Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2006: : All forces besieged and killed, a group of crooked melons and split dates, dare to

The Ziluo maze was opened, and the entire beacon domain was blocked.

In Wanbing City, everyone looked at the thick purple mist and couldn't help but fell into a panic.

But the thunder released by the big net in the purple mist blasted back.

"Damn it, can't get out."

"What the **** is going on? Who did it?"

"We are all trapped."

And at the gate of Ten Thousand Soldiers City.

A black-robed man walked slowly, looking at the refiners with indifference in his eyes, and sneered, "None of you can leave."

"You are... Dai Tian?! What is going on?"

Everyone looked at Dai Tian in shock.

Dai Tian, ​​the former number one in the refining list.

After losing to the Madman Chu in Wanbingcheng, he was driven out.

Now it has appeared again.

Everyone was surprised.

"Ha, blame Madman Chu if you are to blame, he is the one who killed you."

Dai Tian laughed.

Everyone still wants to ask.

But at this time, a strong breath broke out in the crowd.

One by one, the monks swept in the direction of Panguzong.

"These people are... the Celestial Clan?!"

Someone saw that these people were shrouded in a faint peculiar fairy radiance, which was the light of the gods unique to the gods!

And the one headed, the light of the gods on his body is the most dazzling.

The vigorous fluctuations that emanated from it caused the void to constantly oscillate.

"No, it's not just the gods."

Everyone exclaimed.

Among that group of monks, in addition to the people of the Celestial Clan, there are also many monks who exude other special auras, such as dragon aura, sword aura...

These people come from different forces.

They were actually lurking in the City of Ten Thousand Soldiers.

"What are they going to do?!"

"That direction is...Pangu Sect, they want to deal with the Madman Chu!"

Everyone was shocked.

Looking at the thick purple clouds in the sky and the powerful monks, they couldn't help swallowing.

Ten Thousand Soldiers City, the sky is going to change! ?

"Mad Chu, I'll come to you for a while."

The people headed by the Celestial clan call the Celestial God Wuxin.

It was on the Great Dao list, second only to the Mad Man of Chu, the existence of military disasters, his strength was stronger than some supreme ones, and he was a rare arrogant of the Celestial Clan.

Next to him is Tenjinzang.

"This time, in addition to our Celestial Clan, there are also the Dragon Clan, Dragon Blood Yellow Family, Dragon Hunter, and Sword God Palace. I want to see how this Madman Chu will survive this time!"

Tian Shen Zang said with cold eyes.

"Tsk, that World Destroying Martial Master is really amazing, he can tell so many forces to take action, even the formation king is here."

"In addition to the formation king, I heard that there are other kings who participated in this encirclement and suppression operation. Madman Chu... is dead this time!"

The gods hide, and the gods don't even think that Madman Chu will survive.

On the other side.

A man wearing a black armor is also flying towards Pangu Zong with a group of people, but this person is from the same line as a dragon hunter...Wang Yi.

Behind him are all dragon hunter elites.

His eyes were extremely cold, "Madman Chu, the Ziluo fascinating formation has been opened, this time you are not working on the ground every day. In the past, you played my dragon hunter's line, and today I want you to pay it back thousands of times! "

In the old days, he brought a group of resources to trade Dragon Blade with Madman Chu.

Never thought.

The opponent took the Dragon Slashing Blade back with a trick.

Not only that, but also caused the Dragon Slasher's line and the Huang Family to kill a battle, both of them were greatly injured, and this hatred can be said to be unshakable.


A dragon chant echoed.

An ancestral dragon soared out, and behind him, there were a large number of elite dragons. This ancestral dragon was one of the thirteen warlords of the dragon family.

At the same time, he was also one of the dragon clan who fought against the madman of Chu in the Dragon Tomb.

It's just that the dragons suffered heavy losses in that battle.

Six of the Thirteen Dragon Commanders were dispatched, almost completely wiped out.

He is the one who survived.

Thinking of that battle, he still had lingering fears.

But he took a deep breath and murmured: "This time, Madman Chu has someone else to check, and our goal is Pangu Sect!"

Pangu Zong has unlimited potential.

This point has been revealed on the Hunyuan List and the Dadao List.

They not only want to kill the Chu madman, but also destroy this sect.

Destroy the roots thoroughly!

"Chu madman, the undefeated lonely man, Absolute Sword, the enemy of the ten directions of swords, I will definitely want you to pay it back today, and let you know the power of my Sword Palace!"

There is a group of people, all of them are sword repairers.

They were entwined with sword aura killing intent, heading towards Panguzong.

The head was a white-haired old man, holding a huge sword in his hand, surrounded by lightning and sword aura, his eyes were cold as ice.

Compared with the dragon clan, the enmity between the Sword God Palace and the Chu Madman is not small. One of the king seeds they cultivated, the Sword Ten, died in the hands of the opponent.


The gods, the dragon hunters, the dragons, the dragon blood yellow family, the sword **** palace, the five forces, and the five groups of people are marching in the direction of Panguzong.

The mighty, shocking.

Within the City of Ten Thousand Soldiers.

The spies of the demon clan saw this scene and couldn't help but breathe a cold breath, "These people dare to do this kind of thing, this will completely anger the king, are they able to bear the king's anger??"

"No, you must report the matter to the king."

He wants to send a message to the Demon King.

However, I found that the message could not be sent out.

"It's this formation. This formation cuts off all the connections between Fengyu and the outside world. It can cover a domain and lay down this large formation. In the Great World of Hongmeng, besides the formation king, it is not a second person to think about."

"This kind of handwriting is just to deal with a Pangu sect who doesn't even have a king, and to deal with a madman of Chu?!"

"This group of guys, UU reading is not crazy."

The demon spy's eyes were extremely serious.


Inside Pangu Zong.

The madman of Chu is discussing with Li Jun.


He seemed to feel receptive and chuckled, "A guest is here."

The voice just fell.

I saw that the cave sky where Panguzong was located was actually rumbling and shaking.

The sky splits.

Pieces of space fragments are scattered like mirrors.

Accompanied by a loud roar.

The entire cave sky where Panguzong was located collapsed and appeared in this world.

"What's the matter?!"

"Enemy attack!"

The cultivators of the Pangu Sect rushed out and looked around, with a look of caution in their eyes. I don't know when they were actually surrounded.

An extremely terrifying breath enveloped this world.

"So many people?!"

Fuxi froze for a moment, and was shocked. How long was the Pangu Sect to be founded? Don't talk about the king in the clan, there is not even a great master.

Now, actually have to face so many monarchs?

Is there a mistake? !

"Chu madman, today is the day when you and Panguzong will be destroyed!"

A figure walked out and said in a cold tone, the light of the gods, mighty, sweeping the audience, turning into a terrifying coercion, it was the gods who were unintentional.

But Madman Chu didn't seem to hear the other person. He looked up at the purple clouds in the sky and chuckled softly: "Nice formation."

"Mad Chu, your end is here!"

When God saw that he was ignored, he couldn't help being annoyed.

"A group of crooked melons and dates, dare to call it the end?"

Madman Chu's eyes flashed, looking at the **** Wuxin.

Just a glance, a sword light shot out from his eyes.

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