Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2006: : The sword has fallen with 10 squares, you can find an opponent to talk about the sw

"Want to leave? How about picking me up first."

Madman Chu said lightly.

As soon as the voice fell, endless sword energy gushed out of his body.

The overwhelming sword energy locked the sword Shifang in an instant. In front of this kind of sword intent, the sword Shifang had no way to retreat, and there was no way to avoid it!

"No, this is..."

Jian Shifang's pupils shrank.

And Madman Chu, the sword finger slowly pointed out.

The sword is overwhelming, it is...

"Sword twenty-two!"

Sword Twenty-Two, Sword Twenty-Two, which was ten times more terrifying than Sword Shifang, broke out in an instant, and infinite sword energy emerged from all directions.

The aura of destruction fills the world.

"not good!"

There was a hint of horror in Jian Shifang's eyes.

I saw that he urged the power of the Dao of Swords in his body to the extreme, and the ten directions of sword intent also ran to the extreme, and the Dark Sky Slash in his hand was constantly waving.

Sword Qi cut out one after another, resisting twenty-two swords.

But his power is limited after all.

Before Kuangren Chu was twenty-two with this earth-shattering sword, his power seemed a little insignificant, his sword aura shattered one after another, and he couldn't resist it at all.

Could it be that I will die? !

This thought suddenly popped into Jian Shifang's mind.

Cold sweat drenched all over, terrified.

The arrogance of being a supreme swordsman is completely gone at this moment!

The rest is boundless fear!

The sky was strangling with sword aura, and when the sword ten directions were about to fall, a horrible sword light suddenly burst out of his body!

The sword light envelops the sword in all directions, resisting thousands of sword auras.

This sword light is infinitely powerful.

The twenty-two swords were actually unable to get close to the Shi Fang guarded by the sword light.

"this is…"

Madman Chu narrowed his eyes slightly, and felt a force of law from the sword light. The master of this sword light was a king.

Jian Shifang also saw this sword light, and he couldn't help laughing after the rest of his life, "It's Master, the body guard sword light that Master left in my body, Madman Chu, no matter how strong you are, it will be broken. The sword light of the King of Swordsmanship!"

Within the City of Ten Thousand Soldiers.

Countless swordsmen looked at the sword shrouded in the sword light, and their eyes couldn't help showing envy. The swordsman king, the realm that countless sword repairs dreamed of, even a sword light gave them an unattainable feeling.

"With the guardian of the Sword King, the madman of Chu can't kill the sword in all directions."

"Yes, but the ten directions of swords are indeed not the opponents of Madman Chu."

"The kendo gap between the two people is a bit big."

Many swordsmen talked about it.

After this battle, Jian Shifang also noticed the gap between himself and Madman Chu. He stared at the opponent and said, "Madman Chu, although I lost in today's battle, one day, I will trample you under your feet. !"

After speaking, he turned and left.

With the sword light protection of the swordsman king, he was not afraid of the madman of Chu at all.

"Oh, my sword is not over yet."

Madman Chu chuckles.

"Madman Chu, don't waste your efforts, your twenty-two sword can't break this sword light at all." Jian Shifang sneered.


Madman Chu's sword fingers condensed, and the sword intent contained in the sky full of sword aura rose wildly, and the sword force of the twenty-two sword suddenly changed.

The sword is not exhausted, but it is changing again.

Thousands of sword auras soared into the sky, condensing into a tens of thousands of feet of silver sword shadow in the void, the boundless and terrifying aura of destruction, shocking the spirits of the world.

"Sword twenty-two can't be broken, then...sword twenty-three!"

Madman Chu's twenty-three swords suddenly exploded.

Tens of thousands of feet of sword shadow cut down with a terrifying aura of destruction.

Jian Shifang's face became extremely pale, and Madman Chu's Sword Twenty-Three was unpredictable compared to what he had used, and he had fully grasped the essence of this trick. It was the Twenty-Three Sword of Destroying Heaven and Earth!

"How can his mastery of the Holy Spirit Sword Art be so much better than me?"

Jian Shifang's heart was filled with confusion and shock.

But the sword energy has already fallen.

Sword Twenty-Three collided with the sword light of the Sword King head-on, as if two of the world's best swordsmen were clashing, a sonorous sound erupted.

The overwhelming sword intent escaped.

The long swords in the hands of all the swordsmen couldn't help trembling on their own.

"What a terrifying sword!"

A swordsman couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, extremely shocked.


The sword light and the sword light were entangled and collided, and the void kept trembling.

Jian Shifang, who was guarded by Jianguang, also felt the earth-shaking sword intent, and even he couldn't help trembling all over.

The next scene even made him starve.

I saw that the sword light guarding him was broken every inch!

"No, no, it's impossible!"

Jian Shifang's face was full of horror.

The sword light of the king of kendo was actually broken!


Accompanied by a roar.

The sword light shattered into countless spots of light, and Madman Chu's sword energy fell on Jian Shifang, strangling him into ashes in the blink of an eye in his screams.

a long time.

Sword Qi gradually dissipated.

Everything returned to calm.

In the air, only the remaining sword intent was lingering, but even the remaining sword intent still made countless swordsmen feel the scalp tingling.


Madman Chu retracted his sword and couldn't help but sigh softly, his body was filled with a sense of loneliness, "I can find an opponent to talk about the sword, and I can't win the cold from the heights..."

Countless swordsmen heard the words, and their bodies were shocked.

The heights are very cold.

At this moment, they looked at Madman Chu, with endless awe in their eyes, as if they had seen an insurmountable peak of kendo!

"I can find an opponent to talk about the sword, what a madman of Chu, what a peak of kendo, this person is not much stronger than the sword of Shifang."

"It's no wonder he doesn't put the other person in the eye at all. UU reading"

"There are countless swords in the ten directions of swords. To him, they are like a breeze, insignificant, but he only made one sword. This sword starts with sword twenty-two and ends with sword twenty-three. It cuts the sword in all directions with one sword, and even the Swordsman King cannot protect him. It is too powerful."

"This person will definitely be a new kendo king in the future!"

"The horrible Madman Chu..."

Inside the Sword God Palace.

A cruel sword intent suddenly broke out, sweeping the world!

The stars around the Sword God Palace shattered under this sword intent.

Countless sword repair pupils trembled, and couldn't help being shocked.

"It's the Palace Master."

"Palace Master is angry, what is going on?!"

"Who is it that made the palace master so angry."

On the mountain peak.

The Sword God Palace Master looked at Madman Chu in the light mirror with extremely cold eyes.

"Okay, what a madman Chu!"

"It's a good one who can find an opponent to talk about the sword, and it's hard to beat the cold from the heights!"

The Sword God Palace Master repeatedly said good, but the coldness in his eyes increased unabated, and the sword intent filled his body that made the middle-aged swordsman behind him tremble.

The Sword God Palace Master admitted that he had made a mistake.

I thought that the power he had in Jian Shifang was enough to protect him, but he far underestimated Madman Chu!

The opponent's understanding of Sword Twenty-Three, in the entire Sword God Palace, I'm afraid I would dare to say a little bit better, but the opponent is still very young.

In time, it is not difficult to surpass him.

"Chu Madman, I look forward to the moment you become the king of kendo. At that time, I will challenge you...!"

The Lord of the Sword God Palace said coldly.

The death of Jian Shifang made him extremely angry.

But the kendo aptitude displayed by Madman Chu gave him the feeling of seeing his opponent, making him faintly expecting.

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