Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2008: : Infinite Domain, 9 Fangshan Grand Event, no time for the bright moon

"The heart of all weapons allows practitioners to control the universe and all weapons with their heart! The name of the imperial seal of heaven and earth, from which the refining device is not part of the function of the imperial seal, is the imperial seal. At the core."

"In this way, I have cultivated to a certain level. With this technique, I might be able to refine the Dragon Blade."

Madman Chu thought to himself.

Do what you want.

Then, it took him some time to start refining the Dragon Blade.

This Extreme Dao Supreme Treasure has restrictions that belong to the dragon hunter's line. It is very difficult to refining, and it is the Extreme Dao Supreme Treasure itself. People with insufficient cultivation level will only be subjected to its backlash.

Madman Chu tried refining with the heart of all weapons this time.

Slashing Dragon Blade shook slightly.

The restriction on the blade was gradually disintegrating.

"There is a play."

Madman Chu's eyes lit up.

Soon after.

He raised his hand to grab the Dragon Slashing Blade, and saw a brilliant light blooming on his body.

Swish into his body.

The power of the candle dragon in his body seemed to sense the entry of the Dragon Slashing Blade, and it shook slightly, seeming to be a little resisting.

Madman Chu took some time to comfort him.

"It's finally refined."

Madman Chu whispered.

The mystery of the Heart of Ten Thousand Weapons did not disappoint him.

If this technique is practiced to the extreme, it can even seize the treasures of others for one's own use, which is no small matter.

"There is the Heart of Ten Thousands in the Imperial Seal of Heaven, what is the core practice in the Heaven Seal of Void?" Madman Chu murmured.

Before, he was unable to fully understand the Void Sky Seal due to his cultivation base.

Now, you can give it a try.

Thinking of this, he began to try to comprehend the Void Sky Seal.

The vast void.

Madman Chu saw a white transparent ball of light, and when his mind got close to the white ball of light, endless profound knowledge poured into his mind.

"Infinite Domain!"

Madman Chu murmured, his eyes lit up, the core practice method in the Void Sky Seal, called the infinite domain, was a powerful domain ability.

In the infinite domain, dominate the space!

The most powerful thing is that if the Madman Chu has enough cultivation base, the envelope of this infinite realm can continue to expand, covering a world, covering a universe, and even... enveloping the heavens and transforming it into its own domain!

This ability is extremely terrifying.

"So strong!"

"The ultimate space is really terrifying!"

The madman of Chu retreats this time, and he has suddenly realized the two extreme cultivation methods, the Heart of Ten Thousand Weapons and the Infinite Realm, and he has also refined the Dragon Blade.

It can be said that the harvest is full.

Soon after, he left the customs, and he also learned about Lan Yu, Yin Honghua and others who broke through the great realm one after another, very pleased.

At the same time, some people from Pangu Zong came to visit.

But he was a member of the Yuantian Society of the Tianyuan Universe in the past.

These people also joined the Pangu Sect under the recommendation of Dragon Crystal.

Madman Chu didn't care too much.

However, the change of one of them caused some of his attention.

It's a goddess Yu.

Bye-bye this time, he found that Tiannv You had been closing her eyes tightly, and a deep and ethereal breath exuded from her body, which was unpredictable.

"Interesting, this is the power of six eyes."

Madman Chu judged the strength of Tiannv You at a glance.

It is from the six-eyed family closely related to the way of destiny.

The six-eyed clan is one of the most mysterious races in the heavens. They possess the power of destiny. The Madman Chu had dealt with the six-eyed **** king of Tianyuan Universe in the past, and killed them in the long river of fate.

I couldn't be more familiar with this force.

"It is the power of six eyes."

The goddess You nodded slightly, "By chance, I got the inheritance of a strong six-eyed clan, and I also have these eyes of destiny."

She opened her eyes slightly.

A stream of divine light turned out, and six pupils flickered in it.

But when she saw Madman Chu, she felt a tingling pain in her eyes, and couldn't help closing her eyes. She was a little shocked in her heart.

With her eyes, one can observe the destiny of all souls in the world.

But he couldn't see through the madman Chu.

Even if you try to figure it out, you will suffer a powerful backlash.

"The methods of the six-eyed clan are indeed tricky, but there are still some things between heaven and earth that are not to be seen." Chu Kuangren said lightly.

Heavenly Girl You nodded slightly, "I understand."

"Okay, you go down."

"Yes, suzerain."

She sighed inwardly.

Now she and Madman Chu are only subordinates.


A flying bird came into the air.

"I am a believer, and I am here to invite the madman Chu, the **** of the human race, to participate in the Jiufang Mountain human race event." Flying Bird said over the Pangu Sect.

It was an invitation.

"Oh, Jiufang Mountain Terran Event? Tell me in detail."

Madman Chu said lightly.

The Asuka flew in front of him and explained it again.

This conference mainly invited some human **** sons and goddesses to gather together, get to know each other, and learn from each other.

Occasionally, I will go there to develop some spiritual world together.

Except besides.

There are also some human guardians who will also participate.

When the madman heard this, he showed some interest.

"Will the human patron saint also go? I don't know if I can find some clues about the nine treasures of humanities and the inheritance of human ancestors."

"I will go."

"Then I'll wait for the son of God to fight at Jiufang Mountain."

Asuka finished speaking, then turned and flew away.

And the emperor Wa walked up beside him.

She had heard all the words that Feiiao had talked with Madman Chu, and she thoughtfully said, "Sect Master, I also want to go to Jiufang Mountain."

"Want to meet other human patron saints?"


Wa Huang nodded.

"Yes, then go with it."

Madman Chu said.

He glanced at the Hongmeng Spirit World Ranking, UU reading www. The eleventh rank on is a spiritual world called the Nine Sides Spirit World, but it is not open now.

The location of that spiritual world is in Jiufang Mountain.

There is still some time before the meeting of Jiufang Mountain.

During this time, Madman Chu made some arrangements in Pangu Sect.

Then set off to go.

He and Wa Huang were the only ones who went to Jiufang Mountain this time.

Lan Yu didn't go with them either. It wasn't long before she and Yin Honghua and others broke through the road, just when they needed to consolidate their realm.


Inside the Jiufang Mountain.

A crowd of human **** sons and goddesses gathered together, and it was very lively.

These goddesses and goddesses come from various human forces, and they are all the gods and evil spirits of the human race in this era, and each of them has unlimited potential.

But among them, the top ten goddesses and goddesses are the most eye-catching.

Among them, a pair of men and women attracted the attention of most of the people present. The men and women, men dressed in white, are handsome and handsome, and their breath is faintly integrated with the surrounding world, and there is a feeling of harmony between nature and man.

And that woman is even more extraordinary.

She wears a layer of tulle on her face and can't see her face clearly.

But in the dim, it can be seen that this is a beautiful woman.

Eyes are like stars, looking forward to life.

"These two people are so extraordinary, are they Taoists?"

"No, most of them come from the same place, that is the Holy Land of Humans, Heavens and Humans! That is, one of the Three Holy Lands of Heaven and Humans."

"The man is Lu Wuhen, who is sixth in the goddess list, and the woman is even more extraordinary. She is the top of the goddess list... the moon is innocent!"

"It's the top spot, no wonder the temperament is so extraordinary."

"Tsk tusk, Lu Wuhen stands next to her, it's a bit inferior."

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