Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2003: : The battle between the gods and the sons, the bright moon looks immaculate

Inside the Jiufang Mountain.

Many **** sons and goddesses of the human race gather together.

Among them, the existence of the top ten of the goddess and goddess list is the most eye-catching.

And the bright moon, who was at the top of the goddess list, stood in the air without time, a faint celestial splendor circulated around her body, and a bright moon looming behind her.

Like a fairy in the moon, the fairy is immaculate.

She attracted most people's attention.

Not only is she the top of the goddess list, but also because of her own temperament, she is also unique among many goddesses.

"It's a bright moon without time, it's really extraordinary."


"I really don't know what exquisite face is hidden under that veil. If you can see its beautiful face, it will not be considered in vain."

"Oh, I heard that many people wanted to see the beauty, but unfortunately, none of them succeeded, and some people died because of it."

"Weigh yourself, this woman is not easy..."

Everyone talked a lot, but the few gods who ranked in the top ten of the gods' list looked at Mingyue innocent, and couldn't help showing scorching gazes.

The more outstanding a woman is, the more likely it is to arouse a man's desire to conquer.

And now, this bright moon, who is at the top of the goddess list, has no time, and most of these arrogant gods in the daily heart are moved.

"Mingyue has no time...Tsk, compared with that, the women I played with before have become vulgar fans, not worth mentioning."

Godzi Fengyue, who was ranked fifth on the Godzi list, hugged the two goddesses from left and right, looking at Mingyue without any time, his eyes could not help being fiery.

The two goddesses in his arms were quite dissatisfied.

"Isn't it just a bright moon with no time, the goddess is the first, and it is not the first in the cultivation list, I don't know who will win it."


"The two beauties stay at ease." Godzi Fengyue calmed the woman in his arms and smiled faintly: "This bright moon has no time but is the first person in the young generation of the Holy Land of Heaven and Humanity. It is a veritable king's seed."

The king's seed refers to the existence of a king that is likely to impact.

This possibility must be at least one-tenth.

Upon hearing this, the two women suddenly became dumbfounded.

Although they also have the potential to attack the emperor, it is only one-thousandth at most, which is far short of the emperor's seed like Mingyue Wuxian.

In addition, there are several holy places among the human races of the heavens.

But there are only three recognized sacred sites at the top.

They are the Holy Land of Heaven and Humanity, the Pure Land of Heavenly Buddha, and the Taoist School of Ten Thousand Dharma.

These three sacred sites, even among the king-level forces, are also the top existences, with a long history, and it is unknown how many epochs have gone through.

There are several kings hidden in it, no one knows.

Mingyue has no time to be the first person of the young generation in the Holy Land of Heaven and Humanity.

"Mingyue has no time. He is indeed an amazing character."

High in the sky.

Several figures shrouded in Xianhui, looming.

These people are the patron saints of the heavens and human races.

In their respective universes, they are the pioneers of the human race, and their status is just like that of the emperor Wa in the Pangu universe human race.

"I heard that the Holy Land of Heaven and Humanity gave her the Moon Wheel, one of the Nine Humanities Treasures. I don't know if it is true or not?" A patron saint smiled faintly.

And the patron saint from the holy land of heaven and humans chuckled, "Oh, how precious are the nine treasures of humanities, how can they be easily bestowed."

He did not explicitly say whether to give or not.

The eyes of several guardian gods flashed, and it was clear in their hearts.

"I don't know if we can see the nine treasures of humanities in this era."

There is a patron saint looking forward to it.

"So many epochs have passed, and the ancestral land of humanities has been opened many times, but the nine treasures of humanities have never been collected. How can it be that simple?"

There are also patron saints who hold no hope.

at this time.

A young man walked out and said lightly: "Everyone is a human being, and we are gathered together at this moment. If we don't do anything, wouldn't we waste this great time? How about everyone talking about it?"

"Where can there be a real refreshment on the road." A sturdy man stepped forward, and a domineering atmosphere broke out on his body. "I, Liu Ruohuo, who dares to fight with me!"

Liu Ruohuo, originally the ninth son of God, is now the tenth.

The aura that radiated from him was very domineering, faintly approaching the realm of Dao Sovereign, and everyone could not help being a little dignified when they saw it. Among them, it is very rare for them to have a cultivation base that can reach the realm of Dao Sovereign.

"Heh, Daoyou Liu is right, then come and compare."

A young man in white walked out.

In terms of momentum, he was no worse than Liu Ruohuo.

It is the eighth sneer on the list of gods.

"Ha, refreshing, come on."

The two fight together, with amazing momentum.

But soon, Sneer Tian was suppressed by Liu Ruohuo. Although Sneer Tian was higher than Liu Ruohuo in the ranking, he was not as good as the opponent in terms of strength.

"Ha, I'll try it."

At this moment, a man in a yellow robe jumped out.

There is a kind of domineering aura on him.

Like an emperor.

"It's Ao Qingtian, the prince of Huangji Dynasty!"

"Huangji Dynasty is the top power second only to the three holy places, and I don't know what the strength of this prince has reached."

"Just look at it."

Ao Qingtian fought with Liu Ruohuo, and the momentum was equally astonishing.

High in the sky.

Mingyue had no time to watch the battle underneath, and her eyes couldn't help but reveal a touch of disappointment. Isn't it possible that the gods of the human race have this level?

She is the number one goddess, and she is extremely arrogant in her heart.

The vision is also very high.

For so many years, no one in the era of UU reading can catch her eyes.

And this time, Jiufang Mountain opened a human race event.

She came to participate also to see if there are any other people in this world who can compare with her, but now she is a little disappointed.

The top ten figures on the list of God's sons are far inferior to him.

The only thing on the scene that can make her a little bit more concerned, only two people.

One is the **** son of Fengyue.

Although this person behaves turbulently, his cultivation level is extremely high, he has reached the supreme state of the Dao, and he comes from the Ten Thousand Fa Dao Sect, one of the three holy places of the human race.

The second is ancient Zen.

This person came from the Pure Land of the Heavenly Buddha.

"These two people are both king seeds."

"But it's a pity, it just got me a little bit attached."

Mingyue had no time to think secretly.

A name could not help but pop up in her mind.

Madman Chu...

This man is the number one man of God's son.

Can he compare with himself?

"No time, you seem to have something on your mind?" Lu Wuhen glanced at Mingyue No Time who was thinking about it, and asked with concern.

"Mad Chu, will you come?"

However, Mingyue had no time to ask directly.

Hearing this, Lu Wuhen almost couldn't maintain the smile on his face.


I care about you here, but you are thinking of other men.

Lu Wuhen couldn't help burning with jealousy in his heart.

"He should come."

Lu Wuhen said uncertainly.

He heard that this event indeed invited Madman Chu.

"Oh, that's really exciting."

Mingyue had no time to murmur, with a look of expectation in his eyes.

Lu Wuhen smiled on the face.

But in his heart, he hated the Madman Chu who had never met before.

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