Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2008: : The Black Dragon King came, stepped on the minefield, you underestimated me

Within the Ten Thousand Dragons Formation, Madman Chu took the initiative to dissipate his dragon energy.

This made the dragons extremely surprised.

But then, they ignored that much.

"You know you are going to die, so don't you plan to resist?"

"Haha, Madman Chu, but so!"


Thousands of dragon races condensed the monstrous dragon gas into a shadow of an ancestral dragon that was hundreds of thousands long, biting away towards the madman Chu.

How terrifying is the power of the thousands of dragons?

I saw the shadow of the dragon passing by, the universe was turbulent, the yin and yang reversed chaos, the earth, wind, water and fire were even more chaotic, the world was shattered, and everything turned into nothingness.

This is a blow of absolute destruction!

The Madman Chu in front of this blow was extremely small.

Smaller than dust.

It seems that Long Ying only needs to breathe, and he will be annihilated.

"This sword, break the formation!"

The madman Chu gave a soft cry, like a thunder on the ground, blowing up thousands of waves.

The next moment.

Hundreds of millions of celestial brilliance bloomed on his body, the dazzling light, as if to shine all over the world, the dust-like body, blooming with the most dazzling brilliance.

An infinite and sharp aura is even more overwhelming, filling the entire Ten Thousand Dragons Formation, an aura of destruction, instantly locking all the dragons.


A crisp sword chant echoed.

Kunwu had been held by the madman of Chu, the boundless sword light bloomed, the sword body trembled, and the sound of the sword chants became more and more high-pitched, seeming to be extremely excited.

"Sword, twenty-three!"

Madman Chu held Kunwu in his hand, and the avenue in his body was boiling, and he slashed a sword towards the giant dragon. It was a sword that would destroy the world!

It is a sword born specifically for the attack!

It is the supreme kendo ultimate move of the Human Sacred Land Sword and Shrine!

This sword was used by Absolute Sword against him in Wanbing City in the past, and it was broken by him, but Absolute Sword used twenty-three swords, which was incomplete.

It can even be said to be fur.

And now the twenty-three swords displayed by the madman of Chu have fully grasped the essence of this move, and its power is not the same as the absolute sword.

Just a sword.

But it seemed that there were billions of sword qi bursting out.

Converging and circulating in the void, and then condensed into a billions of feet of shocking sword shadow, a terrifying sword intent of destruction, covering the world.

It seems to destroy everything and exterminate everything!

The sword collided with the dragon.

With a bang, the world exploded fiercely.

Yin and Yang are in chaos, and the universe is reversed.

The world is out of order, as if to return to chaos.

The vast expanses of void shattered, dragon energy and sword energy violently moving in all directions, impacting the entire Ten Thousand Dragons Array.

Under this extreme impact, the tens of thousands of dragon clan couldn't stabilize the entire formation at all, and was even more bitten by the force of the impact.

Although there are tens of millions of dragons to share, but the dragons who have not cultivated enough to exist in the great realm, at this moment, have turned into blood mist and exploded.

The warlord carried most of this impact. Except for the Ancestral Dragon Warlord and the Black Dragon Warlord, the other three warlords exploded on the spot!

"What kind of swordsmanship is this?!"

The Black Dragon warlord looked at the chaotic energy center, his eyes full of horror.

Whoosh! !

at this time.

In that energy center, another sword qi burst out.

Lock on the Black Dragon Warrior!

"not good!"

The Black Dragon warlord's face changed and he wanted to resist, but in his current situation, half of his body was still cut off by this sword aura.

I saw a figure slowly walking out of the violent energy turbulence.

It is Chu Madman.

Under the extreme impact just now, his current breath seemed a bit disordered and he was injured a bit, but it didn't look serious.

He held Kunwu in his hand, and there was a faint golden light gleaming in his eyes.

Step by step.

It's like a **** of death who suppressed the era with the way of killing.

This made the surviving dragons horrified.

Most of the tens of thousands of dragons who laid the Ten Thousand Dragons Formation were dead, and the Sixth World War will almost die, but the Mad Man of Chu is still alive and well.

The mentality of these dragon races almost collapsed. How much they hated Mad Man Chu before, how much fear they have now.


"Can such a person really be defeated?!"

"He, he is the disaster of the dragon clan, the nemesis of the dragon clan!"

General Zulong looked at Madman Chu with a gloomy expression, "How can there be a monster like you in this world?!"

Madman Chu reminded him of a line of dragon hunters.

That line brought a period of darkness to the Dragon Clan, but now he felt that Madman Chu might bring another period of darkness to the Dragon Clan.


Madman Chu felt that the fusion of the power of the candle dragon and the dragon soul in his body had been completely completed, and that brand new power was about to explode.

He has no time to continue entangled with these dragons here.

He finds a place to study this new force.

But just when he was about to slay the Ancestral Dragon Warrior, outside of the Dragon Tomb, a sky-reaching dragon finger fell and pointed towards Madman Chu.

"this is……"

Madman Chu's eyes condensed, and he immediately turned to attack the target.

The sword light from the long sword slammed into the dragon's fingers, and the huge force shattered the sword light and knocked Madman Chu into the air.

"Master, the king!!"

Xiao Ai's solemn voice sounded in his mind.

"Oh, this kind of power can only be used by the king."

Madman Chu felt his chest stuffy, and he felt he was about to vomit blood.

The king's blow is no small matter.

He looked at the entrance of the dragon tomb, and saw a huge black dragon head poking in, the overbearing aura of destruction enveloped most of the dragon tomb.

This is a real king.

It is not comparable to the remnant souls of the kings in the dragon soul world.

"Black Dragon King..." Madman Chu whispered.

According to his location, in addition to the Ancestral Dragon King, there is another king in the Hongmeng Dragon Clan, that is, the Black Dragon King. As for whether there are other hidden kings, outsiders don't know, but Chu Madman feels that there should be.

But these are not what he wants to think about now.

The most important thing now is to find a way to deal with the Black Dragon millions of dragons, you have lost your helmet and armor. Madman Chu, you are worthy of even the King Lan. "

The Black Dragon King spoke lightly.

I saw Xianhui flowing around him, turning into a human form.

This is a tall middle-aged man wearing a black robe with black dragon horns on his head, and a destructive aura surging all over his body.

"Oh, you are the Black Dragon King who was stepped on by King Lan?"

Madman Chu said lightly.

The voice just fell.

The whole audience was silent.

All the dragons looked at Madman Chu and took a breath of air in fright. They looked at the black dragon king whose face had become gloomy, and his scalp was numb.

In the Dragon Clan, everyone knows that King Lan is a name that cannot be mentioned.

Especially in the line of Black Dragon.

This incident has always been a pain in the heart of the Black Dragon King.

Who dares to mention, that is seeking a dead end.

And now, Madman Chu exposed his scars as soon as he opened his mouth, without half a dirty word, but directly caused tons of psychological damage to the Black Dragon King.

This wave directly stepped on the minefield of the Black Dragon King.

"Crazy Chu, I wanted you to die a little faster, but now I decided to crush your bones inch by inch, strip your flesh and blood away, and burn your soul on the dragon's breath. Ten thousand years!"

The tone of the Black Dragon King was extremely cold.

The world is like falling in the severe cold, and many dragons are all over the body.

Only Madman Chu looked indifferent, "Do you have this ability?"

"Hahaha, Madman Chu, see clearly, this is the Dragon Tomb. It is the Dragon Clan, and the king can't enter. The King Lan, the King of Devil, or the Goddess of Light, they can't save you!!" The Black Dragon King laughed. road.

"You made a mistake."

Madman Chu looked at the Black Dragon King calmly, "I, never need to be rescued, you, far underestimate me!"


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