Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2008: : The tactics of the 3 great kings, the monks of Pangu Zong breathe fragrantly

"Dragon Blade is already hungry and thirsty!"

Madman Chu held the Dragon Slashing Blade in his hand and his eyes were cold.

And the Black Dragon King was also unambiguous, knowing that Madman Chu, who was holding the extremely sacred weapon in his hand, would be difficult to deal with, he screamed, and there was an extra piece of armor on his body.

Although it is only a supreme chaos treasure.

But it was enough to see how jealous the Black Dragon King was.

Because the body of the dragon race is generally powerful, especially the existence of the king-level Black Dragon King, his body is extremely terrifying.

It can even be compared to some great treasures.

So generally he doesn't bother to use defensive treasures.

His body is the best defense.

But now, facing the Dragon Blade, he used a defensive treasure for an unprecedented time, which shows how much he is afraid of this magic weapon.


The Black Dragon King gave a cold cry and suddenly shot out!

Between raising his hands, the dragon Qi was wrapped in the power of the Dao Law, like a frenzy, swept out, mighty, and slapped the void frantically.

This blow, under the king, is almost mortal.

But Madman Chu is not evasive.

He condensed the power of the candle dragon and put away the infinite domain.

Concentrate all the power on the Dragon Slashing Blade.

With a sword swung out, a violent evil spirit rose into the sky, and a dragon chant echoed from the Dragon Slashing Blade, that is, the wailing of the dragon!

The **** light of the knife tore the dragon energy in an instant.

The terrifying power tore open the supreme chaotic treasure of the Black Dragon King. This kind of treasure could not resist the power of the Dragon Blade.

A large amount of blood shot out from the body of the Black Dragon King.

Blood splatter.

The wailing of the dragon resounded.

The Black Dragon King was slashed and flew out.

Slashing the Dragon Blade has too much restraint on the dragon clan. Even if the madman of Chu is not a king, he can use this magic weapon to fight the king!

Even suppress the Dragon King!


With a cold cry, Madman Chu stepped forward.

In the blink of an eye, he came to the front of the Black Dragon King, and the magic weapon in his hand was cut out again, and the majestic dragon grievance caused the opponent's body to grow cold.


A figure came in front of the opponent, a long knife violently collided with the Dragon Slashing Blade, a sonorous voice echoed, as if to pierce the eardrum!

Weapon combat.

Many people's ears are almost deaf.

The surrounding spiritual energy, thinking of the impact, rushed madly, forming an aura vacuum zone, but then the spiritual energy poured back, setting off a terrifying storm, and the surrounding mountains and rivers were all shattered.

The void is constantly exploding.

It's like a doomsday scene.

Madman Chu's eyes flashed, looking at the person in front of him.

It is the leader of the dragon hunting.

The opponent held a Hongmeng Supreme-level knife and blocked him.

This made him laugh.

"Ha, it's really a strange scene that the dragon hunter protects the dragon clan."

The sound of taunting made the dragon hunting leader's face pale.

The dragons and the dragon hunters are like fire and water, and their hatred is extremely deep.

But now, the leader of the dragon hunter, he, in front of a crowd of dragon hunters, tried to save a dragon king.

This is simply ridiculous!

But no way.

The current Madman Chu is too powerful.

If the Black Dragon King died, he and the Formation King would face even more severe pressure. Madman Chu with the Dragon Slashing Blade in his hand would have no confidence to deal with it.

Only concentrate the power of the three kings!

Only in this way can they have a chance of victory!

"We have a common enemy, I don't mind letting go of grievances first."

The Dragon Hunter leader said coldly.

The Black Dragon King also reacted, urging the dragon Qi, and a huge dragon claw grabbed at Madman Chu, directly torn the void.

Madman Chu's hand shook the Dragon Slashing Blade slightly.

After retreating the dragon hunting leader, he swung his backhand with a knife.

The dragon claw was torn apart.

And in the next instant, there were all prohibitions around him.

But the formation king urged a formation not far away.

"Useless work."

Madman Chu curled his lips.

Facing these formations that contained the power of the Dao Law, Madman Chu directly raised the Dragon Slashing Blade in his hand, and with a fierce wave, the majestic evil aura swept out like a violent storm, easily smashing all the restrictions.

The face of the king of formation is extremely solemn, "So strong, now he is more powerful than an ordinary king! The Extreme God Soldier is really extraordinary."

"Dragon God is fighting the world!"

At this time, the Black Dragon King gave a long whistle.

The ultimate secret technique of the dragon clan is used.

A ferocious and mighty dragon shadow flew out domineeringly and rushed towards Madman Chu.

But seeing him not retreating or avoiding, cut down with a single blow.


That Long Ying was cut in half by this knife abruptly!


The face of the Black Dragon King slightly changed.

With all his strength, he was so easily cracked by Madman Chu.

"The old nightmare of the Dragon Race is really terrifying!"

"Don't panic, he uses the Great Dao Realm cultivation base to mobilize the Supreme Dao Divine Weapon. This must be a great consumption and burden on him, and he will not last long."

The Dragon Hunter leader said loudly.


Even if it is the emperor's use of extreme magic weapons, it takes a lot of effort.

And Madman Chu is not yet a king.

Even though he has the heart of ten thousand weapons, but this technique has not yet achieved success, and using a supreme magic weapon, is it idle?

The leader of the hunting dragon saw through the flaws of the Madman Chu and sneered.

The black dragon king, the formation king is also a loose heart.

"Then, then, you only need to drag him until he is unable to use the ultimate magic weapon, and then he will be the lamb to be slaughtered!" said the Black Dragon King.


The three kings reached a consensus.

No longer head-to-head with Madman Chu, but instead used procrastination tactics.

"Longyou for nine days!"

The black dragon king uses the dragon practice method, and his figure does not move.

Dodging the light of the dragon blade with the body technique. UU reading

"Nine Palaces!"

The King of Array directly threw a large area of ​​the source of the avenue.

Coupled with the power of the law of the avenue, an extremely powerful defensive formation was directly constructed, and nine majestic palaces were formed in the blink of an eye.

Nine palaces are indestructible.

Can block the edge of the Dragon Slashing Blade.


The dragon hunter leader gave a low cry, and a set of armor made of countless keel bones appeared on his body, with the air of Hongmeng spirit swirling on it.

This is a great treasure.

He used this treasure to block the light of the sword, and at the same time used his body skills to wander around.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

The three kings joined forces to deal with a great realm.

Didn't you dare to head-to-head with each other?

What's happening here?

This wife is incredible!

"Is this the power of the Supreme God Soldier? It's really terrifying!"

"The king was suppressed when he faced the road?!"

"Dragon Blade, it really deserves to be the supreme soldier of the line of my dragon hunters, but it's a pity that it fell into the hands of Madman Chu, it's hateful!"

"This weapon shouldn't exist at all."

The monk who didn't know the dragon blade was shocked.

The dragon hunters have fiery eyes, and they think that this kind of magic weapon is in the hands of an outsider, and they are annoyed, while the dragons are fearful and resentful.

Panguzong side.

The monks were filled with indignation.

"This is the king? It's too shameless!"

"The three kings are playing in a great realm, but they still have to use this kind of trick that is not on the stage. Why don't you eat shit!"

"That's right, there is a real deal with the Sect Master!"

"Huh, this is the king? It's ridiculous."

All kinds of contempt, disdain, and even abusive words kept ringing.

In the face of Panguzong’s ‘smell-smelling fragrance’, the three kings flushed and became very embarrassed and angry.

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