Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2004: : Grinding stone? You are not worthy of being a swordsman, my Kunwu can cry...

Inside the Sword God Palace.

A white-haired old man stood with his hand in his hand.

In front of him, a light and shadow slowly dissipated.

The old man is the Sword God Palace Master and one of the Human Kings. He is also the Master of the Sword Shifang. Looking at the disappearing light and shadow, the Sword God Palace Master's eyes condensed slightly, "It looks like, are you ready to fight? "

Beside the Sword God Palace Master, a middle-aged swordsman's eyes condensed, "Palace Master, will Sword Shifang be Chu Madman's opponent?"

"Kuangren Chu is unfathomable. The ten directions are against him. It is estimated that there will be more losses and less victory." The Sword God Palace Master said slowly.

Although Jianshifang's strength is very strong.

But Madman Chu gave the Master of the Sword God Palace an impenetrable feeling.

The Sword God Palace Lord only had this feeling on some kings.

"Palace Master, the sword ten directions are not bad, right."

The middle-aged swordsman said.

He is also a member of the Sword God Palace, and his heart is naturally more inclined to the Sword Shifang. In his opinion, the Mad Man of Chu is very strong, but the Sword Shifang is already the supreme realm of the Great Dao, and the various secret techniques of the Sword God Palace are sufficient. Share equally with each other.

"Shi Fang is not bad, but what he has to face now is an existence that cannot be measured by common sense. This level of anomaly, I am afraid that in the Sword God Palace, only Dugu Unbreakable can compare with it. ."

The middle-aged man's face changed slightly as soon as the words "Dugu Bupao" came out.

Lonely is not broken, in the Sword God Palace, is a name that everyone is jealous of.

This person is the biggest anomaly since the establishment of the Sword God Palace, and is known as the Demon of the Sword. In the Sword God Palace, only the Sword God Palace Lord can suppress him.

But in the eyes of everyone, this is only temporary.

The lone lone is not broken, and one day he will become the king of the sword.

This is almost the consensus of everyone in the Sword God Palace.

"I didn't expect the palace owner to have such a high evaluation of this person. It is a pity that Dugu Bubreak has not yet come to the Hongmeng Great World. Otherwise, with his strength, Hongmeng Avenue will be the top of the list, how can he turn to the Chu Madman?"

Listen to the meaning of the middle-aged man.

Like the Madman of Chu, the lone lonely unbreakable has not yet broken through to the supreme.

"Let's take a look at the battle between Jian Shifang and Chu Madman."

"But I need to go to Ten Thousand Soldiers City. If the Sword Shifang loses, I can also take action." The middle-aged man may be surprised by the words of the Sword God Palace Master, and he also feels that Jian Shifang is not an opponent of the Mad Man Chu, and wants to help him. a bit.

"No, Jian Shifang has the sword aura I left behind. Even if it loses to the Madman Chu, it is not difficult to save his life. Let Jian Shifang endure hardships and sharpen his vitality. This may help him. "

The Sword God Palace Master waved his sleeves, the sword light intertwined in the void, turning into a light mirror, and the picture displayed inside was the City of Ten Thousand Soldiers.

In his opinion, Madman Chu has become a sharpening stone to help him sharpen his sword in all directions, but unfortunately, he has overlooked one thing.

The sword is not tough enough, if you want to sharpen will break.


Outside the city of Ten Thousand Soldiers.

Madman Chu returned with Yin Honghua and others.

Looking at the thriving City of Ten Thousand Soldiers and the slowly developing Pangu Sect, Madman Chu was very satisfied and very optimistic about the future.

But just when he was thinking about future development.

far away.

An extremely majestic sword intent came out suddenly!

In the blink of an eye, this world has been completely enveloped by endless sword intent!

"This breath..."

Madman Chu narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing a dangerous light.


A figure was like electricity, and it came to Madman Chu in the blink of an eye.

It is the sword of Shifang.

The other party held a dark long sword, vented his majestic sword intent, and completely locked Madman Chu. He looked at Madman Chu with stern eyes, "Madman Chu, you have finally appeared, I know how long I have been waiting for you. "

"That's your business."

Madman Chu said calmly.

"Tell me, why are you so timid?!"

Jian Shifang said coldly.

"You are Jian Shifang?"


"Sure enough, as I expected, you are like you."

Madman Chu touched his chin and said with a chuckle: "As for the timidity, it's just your own opinion. I just don't bother to care about you."

"Kuangren Chu, as a swordsman, facing the challenge of another supreme swordsman, no matter what the reason, if you avoid fighting, it is an insult to the sword. You are not worthy of being a swordsman like this!"

"Oh, it's the first time I heard that some people say I don't deserve to be a swordsman." Madman Chu suddenly found it interesting.

Since his debut, the sword in his hand has not known how many people have been cut. Everyone who sees his sword will feel that he is a peerless sword repairman.

Kendo seems to be tailor-made for him.

It seems that this is the first time that others say that he is not worthy of being a swordsman.

"King Chu, today I will let you know what a real swordsman is, and I will let you know the price of despising me!"

With a clang of a black long sword in Jian Shifang's hand, it suddenly came out of its sheath.

The sword light illuminates the world.

Sword intent covers all directions!

Many people in Wanbing City noticed the scene in the sky.

Among them, there are not only the refiners of Wanbing City, the monks of Pangu Sect, but also a large number of monks who come here to find weapons.

Many of them are even swordsmen.

Someone recognized Jian Shifang.

"Unexpectedly, Jian Shifang had such perseverance. He waited until now in order to fight Madman Chu. Madman Chu couldn't avoid it now."

"Ha, UU Reading did not see the sword art in Wuya Mountain at the beginning, but now it is not bad to see it here, and I finally didn't miss it."

"Yeah, these two people, it can be said that they are the top swordsmen who are best at swordsmanship under the king, and their swords must be very exciting."

Many monks are looking forward to it.

And in Pangu Zong, a certain room.

The soldier disaster who was practicing suddenly opened his eyes and glanced in the distance.

"Heaven does evil, especially it can survive, if you do evil, you can't live."

"Sword are just a lifeless guest after all."

The soldiers murmured.

After speaking, he closed his eyes, and stopped paying attention to the battle between Jian Shifang and Chu Madman. He was not Jian Xiu, and this battle was not attractive to him.

And in his opinion, the outcome of this battle has long been doomed.

A battle whose result is doomed is even more unattractive.


"Chu madman, this sword is called Dark Sky Slash, and it is the Supreme Treasure of Hongmeng. With this sword, I have slashed thirteen Grand Dao Sovereigns!"

Jian Shifang held a jet black long sword, and the sword intent was booming, layered on top of each other, spreading out continuously, and his words also resounded around.

Everyone couldn't help but marvel at hearing this.

How many are there?

Some people have never seen it in their entire lives.

Jian Shifang actually beheaded thirteen, it was really extraordinary, worthy of being the sixth in the Human Race God's List, and many people showed awe.

For this sword fight, I also look forward to it more and more.

"Chu madman, I heard that you also have a sword of the Great Mengmeng, so that's okay, so as not to be said that I took advantage of the weapon, let's use the sword."

Jian Shifang continued.

"If you have to shoot a sword against a beam jumping clown, then my Kunwu will cry." Chu Kuangren said calmly.

"Madman Chu, you want to be arrogant!" Jian Shifang was furious, his eyes became colder, and the murderous intent in the sword intent became more intense.

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