Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2007: : Jiu Zun's determination, Dragon Blade is already hungry and thirsty

The domain of infinity is opened.

The power of the space around Madman Chu's body rolled, spreading out layer upon layer like a wave, shaking the formations laid by the formation king.

"This is the power of space?"

Jin Wang's face changed slightly.

And when the Madman Chu raised his hand, Time and Space Baojian suddenly hovered above his head, and this precious treasure that was closely related to time and space bloomed brilliantly.

The terrifying power of time and space swept out, overlapping with the infinite realm.

Not only that.

There was a dark golden light flowing in his eyes.

Dragon Eye is on!

"The Eye of the Candle Dragon, the silence of heaven and earth!"

The moment I opened my eyes, the world was silent.

Time, space.

The two mysterious powers merge together, and with the blessing of Time and Space Baojian, they turn into a mighty power of time and space!

This force rushed to the formation that the King of Array had deployed with the power of the Dao Law, and it was completely shattered with just one blow!

Although it was aimed at the flaws in the formation of the king's formation.

But it is enough to explain how terrifying this force is.


Under this force, the formation king was directly blasted back. He lost the formation, and his strength was only the bottom among the kings.

"He has mastered time and space!"

"Candle Dragon's Eye, and this kind of extreme cultivation method related to space, how many good things does he have in his hands?"

The Black Dragon King, the leader of the dragon hunter, as the king, immediately saw how mysterious the infinite realm of Chu Madman was.

This is the ultimate practice!

It is a power that even a king does not necessarily have.

"Kill him, all the good things on him are ours."

The eyes of the dragon hunting leader showed greed.

Dragon hunters are mostly greedy.

They played the slogan that they were not my race, their hearts would be different, they kept hunting down the dragons, and the various treasures on the dragons were exchanged for various resources.

Now, the dragon hunter leader has found a more valuable prey than the dragon king!

That is Chu Madman.

kill him.

Not only can you get back the Dragon Slashing Blade, you can also harvest other treasures.

"The power of the candle dragon, Madman Chu, I am going to fix the power of the candle dragon in your body and the ultimate practice." The black dragon king also showed greed in his eyes.

Driven by greed.

The two kings didn't care about their faces.

Instantly shot at the madman of Chu.

The power of the terrifying Dao law is mighty and agitated.

One strand turned into dragon claws.

Countless laws flowed among them, blooming with billions of celestial splendor.

A stream condenses into a knife shadow.

The violent sword intent seemed to tear the world apart.

at this time.

A scent of wine swept out, and amid the rumbling, a long river of wine filled with the fragrance of wine appeared between the heaven and the earth, traversing the sky.


The long river slammed the dragon's claws with the power of the Dao Law.

Blocked a blow for Chu Madman.

And the other force, the Madman of Chu, does not evade and condenses the space power in the infinite realm to the extreme and merges it into the sword aura.

Cut out with a sword, and the space collapsed crazily.

The moment the swords struck each other, a frenzy of energy swept all over the place.

Madman Chu blocked the king's blow.

the other side.

The Black Dragon King looked at Jiu Zun, his gaze flickered, "Jiu Zun, you really want to take action, are you an enemy of my Dragon Clan?!"

"Haha, I don't dare, I am a little supreme, how can I dare to be an enemy of the dragon clan." Jiu Zun laughed haha.

But he was secretly transmitting to the Madman Chu, "Little guy, give me ten altars of yellow beams a dream, how about I protect you from death?"

Madman Chu was slightly surprised.

Unexpectedly, Jiu Zun would make such a condition.

Moreover, to protect himself from death in front of the three kings, no matter what he wants to do, the ability of this wine lord is not small.

He chuckled softly: "Senior only needs to protect Panguzong for me. As for the few kings in this area, the younger generation will take care of it. When the matter is over, the younger generation will have a swig with Senior."

His words spread throughout the battlefield.

Everyone looked at the white dress, and only felt that the other party was so proud.

But the trio of King Formation had pale faces.

Three kings?

You are a great realm, where is the courage to say such things!

"You little guy..." Jiu Zun took a deep breath and looked at Madman Chu's back, with a touch of admiration in his eyes.

He has decided.

Regardless of whether Madman Chu gave him a dream, he decided to keep Pangu Sect and Madman Chu.

"After all, I am also the patron saint of Human Race! How can a group of aliens bully my Human Race Tianjiao in front of me!"

A coldness flashed in Jiu Zun's eyes.

He is the patron saint of the human race just like the emperor Wa. He has extraordinary feelings for the human race, and his heart is always towards the human race.

"Madman Chu, you are in such a big way, and you dare to speak out, go to death!" The Black Dragon King yelled coldly.

I saw him urging the dragon's energy, a claw blasted out, and the terrifying black dragon claw wrapped in the power of the law of the great road, and grabbed it out mightily.

Suddenly, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he suddenly felt a very strong threat from Madman Chu.

"This feeling…"

The pupils of the Black Dragon King trembled slightly, suddenly feeling bad.

He wanted to withdraw, but it was too late.


A monstrous evil spirit swept out of the Madman Chu, and the dragon scales on his body disappeared, and the strength of the candle dragon was reduced.

A scarlet long blade stretched out from his body.

He grabbed the scarlet long blade and slashed it out.

The overwhelming evil aura swept across, wrapped in a terrifying dragon resentment aura, and actually tore the blasting dragon claws abruptly!

The Black Dragon King couldn't help screaming, his palm was pierced by the evil spirit knife full of dragon resentment. UU reading

"Dragon Slashing Blade, it's Dragon Slashing Blade!"

His eyes widened, his tone trembling slightly.

The rest of the dragons also had their pupils trembling, and their expressions were extremely terrifying.

Dragon Blade!

The nightmare of the dragon!

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! How can you master the Dragon Slashing Blade?!" The Dragon Hunter leader lost his attitude on the spot.

You know, Dragon Slashing Blade is the supreme divine weapon in the line of hunting dragons.

There are all kinds of prohibitions on it.

Except for the dragon hunters, it is almost impossible for others to refine it.


Madman Chu is just a great realm, how could it be possible to refine this extremely sacred soldier that even the king would have to spend a lot of energy to run in!

"Nothing is impossible, Chief Dragon Hunter, haven't you always wanted to get this magic weapon back? Come get it!"

Madman Chu gave a chuckle, holding the Dragon Slashing Blade in his hand, pointing at the dragon hunting leader.

This is one of his hole cards.

With the heart of all things, he can master all things in the world.

Refining the Dragon Blade in the Great Dao Realm is no problem.

The dragon hunting leader who was locked by the dragon blade evil spirit, even as a king, couldn't help feeling a little palpitating at this time.

"These weapons shouldn't exist in this world at all, let alone in your hands!" The Black Dragon King looked at the wound in his palm with a gloomy expression. He immediately looked at Madman Chu with a cold killing intent in his eyes.

The power of the Dragon King broke out completely.

And the Dragon Blade seemed to sense the breath of the Black Dragon King, and this weapon blade specially forged to deal with the dragon clan buzzed and trembled.

When everyone looked at Dragon Blade, they felt a strange emotion of excitement and bloodthirsty, as if the opponent was not a weapon, but a bloodthirsty monster!

"Black Dragon King, did you hear that?" Madman Chu held the magic weapon, his eyes were indifferent, "Dragon Blade is already hungry and thirsty!"

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