Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2007: : If you have a hand, you will kill 7-color Tianlong warrior, Wanlong Great Array

Within the dragon clan, there are countless practices.

Among them, the power of a few secret tricks is the most terrifying. Among the dragons, there are almost a handful of them that can comprehend and practice.

The Dragon God Battle World is one of them.

Its level belongs to the practice method of the Hongmeng level.

"He has such a thorough understanding of the Dragon Clan practice, he must be eradicated, otherwise there will be endless troubles in the future!"


The hearts of several warriors were terrified to the Madman Chu.

A human race has mastered the power of dragons more advanced than them, and has also used various dragon training methods to perfection.

This is simply incredible.

If this person is not removed, the threat to the dragon is too great.

"Such a powerful impact, even him, I am afraid..."

The Zulong warlord also wanted to say that under this kind of impact, the madman Chu's cultivation base would not die, but he couldn't help but shrink his pupils before he could say anything.

I saw the smoke dispersed.

A figure shrouded in endless fairy glory emerged.

A dragon circulates in the air and is extremely powerful and overbearing.

Vaguely, there seemed to be mysterious lines flowing in the dragon's breath.

It is Chu Madman.

And he didn't seem to have suffered any injuries.

The breath is calm, the white clothes are still there, there is not even a trace of blood, where they look like them, covered in cuts and bruises, blood dripping, and extremely embarrassed.

"This, how is this possible?!"

General Zulong's tone trembled.

The others also felt unbelievable.

You know, they are not ordinary Dao Supremes, they can't hurt a Chu Madman, a Dao Zhishen when they shoot together?

This is also incredible.

"Ha, how can it be impossible?"

Madman Chu chuckled lightly and looked at the soldiers in front of him, his eyes calm and deep, and the dark golden light faintly revealed, shocking people's hearts.

"Dragon Pattern Sky Armor!"

Ying Longzhan noticed the lines in the dragon gas circulating around the madman Chu, and he couldn't help but shake his body. This is another dragon clan's strongest secret technique.

These secret techniques, even they can't.

"Mad Chu, how did you learn these secret techniques?"

Qi Cai Tianlong could not help but ask.

There was jealousy in his eyes.

As a warrior of the dragon race, he has practiced for many years, but the cultivation method he knows is not as good as that of the Chu Kuangren, and he is more proficient.

The dragon clan supreme secret technique possessed by the opponent, he even knows nothing.

This is called him, how can he not be jealous? !

"Secret technique?"

"This can also be called a secret technique, isn't it possible to have a hand for something so simple?" Chu Kuangren said with a faint smile.

Hearing his words, Colorful Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, and then all the dragons including him were furious.

Will you have a hand?

What does this guy think of their Dragon Clan practice? !

The dragons were furious, the colorful Heavenly Dragon warlord's figure flashed, and once again blasted towards the Madman Chu, the dragon gas in his body gushing out frantically.

The rest of the warriors also shot again.

The Madman Chu stood in the air, and between raising his hands, the power of the candle dragon was urged to the extreme, and another dragon clan secret technique roared out.

"Ten Thousand Dragons Howl!"

I saw that the dragon energy on his body was like a flood of waves, turning into a dragon-shaped energy, which contained the waves of his body spreading out.

Wanlong's roar echoed across the world.

Under this impact, the Six Great Wars will be blasted out one after another, vomiting blood, and the dragon body of the colorful Tianlong warlord is even more blasted.

Almost dying!

This move, overwhelming the six generals, the madman of Chu, shakes the world.

It shocked countless dragons even more.

With stronger dragon aura and more subtle dragon practice, countless dragons really feel Chu Madman at this moment is the supreme king of ten thousand dragons.

One heart trembled.


Madman Chu came to the dying battle general of the colorful Tianlong, raised his hand and threw a punch, smashing the opponent's head in front of the dragons.

"Colorful warrior!"

"Damn it!"

After seeing this scene, the rest of the war will gritted their teeth with anger.

But there is no alternative.

The strength of Madman Chu made them feel horrified.

"How is the preparation of Wanlong Great Array."

General Zulong said loudly.

High in the sky, dozens of Dragon Clan avenue monks are leading these countless dragons in formation. A powerful formation is gradually taking shape.

"The arrangement is complete!"

A dragon roared loudly.

The moment the formation is completed.

Seeing a shock in the void, an invisible force field spread out, completely enveloped Madman Chu, and extremely violent dragon energy circulated around.

Madman Chu clearly saw that, under the connection of the formation, the dragon qi of the countless dragon races actually converged with each other, endlessly.

Thousands of dragon shadows were condensed, completely surrounding the Mad Man of Chu.

The huge pressure enveloped him.

The Six Great Wars will contain the madman of Chu.

The rest of the dragons are preparing to trap and kill him.

"Oh, is this your hole card?"

Madman Chu faced the suppression of the large array, still without the slightest panic on his face.

From start to finish, he was very calm.

"Chu madman, this Ten Thousand Dragons Formation is the strongest formation of my dragon clan. In order to kill you this time, with the formation of thousands of dragons, you can't escape!"

The Zulong warlord said coldly.

Then, he supported the wounded body, quickly retreated, and merged into the formation.

The rest of the warriors also joined the ranks of the formation.

With the addition of the Dragon Clan warlords, the power of this formation has once again increased by another level, and the violent Dragon Power has continuously distorted and collapsed the starry sky.

Formed a void zone.

In the world, only Madman Chu was left to face this most powerful formation.

In front of tens of thousands of huge dragon shadows, UU read www.uukanshu. com he really seems too small, like a dust in the sky and the earth.

"The fusion of the power of the candle dragon in the body and the dragon soul has gradually reached the final juncture." Madman Chu thought of the situation in his body.

In the past three years, in addition to studying the practice of the dragon clan, he has also been observing the degree of fusion between the power of the candle dragon and the dragon soul.

He found that the more he used dragon energy, the faster the two merged, which was one of the reasons why he had always used dragon energy against the enemy.

"In the face of the Ten Thousand Dragons Formation, you dare to be cloned, Madman Chu, you are too arrogant!" Commander Zu Long's voice sounded.

In the next instant, the big formation started to move.

The terrifying dragon gas turned into a giant dragon and bit away at the madman of Chu.

The overbearing power is extremely terrifying.

Madman Chu didn't retreat, he blasted out with a punch, which was also an astonishing dragon aura. Under the impact of the two forces, Madman Chu retreated hundreds of feet.

This is the first time he has been blasted back.

When the Zulong general saw this, he couldn't help but shine.

"Haha, Madman Chu, you are not invincible after all!"

After speaking, they are fully operating the formation.

A dragon shadow formed by the condensation of countless dragon dragon qi flies up and down in the void, constantly bombarding the madman of Chu.

"Ten Thousand Dragons Howl!"

Madman Chu continued to use dragon energy, and tens of thousands of dragon shadows burst out of him, impacting in all directions.

But after the impact, Madman Chu was still at a disadvantage.

The strength of thousands of dragons is too terrifying.

"Crazy Chu, let me die!" The Ancestral Dragon warlord roared, and the boundless dragon aura gathered into a huge shadow of the Ancestral Dragon hundreds of thousands of miles long.

"There are too many people who want to kill me, are you qualified?"

Madman Chu said indifferently.

Immediately afterwards, I saw him make an unexpected move.

The dragon gas was dissipated.


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