Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2007: : Dragon hunters come to trade with one line, both soft and hard, presumptuous

"Palace Master, there is news from the Sword Universe."

at this time.

A sword-wielding disciple walked to the side of the Sword God Palace Master and bowed and said, "Dugu Bupo has already left the pass, and has now arrived in the Great World of Hongmeng."

Hearing this, the Lord of the Sword God Palace suddenly lit up.

"Dugu doesn't break through the barrier anymore. Interesting, how is his cultivation level?"

"I have broken through the Great Dao Sovereign. I heard that when he left the pass, his sword intent covered tens of thousands of miles, forming a magical form of a sword god. A sword cut off a galaxy. In the universe of swords, there are 36 magic swords. The vibration."

When the disciple said, his eyes couldn't help showing shock.

Thirty-six Demon Swords, these are thirty-six weird swords in the universe of swords. The use of them is unknown. No sword master will die.

But Dugu did not break the name of the Sword Demon. He broke through the Dao Sovereign, and actually crushed thirty-six magic swords, making them all surrender, which was too scary.

I heard that the elders who suppressed Demon Sword were almost frightened.

"Oh, Dugu is not broken, very good, the humanity ancestral land will be opened soon, and he can come here, it couldn't be better." The Sword God Palace said lightly.

In addition, he is also very much looking forward to the fact that the sword demon is alone and unbreakable. To the madman of Shang Chu, who is better than the two?


Madman Chu took away his sword after beheading the sword Shifang.

After returning to Panguzong, Lan Yu and the others greeted him.

"My son, you are back, what is the result of this trip?"

"Oh, not bad."

Madman Chu smiled faintly.

Then, he threw the Dark Sky Slash in his hand to Ye Zhu, and said with a faint smile: "This Dark Sky Slashed yours, please refine it."

Holding the Dark Sky Slash, Ye Zhu was a little stunned, "Here, this is the Greatest Treasure of Hongmeng, Sect Master, did you just give it to me??"

"Don't want it?"

"Naturally not." Ye Zhu shook his head repeatedly.

Others looked very envious.

This is a great treasure of Hongmeng, even if it is a king, there are not many. Madman Chu just gave it to him. This is too generous.

Then, the Madman Chu asked about the recent development of Panguzong.

It's not a big deal.

The only thing worth mentioning is that some time ago, a refiner came to Ten Thousand Soldier City to find Ou Yeruo to challenge the book, and wanted to compare the refiner.

He also said that if anyone wins, the title of the strongest crafting master in Wanbing City will be handed over. The agreed time will not be long.

The madman of Chu was very interested.

"It's quite interesting."

He didn't ask too much.

For Ou Yeruo, he still had some confidence.

Although it is not the first in the refining tool list, it is also one of the best.

There are not many of these heavens that can be better than him in refining tools.

A few days later.

Madman Chu is getting acquainted with the power of the candle dragon in his body.

This power is very magical. He hasn't fully controlled it yet, but once it is used, it can greatly increase his combat power. Although there is no blessing of Dragon Tomb and Dragon Qi outside, it is also extremely good.

"Once this power is used, it is like the original candle dragon possessed, and it can use all the magical powers of the original candle dragon. It is amazing, but now I only master the eyes of the candle dragon, the silence of heaven and earth."

"As for the remaining power, it has yet to be developed."

Candle Dragon is an existence that can control time. His power is profound and profound, and it takes a lot of time to master it completely.

Madman Chu asked himself Tianzi was peerless, but he couldn't control it all at once.

"Sect Master, someone is visiting."

At this time, Lan Yu sent him a message.

His figure flashed and went to check.


Inside a palace used to receive guests.

At this moment, several people were waiting for Madman Chu, and each of these people carried a strong suffocation, which made people feel uncomfortable.

Especially dragons such as Dragon Crystal and Zulonghuang.

They looked at each other with obvious hostility in their eyes.

"People from the dragon hunting line, what are they doing here?"


"Hmph, I really want to kill them."

Zu Longhuang, Dragon Crystal and other dragons whispered.

But a few dragon hunters stood in place, looking nonchalant.

For their hostility, I didn't take it seriously.

There was even a younger dragon hunter who sneered, "I thought there would be something remarkable about the Pangu sect created by the Madman Chu. I didn't expect that even the dragon clan has such goods, which is really disappointing."

The dragon hunters and the dragons are close to fire and water, and they hate the dragons incomparably.

If it weren't for someone else's site, they would have done it a long time ago.

"Lu Yun, don't be rude."

An old man frowned slightly and scolded the young man.

Lu Yun curled his lips and said no more.

Soon after, Madman Chu came to this palace and noticed something was wrong with the atmosphere on the scene. After a glance, it became clear.

"so it is…"

He murmured, he had some understanding of the purpose of the dragon hunter.

After seeing Madman Chu coming, the headed dragon hunter elder stepped forward and smiled: "I'm hunting dragons and Wang Yi, and I have met fellow Chu Daoist."

This Wang Yi's cultivation is not bad.

Compared to the Venerable Qisha that the Madman Chu met in Longzhong, it was no more concession.

"Friend Wang Dao is polite, I don't know what happened to my Pangu Sect?"

Madman Chu said lightly.

Wang Yi didn't talk nonsense, as he raised his hands, pieces of treasures flew out, and in an instant, the entire palace suddenly became radiant.

Everyone glanced, somewhat surprised.

Each of these treasures is extremely good.

There is Baodan, there is immortal gold, there is the essence of heaven and earth...

"Friends of Chu Dao, UU Reading, we heard that the Dragon Slashing Blade is in your hands. This item is the supreme soldier of my dragon hunter's line. Thank you for taking care of it. These treasures are our little thanks. "Wang Yi smiled faintly.

Madman Chu couldn't help being amused, "Keep it for you? Friends Wang Daoist said that is really interesting. This thing is what I have spent in the Dragon Tomb. I have earned it all my life. How can it be kept in your mouth."

The Dragon Crystal next to him rolled his eyes secretly.

The unblocking of the Dragon Blade relied on the line of dragon hunters, but the Madman Chu made the final shot, killing people cleanly with two or three strokes at will.

This dragon blade, this is also called a waste of effort, a life of nine deaths?

This is clearly to sit back and enjoy the results.

Although Wang Yi didn't know the specific process, he also knew that the madman Chu got the Dragon Slashing Blade only after he killed the Qisha Venerable, a member of the Dragon Blood family.

It showed that he was smiling, but he was already scolded in his heart.

But he still said kindly: "Friend Chu, this dragon-slashing blade has been the treasure of my dragon-hunting line since ancient times, and there are restrictions on this dragon-slashing blade. People who are not in my dragon-hunting line cannot practice. In addition to these treasures, we will add tens of billions of crystals of mixed origin, the source of 100 million catties of avenues. I don’t know what Daoist Chu thinks?"

"It's too naive to want to get a magic weapon in this way."

Madman Chu chuckles.

Wang Yi thought about it. Finally, he gritted his teeth and said: "Add a top-grade Hongmeng Supreme Treasure. This is the highest price I can open for the Dragon Hunter."

Madman Chu heard the words and touched his chin.

It seems to be thinking.

"Crazy Chu, you'd better hand over the Dragon Slashing Blade, this thing is not something you can own, otherwise, I'm afraid it will harm others and yourself."

At this time, Lu Yun said to the side.

Attempt to do both soft and hard, forcing the madman of Chu to surrender the Dragon Slashing Blade.


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