master.

Long Jingjing nodded, "Yes, you set up a big formation on the Void Battlefield, and you killed Emperor Feng before you even advanced to Hunyuan."

What she said was of course that Zeguo's battle plan was in great battle.

That formation can be said to be one of the key factors for the Madman Chu to lead the Pangu Universe to defeat the Tianyuan Universe. UU reading www.

Madman Chu now has the inheritance of a super god-level formation mage, and has comprehended countless formations, but still has not found a formation that can be compared with it.

It can be seen that the battle map of Ze Kingdom has become more advanced, and the power of the formation used in the void battlefield in the past is far from all of it.

"They seem to have found their destination."

Long Jingjing said suddenly.

I saw the dragon hunter and Huang Jiulong and others came to a huge star, and there lay a huge dragon corpse.

The bones of this dragon corpse are tens of thousands of miles long, and at the place of the dragon's head, it is placed on an altar with a crimson long knife that is as high as ten thousand feet.

The altar is engraved with countless mysterious runes, forming a layer of restrictions, suppressing the scarlet long knife, and countless chains tied to the huge long knife, even the dragon spirit of the dragon corpse is concentrated in this sacrifice On stage.

"Altar, chains, dragon energy, triple seal, just to suppress a knife, this knife is indeed extraordinary." Madman Chu murmured.

He could clearly perceive that the dragon corpse in front of him was an ancestral dragon before his death.

And it is still very likely to reach the king-level ancestral dragon.

Its dragon aura is mixed with the breath of law.

Such an emperor ancestral dragon has set up numerous methods to seal the giant sword in this dragon tomb. It can be seen how much the other party does not want this sword to appear in the world, and has been afraid of this sword for many years and has resurfaced.

"What an uncomfortable knife."

Long Jingjing frowned.

The source of the aura that made her very uncomfortable in the burial knife domain came from this knife, as if this knife was the nemesis of the dragon clan.

"Dragon Blade, finally found it!"

"Great, recast the glory of the dragon hunter, just today!"

Venerable Qisha and other dragon hunters looked at this huge sword with great excitement.

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