Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2007: : The Dragon Blade breaks the seal, the abnormal transformation regenerates, the yello

"Years ago, the rise of the dragon clan slaughtered my dragon hunters, and brought my dragon hunter supreme soldier into the dragon mound, trying to use the special nature of the dragon mound to make this **** soldier never live."

"But Dragon Clan, you underestimated my determination to hunt the dragon!"

"In order to enter the Dragon Tomb and retrieve the sacred soldiers, we are willing to transplant your dirty dragon blood. Today, we finally have to get what we wanted!"

Venerable Qisha said excitedly, and then, he was holding a sword made of dragon bones, and slashed out towards the dragon-slashing blade in front of him.

The huge sword aura turned across the air, and the momentum was amazing.

But with a bang.

The sword gas dissipated, but the altar remained unscathed.

He actually failed to break even the outermost dragon energy.

"Shoot together."

A dragon hunter said.

Everyone shot together, hunting the dragon's move, frantic eruption.

But it can't break the outer dragon gas.

Not to mention, damaging the altar, breaking the chain, and releasing the Dragon Blade.

"Oh, the seal set by this king-level ancestor dragon is indeed amazing, but unfortunately, we came prepared." Venerable Qisha smiled lightly.

He raised his hand and took out a blood-red bead.

Hang this bead on the top of the Dragon Blade.

Immediately afterwards, a large amount of turbid liquid poured out from the beads. This liquid contained a dragon gas. This was... dragon blood! A lot of dragon blood!

These dragon blood poured down like a waterfall. Since it was dragon blood, it came from the same source as the dragon energy, so the dragon energy did not hinder it.

A large amount of dragon energy was poured on the Dragon Slashing Blade instantly.


A wave of strange blood radiated from the body of the Dragon Slashing Blade, and the body of the blade turned into a whirlpool, swallowing a large amount of dragon blood.

"Ha, this Dragon Slashing Blade is made of the essence of ten thousand dragons. As long as the dragon blood is used as a guide, it can stimulate its power. In the face of the supreme power of the Dragon Slashing Blade, this small seal can be regarded as what?"

Venerable Qisha laughed, admiring the power of Dragon Blade.

As the amount of dragon blood absorbed continued to increase, the blood light on the Dragon Blade became stronger and stronger, and an astonishing breath spread out.

Several hours later.

The dragon's blood is still pouring, like the Yangtze River, surging endlessly.

The madman of Chu couldn't help but be amazed.

It had to be how many dragons were killed and how much blood was taken.


At this moment, I saw the Dragon Slashing Blade vibrated crazily, countless sword qi interweaving and flowing on it, and the void here was torn apart by that sword qi crazily.

Everyone felt palpitations at this power, and even Venerable Qisha, who admired the Dragon Blade, felt his scalp tingling.

This is a peerless soldier!

Clang, clang...

At this time, the golden chains on Zhanlongblade's body shattered spontaneously.

Cracks began to appear in the entire altar.


At this time, a dragon roar echoed.

I saw that the tens of thousands of miles long dragon corpse seemed to be alive, and let out a low growl. The huge dragon aura condensed into a ferocious dragon, tying the dragon-slashing blade tightly, and actually wanted to squeeze it. Suppress again.

"It's useless, even if you are strong before you are alive, how can you suppress the Dragon Slashing Blade that **** enough dragon blood with your remaining dragon energy?"

Venerable Qisha smiled.


Before long, the golden dragon energy began to disintegrate under the sharp edge of the dragon blade, and finally disappeared completely.

The horrible sword aura poured out, and the huge dragon corpse tens of thousands of miles long was torn and shattered under the raging sword aura.

Eventually turned into a piece of bones.

Dragon Blade completely broke through the seal.

The huge blade of the sword gradually shrank.

In the end, it turned into a four-foot long red long knife covered with fine dragon scale patterns, and an astonishing suffocating aura wrapped around the blade.

A dragon hunter couldn't wait to go up and get this dragon blade.

But there was a tear.

There was an incomparable scorching temperature from his palm, his palm was burnt black by the dragon blade, and he couldn't help making a scream.

"What's the matter, why can't I get the Dragon Slashing Blade?!"

"Fool, don't forget, Dragon Slashing Blade is the nemesis of the dragon race, and we now have dragon blood transplanted in our body, how can we touch Dragon Slashing Blade."

Venerable Qisha coldly snorted, he took out a bronze iron box, and squeezed the technique, saw the dragon blade flying into the iron box by itself.

"That's it."

Venerable Qisha said.

Within the formation.

Madman Chu chuckled, "It seems it's time for me to play."

But before he could move, the sudden change occurred.

I saw the dragon hunters suddenly fell to the ground in pain.

"what happened?"

"The dragon blood in my body is actually boiling, so hot, so hot, and the internal organs seem to be burned to death by this dragon blood."

"Is it made by Dragon Blade?"

"No, the Dragon Slashing Blade is now a masterless thing, no one manipulates to stimulate its power, how can it have such an impact on us."

Everyone was puzzled.

But Venerable Qisha thought of something, and looked at Huang Jiulong who was standing not far away intact, "You did it!"

"Ha, you guessed it."

Huang Jiulong chuckled, "The dragon blood in your body, UU Reading is transplanted to you by our Huang family, do you really think we don't do anything?"

"You made hands and feet in the dragon's blood?"

"Ha, you dragon hunters are so familiar with the dragon clan, if we do anything with dragon blood, you can naturally see it, so we didn't do anything." Huang Jiulong smiled faintly.

In him, a huge dragon is constantly strengthening.

With this dragon power, the blood of the dragon hunters couldn't help but give birth to a sense of surrender. Venerable Qisha was shocked, "The blood is suppressed!"

"Yes, it is the simplest bloodline suppression. The reason why you are like this is just because my bloodline is above you!"

Huang Jiulong stood with his hand holding his hand, the blood flowing in his body, arrogant and domineering, like a lofty dragon king!

"How is it possible? How can your dragon blood be so strong that even the Ancestral Dragon line cannot form such a strong suppression of other dragon races. What is your dragon blood... Wait, it is the blood of the candle dragon!"

Venerable Qisha wanted to understand what he was even more shocked.

"Ha, Venerable Qisha is really knowledgeable. I, Huang Jiulong, is the first person in the Dragon King universe dragon blood family to awaken the blood of the candle dragon as a human race!" Huang Jiulong said loudly.

Candle Dragon, the most powerful existence among the dragons.

It is the origin of the dragon clan.

Even among the dragons, the probability of being able to give birth to the candle dragon is extremely small, and now Huang Jiulong has awakened the blood of the candle dragon with the body of the human race!

This shocked Venerable Qisha and others.

Madman Chu in the formation also showed a strange color, "This thing is getting more and more interesting, and even the blood of the candle dragon has appeared. No wonder I always feel that he gives me a different feeling. in this way."

He had the power of the candle dragon in his body, and he reacted to the blood of the candle dragon, which made sense.

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