Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2001: : Dragon Tomb Dragon Qi blessing, Candle Dragon Eye, Fierce Battle of the Black Drago

Within the Dragon Tomb.

Madman Chu no longer suppressed the brand new candle dragon power.

In an instant, the power of the candle dragon wandered around, the scales of the dragon appeared, the bones were condensed, and the fire of the candle dragon surrounded the Madman Chu, burning blazingly.

A terrifying and terrifying dragon erupted, shocking all directions.

The terrifying coercion caused all the dragons around to tremble.

As in the face, the oldest existence of the dragon clan.

Even the Black Dragon King couldn't help feeling a shudder when facing the Madman of Chu today. It wasn't that the opponent's strength was too strong.

This is the suppression of blood vessels brought about by different life levels.

"Damn it, I don't care how you got this power, but give it to me now!" The Black Dragon King snorted coldly.

He suppressed the tremor in his body, raised his hand and blasted towards the Madman Chu.

The overbearing dragon aura envelops the power of the law, and the power of this blow has far surpassed the Supreme Dao, and it has truly reached the level of the emperor.

When Madman Chu saw this, those dark golden eyes flashed a treacherous light, and a majesty flow came out, and he drank indifferently, "Ning!"


The void was blocked by an extremely powerful force.

All things in the world are stagnant.

Even the attack from the Black Dragon King stopped in front of the Madman Chu, unable to get close, and the power of the law above gradually died out.

"This is... the power of time."

The Black Dragon King glanced at Chu Kuangren's pale golden eyes, and couldn't help but feel jealous. In those eyes, there was the unique power of time of Candle Dragon.

That is the Eye of the Candle Dragon.

"Even if it is the power of time, I don't believe that you can be an enemy of the emperor!" The Black Dragon King said coldly, the emperor's mighty coercion.

In the final analysis, even Chu Madman has extraordinary abilities.

But he is still only a great realm, no matter how many means, as long as there is no way to escape the shackles of this realm, then he is not his opponent.


Madman Chu said softly.

His eyes flashed, and the endless dragon energy around him rushed towards him.

Such as Wanchuan returning to the sea, majestic and endless.

"The art of swallowing the sky?"

The Black Dragon King was a little surprised, "No, this is not King Lan's Heaven-Swallowing Technique, you are manipulating the Dragon Qi here with the power of the Candle Dragon!"

"This dragon tomb was created by the original candle dragon, and I can naturally control the dragon's energy here." Madman Chu said, his aura increasing crazily.

"What is the relationship between you and Primordial Candle Dragon?"

The Black Dragon King said with a sullen face.

"Oh, you don't need to know."

Madman Chu stepped forward and came to the Black Dragon King in the blink of an eye.

As the Black Dragon King does not retreat, the power of the Dao Law is also blasted out.

The rule of the king, the dragon tomb and dragon spirit.

The two forces collided extremely in an instant, and along with this blow, there was also that terrifying dazzling divine light.

Countless dragons watched this scene, very shocked.

They never expected that Madman Chu as a human race not only mastered the power of the Candle Dragon, but could even compete with the Black Dragon King to such a degree.

After the extreme force impact, the madman Chu came out.

And the Black Dragon King was also repelled!

The two sides turned out to be, and no one took advantage.

"The black dragon tears the sky!"

The Black Dragon King clasped his five fingers in the void and grabbed it with one claw.


The void was torn apart, and five huge cracks spread out, wrapped in the power of the law of destruction, and completely locked the Madman Chu.


The brilliance bloomed in the Madman Chu's eyes.

The candle dragon manipulated the power of time and used it again to freeze the offensive, but this time the attack was even more terrifying than the last time.

Wanting to use the power of time to disintegrate this attack is more labor intensive than the last time.

At the moment when the Black Dragon King's ultimate move was stagnated, Madman Chu raised his hand to burst out the candle dragon fire, and the violent fire burned out.

Instantly burned the five huge cracks.

"Just using the power of the candle dragon to solidify the emperor's offensive is already so exhausting. It must be more difficult to solidify the emperor himself."

Madman Chu thought to himself.

It is not a simple matter to use the power of time to influence the king's body.

Even with the power of the Candle Dragon, after all, he has just mastered this power and is not yet fully familiar with it. Madman Chu did not dare to try it lightly.

"I would like to see how long you can last."

The Black Dragon King snorted coldly.

Raising his hand and grabbing it, the Law of Destruction Dao created a huge dragon claw, and the surging power flowed through it, and the void violently collapsed wherever it went.

A large number of collapsed voids condensed in the dragon claws, forming a huge black hole, blessing the power of the dragon claws.

It is one of the ultimate tricks of the Black Dragon King.

"Black Dragon Claw, Void Break!"

Hit this level.

The Black Dragon King no longer despised Madman Chu, and almost made a shot.

"bring it on!"

Madman Chu urged the power of the candle dragon in his body to the extreme.

In an instant, the dragon gas ran like a frenzy, raging in all directions, and then shrank like lightning, forming a golden dragon biting out.

It's the dragon secret technique...

"Dragon God is fighting the world!"

The black destructive power, the golden dragon spirit...

The two forces impacted instantly, the heaven and the earth were turned upside down, the void shattered, and the terrifying energy caused some dragons who could not dodge around to fall on the spot.

Madman Chu and the Black Dragon King were the first to bear the brunt under the impact of this force, and both were shaken out at the same time.

But the aura in them was not half languishing.

On the contrary, it is still improving.


The black dragon king's eyes condensed, the power of the law of the great road condensed into a black ball of light, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com's dark and deep color, as if to swallow all the light.

More to destroy everything!

The black ball of light blasted out, and the void was suddenly distorted.

The madman of Chu did not retreat and did not avoid, and the secret trick of the dragon clan was used again.

"Ten Thousand Dragons Howl!"

The majestic dragon gas turned into ten thousand dragons and attacked the four directions. Although the black ball of light was powerful, it was gradually disintegrated under the impact of this powerful force.

"Black Dragon Claw, Void Break!"

"Colorful universe!"

"The black dragon swallows the sky!"

"Ying Long Shen Feng Slash!"

All kinds of powerful moves were displayed in the hands of Madman Chu and the Black Dragon King, the overbearing dragon spirit, the terrifying law of destruction...

A series of shocks exploded one after another in the starry sky.

People who didn’t know thought that it was two dragon kings fighting against each other, and they couldn’t think of it. All this was done by a human monk who hadn’t cultivated enough for the king, or even the supreme monarch.

"Too strong."

"It's really terrifying, Madman Chu can actually fight against the king to such an extent, where did the power of the candle dragon on his body come from!"

Many dragons watched this battle, only to feel shocked.

Contend against the king without being the supreme.

Even among these, there is the blessing of Dragon Qi from the Dragon Tomb.

But this is enough to be called a miracle.


After a shock.

The Black Dragon King flew out, with black dragon scales looming on his body.

Just now, he was seized by the Madman Chu and hit his chest. The law of the Great Dao in his body was shaken, and the king's heart was slightly shocked.

This made his face extremely gloomy.

"Kuangren Chu, I have to admire you for being able to do this, but with the next move, I will end you!"

The power of the Dao Law on the Black Dragon King is boiling!

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