Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2009: : Incarnation of the original candle dragon, the joy of the demon king

"You, far underestimate me."

Madman Chu said lightly.

As soon as the voice fell, he saw an extremely surging energy fluctuation suddenly burst out of his body, and a huge suction exploded from his body.

The aura within hundreds of millions of miles swept away crazy toward him!

The power of the stars, even the dragon corpses turned into billions of **** spots, frantically gathered towards Madman Chu.

"The power of devouring all souls and all things, this is the technique of swallowing the sky!"

The pupils of the Black Dragon King shrank.

How could he be unclear about this method.

Because this is the practice method created by King Lan!

Back then, King Lan almost smashed his dragon head by virtue of this practice method, stomping him severely under his feet.

Now, seeing Madman Chu performing this practice, he seemed to recall the battle that he thought was the shame of the dragon.

A pair of dragon eyes gradually dissipated the extremely tyrannical aura!

"King Chu, you are not King Lan after all, even if you use this sky-swallowing technique, how much can you improve?!"

The Black Dragon King roared.

I saw him raising his hand and blasting out, and the power of the law of destruction rushed out directly, the powerful force shattered thousands of voids.

With this sky-swallowing technique, the Madman Chu, whose strength has skyrocketed wildly, shook hands with Zhong Kun Wu, and fought with one sword, which was the twenty-three sword!


The sword aura full of destruction and the dragon aura full of destruction blasted together.

Jian Qi ran and tore around.

Dragon Qi boiled and collapsed in all directions.

But a ray of law burst out of the air, blasted on Madman Chu, knocked him out, and smashed dozens of stars one after another.


Demon territory.

Inside a gorgeous palace.

The devil king was dressed in a black dress, with a graceful figure leaning against the throne. She held a wine glass in her hand, which contained a red blood-like mellow wine, drunk and dim, and very lazy.

A few succubuses were waiting beside them.

The Grand Duke of Succubus was among them.

As a half-step king, she now stands beside the demon king, with a low eyebrow, like a maid.


Suddenly, the Demon King seemed to sense something, and a hint of coldness flashed across the only right eye, and a ray of coercion spread.

Several succubuses around, their bodies trembled.

Fortunately, this wisp of coercion came quickly, and it was collected quickly.

Otherwise, these succubuses would be scared and fainted on the spot.

"I don't know what happened, making Wang so unhappy."

Succubus Grand Duke asked curiously.

"It's Madman Chu, he's in a dangerous situation now, there is a little king who doesn't open his eyes, and he's looking for trouble now."

The Demon King said calmly.

"The king? Who?"

"The environment he is in is very special, it's a peculiar space created by man, and the atmosphere inside is...found, it's Dragon Tomb."

"It seems to be from the Dragon Race." The Succubus Grand Duke thoughtfully.

"Yes, Dragon Clan, they don't seem to take my words to heart." The corner of the Devil King's mouth was slightly raised, like a sneer and a sneer.

"Dragon Tomb, as far as I know, if it is not for the Dragon Clan, even the king can't enter this Dragon Tomb." said the Succubus Grand Duke.

"Indeed, that dragon mound was opened by the original candle dragon, and it really takes a lot of effort to get in." The Devil King said lightly.

Is it just a matter of effort?

The succubus Grand Duke's heart shuddered, and he became more and more in awe of the Demon King.

"Then king, are you going to save the madman Chu?"

"Oh, don't worry."

The Demon King shook the wine glass in his hand and smiled softly: "With my eye in it, even if he is beaten and his body dies away, I still have a way to keep him. What I am more interested in now is to face one King, to what extent can he do it, besides..."

A wicked smile appeared on her face, "I would be happy to make this little guy feel bad."

Although she loves Madman Chu very much, she doesn't want to protect each other all the time. What she wants is brave fighters.

Even the comrades in arms who can fight with her in the future.

Not a delicate flower that only lives under the shelter of her wings.


Within the Dragon Tomb.

The king's blow once again caused Madman Chu to fly backwards.

The Black Dragon King sneered: "I said, you are not King Lan, how can you compete with the king even if you use the technique of swallowing the sky?!"

In the smoke and dust, Madman Chu slowly walked out and patted his chest.

Although he was bombarded with a blow, he was not seriously injured.

"I also said that you underestimated me far."

"Boy, I want to see how you can beat me!"

The Black Dragon King let out a cold snort and punched again.

The power of the overbearing Dao laws converged, turning into a majestic Dragon Qi Fist and swept towards the Mad Man Chu, destroying everything wherever he went!

Facing this power, the dark golden glow in Madman Chu's eyes became more and more prosperous. Gradually, a dragon aura escaped from him.

The brand new candle dragon power in his body could no longer be suppressed.

"Since you can't suppress it, let's explode to your heart's content!"

Madman Chu is no longer suppressed.

In an instant, the power of the candle dragon erupted and wandered around his body. On the surface of his body, pieces of scarlet dragon scales were looming.

On his face, a white mask made of keel emerged.

This mask covered most of Madman Chu's face, with a strange and mysterious golden pattern engraved on it. UU reading

These lines are symmetrical on both sides, and finally meet in Madman Chu's eyes that have been completely transformed into dark gold.


At the moment when the face of the candle dragon was condensed, an extremely terrifying dragon aura containing scarlet flames swept out, disintegrating the Black Dragon King's attack.

The boundless flame burns.

In the end, the crimson flames converged on Madman Chu, combined with the looming dragon scale pattern, and turned into a close-fitting dragon scale battle armor!

"this is…"

The Black Dragon King's pupils shrank, looking at the Madman Chu with golden eyes on the dragon scale bone face at this moment, he actually felt an uneasy shudder.

This feeling is like a weak animal in nature facing a more advanced beast. This is the suppression of the life level!

"Candle Dragon!"

The Black Dragon King recognized Chu Madman's breath and couldn't help being shocked.

Especially when I saw the bony face of the opponent's face, I was even more reminded of the original candle dragon recorded in the dragon clan classics!

Candle dragon, human face and snake body.

Different candle dragons have different human faces.

And now the bone face covering the face of Madman Chu is very similar to the human face of the original candle dragon recorded in the dragon clan classics!

"What's going on, he is a human race, how can he incarnate into the original candle dragon?! This, what is going on?!"

The Black Dragon King was dumbfounded, and this kind of thing in front of him was beyond his imagination.

And on the other side.

Inside the Demon Palace, the wine glass in the hands of the Demon King fell to the ground with a clang, as if he was shocked by something.

"Hehe, hehe..."

Immediately, she couldn't help laughing cheerfully, "It's funny, it's so funny, the original candle dragon, I said why you want to open a dragon mound for no reason, it turned out to be like this..."

"Mad Chu, you are so funny..."

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