Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2003: : Inheritance of the super-shen refining master, 10 swords are still waiting, you fina

The head of the Huang family came to a secret room.

He met with a projection of the Dragon Hunter leader.

"Lord Dragon Hunter, you should give me an explanation."

Patriarch Huang asked.

But the leader of the dragon hunter glanced at him lightly, "Patriarch Huang, I am very sorry for the death of the son, but this is not what my dragon hunters like to see. The instigators of all this are the madmen of Chu. ."

"Then you, do you plan to avenge me?"

"Vengeance is natural, but not now."

"What's the meaning?"

"The Dragon Slashing Blade is in the hands of Madman Chu. After I get this thing back, what the Huang Family wants to do to Madman Chu, I will definitely help."

"Then I will wait for you for a while..."

Patriarch Huang snorted coldly.

"Thank you for the Huang family main body for forgiveness..."

The two were polite again.

After the projection of the Dragon Hunter leader disappeared, Family Master Huang sneered: "Dragon Blade, this extremely magical weapon, do you really think I will give it to you? Since my son has not been able to complete this, I will come personally. Do!"

He called in a few elite men.

"You don't need to take any measures when you go to Ten Thousand Soldiers City. You lie there and pay attention to the actions of Madman Chu."

"Yes, Patriarch."


"Huh... finally recovered."

On a mountain peak.

In the hidden formation, Madman Chu slowly opened his eyes.

After a period of recuperation, his strength has almost recovered. Suddenly, his eyebrows beat twice.

In the dark, it seemed that someone was preparing to calculate him.

After some thinking.

He thought of some of the most likely forces.

"Dragon? Or a dragon hunter..."

After thinking for a while, he ignored it.

Do not overwhelm your debts.

There are too many people who want to kill him now.

I don't need to worry too much.

He opened the fantasy roulette lottery and wanted to adjust his mood.

"Congratulations to the host for getting the super **** refiner inheritance."

One draw is a super god-level reward.

He is fairly satisfied.

"Very good, very good. Before, there was an array mage, but now there is another refiner. The array is unique."

The inheritance of the Super God-level Array Mage he drew before is very good.

Helped him a lot.

He was able to obtain the Dragon Slashing Blade and retreat all over the Dragon Tomb. The inheritance of this Super God Array Mage didn't have much effort.

This refining master inheritance, presumably will be very useful in the future.

Apart from other things, if you want to upgrade your weapons in the future, you don't have to ask for help like last time, just do it yourself.

After digesting the inheritance of the refining master, the Madman Chu flicked his sleeves and released Yin Honghua and others from the universe in his sleeves.

Yin Honghua quickly stepped forward, "Wang, are you all right."

"Ha, what can I do."

Madman Chu smiled faintly.

"With so many dragons, you can actually retreat all over."

Hei Xuan was extremely surprised.

Madman Chu looked at him, "Hei Xuan, I want you to do something."

"What's up?"

Hei Xuan did not refuse either.

In the Dragon Tomb, because of the Mad Man Chu, he got a king-level dragon soul inheritance. This opportunity is extremely huge.

Madman Chu asked him to do something, but it was normal.


This inheritance is not for nothing.

"Now the Dark Clan are all in the Demon Territory, right, I want you to go back and try to climb to a high position in the Demon Clan, lurking beside the Demon King, ready to report her situation to me at any time."

Madman Chu said lightly.

This was a thought he got upset when he saw Empress Hei Xuan.

The Demon King is powerful and has plans for himself. Although he has helped him many times, it is difficult for this woman to act.

Madman Chu felt that he had better take precautions.


Hei Xuan pondered for a while, "Yes."

After discussing the contact plan and some details, Hei Xuan left, and Madman Chu was also preparing to bring Yin Honghua and others back to Pangu Sect.

In addition to him this time, Yin Honghua and others also gained a lot.

All have been inherited from the Dragon Soul.

When I go back, I will practice hard, and my achievements will be limitless in the future.

Long Jingjing also returned to Panguzong with Chu Madman.

Except besides.

She also intends to contact the members of the Round Sky Club.

The members of the current Yuan Tian Hui are scattered all over the country and have their own experience, but most of them are like her, helpless and without any background.

They can join other forces and get help.

But instead of joining other forces.

It's better to come to Panguzong.

Although Madman Chu had been an enemy of Tianyuan Universe, no one knew better than them, how great this man's potential was.

This person will eventually move the world by name.

Attaching to him is not a shameful thing.


Outside Panguzong, on a mountain peak.

A young man in a purple robe was sitting cross-legged.

This person is the sword of the Sword God Palace.

Ranked sixth in the human **** son list.

Since the last time he challenged the Madman Chu to no avail, he has been brooding about it and regarded it as one of his own shame.

If he doesn't defeat the Madman Chu, his heart will be frustrated.

"Kuangren Chu, if you don't come to me, then I will come to you personally!"

"If you can run, the monk can't run the temple!"

"This Pan Guzong, I don't believe you won't come back!"

He sneered.

at this time.

The jade slip on his waist trembled slightly.

I saw a stream of light flashing out, turning into an old man with a white beard. This old man was filled with strong sword intent, like a god-tearing sword.

"Shifang, are you still in Ten Thousand Soldier City?"

The old man frowned slightly.

"Yes. UU reading"

"The Madman of Chu is no trivial thing. You must fight against him, it will be dangerous. Listen to the advice of your teacher, come back and devote yourself to practice, and wait for the human ancestral land to open. It will not be too late to fight the Madman of Chu there."

The old man said lightly.

"Master, Chu Madman humiliated me. If I slip back in such a desperate way, not only my face will be damaged, but the face of the Sword God Palace will also be damaged."

Jian Shifang said lightly.

He is determined and cannot easily change his mind.

"You value these too much..."

The old man shook his head, rather helpless.

"Your sword is twenty-three, how is your practice."

"It's getting hot."

"Okay, remember, if you really face Madman Chu, if Jian Twenty-Three can't defeat him, leave immediately, don't love to fight, you know?"

"Well, I got it."

Jian Shifang nodded slightly.

But in his heart, he didn't think much about it. In his opinion, maybe he could defeat Madman Chu without using the twenty-three sword.

The old man shook his head, and probably guessed Jian Shifang's thoughts.

But my apprentice is arrogant.

I can't persuade him.

"No matter, maybe let him suffer a little bit."

The old man thought to himself that he had left behind in the opponent's body. Even if he lost to the Madman Chu, it was not difficult to save his life.


Jian Shifang seemed to sense something and suddenly opened his eyes.

He looked in the direction of Wanbing City in the distance.

I only saw a group of people returning in the warship.

Among them, standing on the deck was a young man in white clothes, like snow, with outstanding elegance. After seeing him, the sword in Jian Shifang's hand was trembling slightly.

He hadn't seen the true face of Madman Chu, but the intuition from the swordsman let him know that the other party was the one he was waiting for.

"Madman Chu, you are finally back!"


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