Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2007: : The top players on the top list appear one after another, the preparation of the ma

"A group of crooked melons and dates, dare to call the end in vain?"

Madman Chu sneered.

He looked at the **** Wuxin, a sword light burst into his eyes.

At that moment, Tianshen Wuxin only felt an unprecedented sharp air rushing toward his face, making him tremble all over.

That sword intent is too terrifying.

"The light of the gods will sway the world!"

The **** of innocence gave a low roar, urging his own god's light to the extreme, and with one blow, the power of the avenue roared endlessly.

There was a boom.

The void exploded.

Tianshen Wuxin was directly shocked by this blow.

The blood flow in his hands was not stopping, and the avenue in his body was even more turbulent than ever, which made his pupils tremble violently, and he couldn't believe it.

How could this happen?

He is the third on the Dadao list.

Although Kuangren Chu is the top of the list, he is also in the realm below the supreme Dao Dao, just like him. Why can't he even take a single move? !


That may not be a trick.

Just a look!

I have cultivated the light of the gods to the fifth level!

Tianshen Wuxin was shocked in his heart, and his face changed uncertainly.

And Tianshen Zang, who was standing next to him, was also shocked. Before him, he still had the courage to fight against the Madman Chu.

But now he felt that he was afraid of standing in front of the opponent!

This is only a few years.

The other party has grown to the point where he can't reach it!

"What a madman of Chu, his kendo cultivation is indeed amazing."

An old voice sounded.

I saw a white-haired old man slowly walking out, the sword intent on his body was extremely strong, as if he was about to smash the clouds.

"Oh, it's from the Sword God Palace again."

Madman Chu cast a glance at each other, a little impatient.

Repeatedly and repeatedly troubled him, did everyone in this Sword God Palace practice their swords to the point that their brains were flooded?

He snorted coldly, the sword intent on his body exploded, and in an instant, he directly suppressed the old man's sword intent.

The other party's face changed slightly, but then he sneered: "No wonder that even Dugu is not your opponent anymore. This kind of sword intent is indeed extraordinary. The fourth elder of the Sword God Palace, the Thunder Sword Sovereign Bai endless, please advise!"

Thunder Sword Sovereign...

Many people were surprised when they heard this name.

"The 18th Thunder Sword Sovereign on the Supreme List!"

"Tsk tsk, this is the person."

At this time.

A dragon roar echoed, and in the void, a giant dragon with wings grew into the air, revealing an extremely domineering aura.

"Ying Longfeng, come to take the life of a madman!"

Accompanied by the dragon shadow falling proudly.

The opponent turned into a middle-aged man dressed in battle armor and holding a spear, his face covered with fine dragon scales, and a hot dragon's breath gushed out from his breath.

"Ying Longfeng... thirteenth on the Supreme Ranking!"

"Good fellow, another master on the supreme list."

Everyone was shocked.

Between the heaven and the earth, there was a dazzling light of the gods flickering, and I saw a figure stepping forward with its head high, powerful, like a **** descending.

This man was dressed in a white robe and his face was as cold as ice.

"The gods, Liuli, the gods, come to take your life!"

The incoming person waved his sleeves, and the breath of terror pouring out like a flood.

In an instant, dozens of mountains around, under the agitation of this celestial light, turned into dusty powder, everyone couldn't help taking a breath of air-conditioning.

Tianshen Liuli, tenth on the supreme list!

"Also, another strong person on the supreme list, with so many masters, my goodness, this battle is too big."

"Just to deal with a Madman Chu, as for?"

"Haha, now, he is really dead."

Some people were shocked by the power dispatched by the great powers of the kings, and some were gloating over misfortune, thinking that the Mad Chu would definitely die.

But in any case, in the eyes of everyone, Pangu Sect was plunged into an unprecedented crisis this time, and it was about to be destroyed in all likelihood.

The Sword God Palace, the Dragon Blood Huang Family, the Dragon Hunters, the Celestial Gods, the Dragon Clan... Except for the Huang Family, the other powers are all kings.

How could a small Pangu sect be able to stop it? !

"You go to deal with Panguzong, Chu Madman will let us deal with it."

Tianshen Liuli said lightly to Tianshen Wuxin.

I saw that the gods unintentionally took out a magical medicine and took it, recovered from the injury, and nodded, "Okay, none of them can leave today!"

The gods unintentionally led people to rush towards the Pangu Sect.

But at this moment.

I saw that within the residence of Panguzong, there were a large number of rune prohibitions circulating around, and the golden light turned into nine huge barriers!

This turned out to be a wonderful guardian array!

Tianshen waited for someone without heart, and was blocked for a while.


"What a clever guardian formation."

The heavenly **** unintentionally shot out a light of the heavenly god, blasting on the barrier of the formation, but it was unable to cause much damage to the barrier.

His eyes condensed, a little surprised.

It hasn't been long since Pangu Zong was founded, and even some monarch-level forces might not be able to display such a large formation.

"Do you really think that I am not prepared for you?"

Madman Chu chuckles.

"Huh, it's just a formation, do you really think it can stop us?"

Although Madman Chu had already set up a large formation, how could all the major forces, with well-prepared preparations this time, come back easily?

They didn't expect that Mad Chu would be prepared.

"Break this array together!"

I saw the monks of all major forces attack together, and various powerful attacks blasted on the barrier of the formation, bursting out a series of roars.

The entire formation was turbulent for it.

Among them, UU reading most surprised Chu madmen are the three forces of the Dragon Blood Huang Family, the Dragon Race, and the Dragon Hunter.

You know, these three forces can be said to be hostile to each other, but now they will choose to join forces for the other party's Chu Madman.

It is really unexpected.

I am afraid that even they themselves would not have thought that there would be such a day.

"Oh, interesting."

Madman Chu gave a chuckle, and then said to Li Jun beside him: "Go ahead and leave the rest to me."


Li Jun nodded slightly.

He had full confidence in Chu Madman.

I saw him slowly walking towards Panguzong, wherever he went, a huge Taiji figure appeared, knocking the surrounding monks away.

He walked into Panguzong step by step.

The nine golden barriers did not cause him the slightest hindrance.

This big formation also has the ability to distinguish between the enemy and the enemy? !

Everyone was amazed.

"Tianshen Breaking the Void Sword!"

At this time, the **** of heaven unintentionally took out a long knife.

On the knife, there is a spiritual energy circulating.

Obviously, this is a great treasure.

I saw him raising the long knife in his hand and swiping it down fiercely. The majestic knife light actually tore a layer of golden barrier.

And just as the knife was about to tear the second barrier, a breath of beacon fire suddenly spread from within Pangu Sect.

A breath of great power shattered the knife.

A proud figure, stepping out, with white hair flying, looks like a man of Chu seven or eight, holding a remnant soldier in his hand!

The remnant soldier, mixed with the spirit of the Harmony.

Obviously it is also a great treasure.

And the person who came was the second disaster on the Great Dao!

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