Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2002: : The follow-up to the Dragon Tomb Tour, a plan to drive away the wolf

Madman Chu's figure is like electricity, across the sky.

He quickly left the Dragon Tomb.

He didn't stop until he came to a mountain peak, raised his hand to lay down his formation, hide his whereabouts, and took a deep breath to calm the restless power of the great power in his body. He was traumatized by the battle against the king.

Even if there is a single source body, it will take some time to calm down.

"The king is indeed a big deal."

Madman Chu gave a chuckle.

Having said that, he has also benefited a lot from this battle.

"Anyway, I gained a lot from entering the Dragon Tomb this time."

Madman Chu had a smile on his face.

Slashing the dragon blade, various dragon practice methods, candle dragon dragon soul...

These are enough to make his combat power reach an extremely powerful level.

"It's a pity that this Dragon Slashing Blade cannot be refined for the time being."

Madman Chu took out the bronze iron box.

This Dragon Slashing Blade is a supreme treasure, extremely powerful, unimaginable, and there are not a few supreme treasures in every epoch.

Even, sometimes not.

To obtain a supreme magic weapon is something that kings dream of.

He is a great way, and it is a great fortune to be able to hold such treasures, but he wants to refine it, but it is not a simple matter.

Even the king has to spend a lot of thought.

Besides, he has a great road.

"We can only put it away temporarily."

Madman Chu collected it and planned to refine it again when he had a chance in the future.

He began to heal on the spot.


Within the dragon clan.

The Zulong King summoned the strong from all lines of the dragon clan to gather together.

The dragons gathered together had heavy expressions on their faces, and in front of them, there was a huge ball of light floating.

There was a flickering picture inside.

It was exactly what the madman Chu did in the dragon soul world, and the candle dragon state he revealed when he fought the Black Dragon King fiercely.

"Everyone, what do you think."

Zulong Wang said lightly.

"He is proficient in various dragon cultivation methods. It should be the result of his absorption of many dragon souls in the dragon soul world, but compared to the power of the candle dragon in his body, this is not that important." A red dragon said lightly. .


Madman Chu is proficient in various dragon practices, which is indeed incredible.

The threat to the dragon is great.

But compared to the power of the candle dragon that the opponent has, it seems insignificant, especially, that power is still the power of the original candle dragon!

This makes the dragon clan powerhouses more frightened.

They couldn't imagine how terrifying an existence that possessed the power of the original Candle Dragon, was also an enemy of the Dragon Race, and had the potential for terrifying growth, would be terrifying to the Dragon Race after it grew up.

This will be a disaster.

The damage was not weaker than the damage caused by the dragon hunters.

"In addition to the power of the candle dragon, this person also has the Dragon Slashing Blade."

A black dragon said lightly.

As soon as these words were made, the expressions of the dragons became more serious.

The power of the candle dragon, the dragon blade...

Putting these two together is simply a dragon nightmare.

"When fighting the Black Dragon King, he didn't use the Dragon Slashing Blade. It can be seen that he has not yet refined this thing." Ancestral Dragon King said lightly.

"That's the ultimate treasure, naturally it's not so easy to refining."

"Damn it, this knife has been sealed in the Dragon Tomb for many years, and the Dragon Tomb is so big, how could this guy take it if it's so immortal."

The dragons were very angry and helpless.

Is this God's will?

Is the dragon destined to have this calamity?

"Regarding the Dragon Blade, some people reported that they saw a line of dragon hunters appearing in the dragon tomb. I sent a few elders to the burial knife domain to see it, and found the body of a line of dragon hunters... I thought, it was the dragon hunter who used a certain method to enter the Dragon Tomb and wanted to retrieve the Dragon Slashing Blade, but he met Madman Chu and was killed by him, and the Dragon Slashing Blade also fell into his hands."

"What, a dragon hunter entered the Dragon Tomb?!"

Everyone couldn't help being shocked upon hearing this.

After some discussion, the Zulong King said calmly: "The dragon hunters have a tendency to resurrect after so many years of recuperation, otherwise they would not dare to send people into the dragon tomb to take the dragon blade, and now the dragon blade falls into the hands of the madman Chu. This is an opportunity, let’s drive the wolf away!"

Hearing the words, the dragons showed a thoughtful color.

"The Zulong King meant to let the dragon hunters help us deal with the Mad Man Chu? But if they unite, what should we do?"

There are also dragons who are worried.

The dragon hunters and the madmen of Chu are all enemies of the dragon clan.

An enemy who is an enemy is a friend.

If the two parties join forces, the threat to the dragon will be even greater.

"If you have the ultimate treasure, would you easily hand it over?"

Zulong asked rhetorically.

"so it is…"

The dragons suddenly realized.

The value of a supreme treasure is immeasurable.

Madman Chu got such a treasure, so naturally he wouldn't hand it over easily, even if this treasure originally belonged to a dragon hunter.

And the dragon hunters will not easily give up the dragon blade.

In this way, there must be a battle between the two sides.

The dragons can sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight.

"When the news is released, it is said that Madman Chu entered the Dragon Tomb and snatched the Dragon Slashing Blade, and also killed many dragon hunters." Zulong King said.

"it is good."



"Venerable Qisha and others are all dead?!"

In a mysterious space.

A man wearing a black armor stood up, his face brushed and became extremely gloomy.

This man's cultivation is extremely powerful, faintly revealing law fluctuations.

Obviously, this is the existence of a king. UU Reading

He is also the current leader of the Dragon Hunter line.

"Is there any news about Dragon Blade?"

"According to our investigation, there was a great battle in the Dragon Tomb. It was a conflict between the Mad Man Chu and the Dragon Clan. It is said that the Dragon Slashing Blade is now in this person's hands, and even Venerable Qisha and others died in him. In hand."

"Mad Chu..."

The leader of the hunting dragon showed a pensive color.

He naturally knew this name, after all, in the recent Hongmeng Great World, this person can be described as one of the most influential figures.

One person alone occupies the top of several lists.

And also attracted several king-level forces tit-for-tat.

Its means of disturbing the situation is amazing.

"How could it be him…"

The leader of the dragon hunt suddenly felt a little troubled.

Other people, he can still start, but the madman of Chu...

There are three kings behind this guy, who dares to mess around?

"Chief, what should I do now?"

"Send someone to bring the treasure and go to negotiate with the Madman Chu. If it is the best way to get the Dragon Slashing Blade back peacefully, if it doesn't work, then think of another way."

The Dragon Hunter leader said lightly.

"it is good."


"My son... is dead?!"

Dragon Blood Family, within the Huang Family.

The Huang Family Patriarch looked at the sky, gritted his teeth, the domineering Longwei vented out of his body, constantly impacting the surroundings.

"Chu madman, your Huang family is at odds with you!"

"Patriarch, the leader of the hunting dragon asked to meet with you."

At this time, a Huang elder said.

The head of the Huang family snorted coldly, his eyes were cold, "It just so happens that my son accompanies them to slash the dragon blade, and now he is dead in the Dragon Tomb. I would like to see what he would explain to me!"

Although he is not a king, the Huang Family, as the largest dragon blood fellow in the Dragon King universe, has a profound background and has the means to check and balance the king.

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