Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2001: : Fighting and destroying the world warlord, do you still have anyone? Crazy talk

The majestic aura of killing filled every corner of the world.

The World Extinguishing Warrior appeared, and the killing intent emanating from his body made everyone present feel suffocated, and could not help showing a frightened look.

Kuangren Chu held the Dragon Slashing Blade in his hand and looked at the World Destroying Martial Master, with a strange color in his eyes, "You are finally willing to show up."

"Kuangren Chu, I'm here to kill you, this time, no one can save you." The Destroyer Martial Master said with a cold expression.

I saw the scimitar in his hand suddenly unsheathed.

The cold light of the knife directly tore the void, which contained the law of the killing avenue, which made the other three kings a little surprised.

"Why is the strength of World Destroying Warrior so much stronger?!"

"What did he do?"

The three looked at each other, somewhat surprised.

Madman Chu held the Dragon Slashing Blade in his hand and cut out a knife.

The two forces collided.

Madman Chu was actually shaken back!

With the Dragon Slashing Blade in his hand, he was actually shaken back!

"What's the matter, why is there another king?!"

"Oh my god, three kings are not enough. Here comes one again. Did the kings drop the price like that? In order to deal with a Madman Chu, four kings were dispatched. As for?? This pomp is too big."

Jiu Zun originally saw Madman Chu gain the upper hand, and was about to take a sip of wine to celebrate. After seeing the appearance of the World Exterminating Warrior, he couldn't help being choked.

"My dear, how are you afraid of him..."


If you are not afraid, how can so many kings be dispatched?

Madman Chu glanced at the World Exterminating Warrior, and after realizing the power contained in the opponent's body, he suddenly realized, "That's it, the God of Slaughter."

He thought of the cave in Fenghuo.

No wonder the other party hasn't shown up for so long.

It turned out to be stealing a home.


"Then let me try the power of the so-called God of Slaughter."

Madman Chu chuckled lightly, and there was a hint of interest in his eyes.

He held the Dragon Slashing Blade in his hand and slammed out.

And the scimitar in the hands of the World Exterminating Warrior also contained the ultimate killing intent. The two knives collided, and the surrounding space was like a mirror, constantly shattering.

"This is the Dragon Slashing Blade... it really is a good weapon. After killing you, this knife belongs to me!"

The World Destroying Martial Master said with some excitement.

His trip was really rewarding.

Not only has the inheritance of the **** of slaughter been obtained, but the cultivation base has been improved. In time, it is possible to become the top king and even a higher level of existence. Now, it is about to harvest a supreme **** soldier!

Not to mention, there are various secrets in Madman Chu.

In his opinion, those belong to him!

Clang, clang...

The two knives collided one after another in the void.

The majestic killing intent and evil spirit impacted all around.

The space is constantly shattering.

The world was broken into pieces, forming a large area of ​​chaos.

"Sword Twenty-Four!"

The madman of Chu displayed twenty-four swords, and the meaning of destruction enveloped all directions.

"Devil World Devil, the world is floating blood!"

The Destroyer Warrior held a scimitar in his hand.

The **** light of the knife circulated in it, and the terrifying meaning of killing seemed to have turned into substance, and countless rains of blood floated in all directions.

The two great moves collided.

The madman of Chu and the world-destroying warlord were shaken back.

The majestic power formed a beam of light and rushed straight into the sky.

The Ziluo maze was also violently impacted.

The formation king's face changed slightly, "No, their strength is too strong, if they continue to fight, Ziluo's maze formation will be destroyed!"

This formation was used by him to isolate the beacon domain.

Once destroyed.

The outside world will perceive everything that happens in the beacon domain.

At that time, the goddess of light and the king of the devil will notice that if they come, it will be even more difficult to kill the madman of Chu.

"Let's take action together, make a quick battle!" The Black Dragon King picked up the arm that was severed by the madman of Chu, and forced it onto his shoulder, using the power of the law of the Great Dao to take it back abruptly.

His eyes were extremely cold, like two icebergs.

It is chilling.

The leader of the hunting dragon, the formation king nodded.

What the dignity of the king has already been thrown back by them now.

Now they have only one idea.

That is, kill the Madman Chu!

For this goal, they don't hesitate to do anything.

Any means can be used!

What is the siege?

So, in front of everyone, except for a very shocking scene.

The four kings joined forces to deal with a monk in the great realm.

This kind of thing, the heavens have been through the ages, I'm afraid it's not a few times.

"Chu Madman, today you will definitely die!"

"No one can save you!"

"The Array of Thunder Destruction!"

The King of Formation urged the remaining source of the Great Dao, and merged with the power of its own Great Dao Law, and the formation of thunder and extinguishment was displayed again.

Regardless of the injury, the Black Dragon King performed various Dragon Clan practices.

"Dragon God is fighting the world!"

"The black dragon swallows the sky!"

"Black Dragon Overlord!"

The vast dragon spirit, madly swept out.

Every dragon qi at will, has the power to kill the Supreme Dao.

"Hunting Dragon Slash!"

"Breaching Nine Swords!"

The dragon hunter leader also urged his power to the extreme.

Various killer moves broke out one after another.

"The Devil of World Destroying, Ten Thousand Martial Supreme!"

Exterminating Demon Wu's long sword waved.

Various practices have been displayed one after another, and then they have been condensed into one, gathering the power of all forces, condensing into one, and achieving the pinnacle!

The four kings chased the madman Chu fiercely.

The horror of power and power is extremely shocking.

Everyone was frightened.

They felt that this entire domain would almost be destroyed.

too frightening.


In the endless energy brilliance. UU reading

A figure was blasted out and smashed into many peaks.

It is Chu Madman.

Even with the Dragon Slashing Blade in hand, he faced the siege of the World Destroyer Martial Master who had obtained the inheritance of the God of Slaughter, as well as the joint siege of the other three kings.

Can't help but fall into a disadvantage.

"Chu madman, this time, King Lan can't save you! And after killing you, I will go to her to settle the account!"

World Extinction Martial Master said in a cold voice.

He felt the power filled in his body and was full of confidence.

With the inheritance of the God of Slaughter, given time, he will surpass King Lan.

At that time, it will be able to wash away the shame of the past.

"If you want to trouble my apprentice, you have to ask me first."

Madman Chu said leisurely.

"Ha, you can't protect yourself."

The Destroyer Martial Master sneered.

"You guys, is there anyone else?"

"What's the meaning?"

"I ask you, are there anyone else? For example, a few more kings," Chu Madman said lightly.

What he said made people think he was crazy.

The Destroyer Martial Master also thinks so, "It seems that you have been so scared that you can't help but die, then go to death!"

He was holding a machete, and the power of the law of Slaughter Avenue surged one after another.

"It seems that there is no more. The kings who participated in this operation are all gathered here. In that case, let's go to death together."

Madman Chu said lightly.

"Crazy talk."

The Black Dragon King snorted coldly.

But he hadn't finished speaking, he saw Madman Chu took out a group of celestial celestial radiance, in which, it seemed that it was half a heart.

Countless mysterious runes circulate in it.

"That's my king's heart?!"

The Destroyer Martial Master's eyes condensed.

What the Madman Chu took out was the part of the king's heart that was taken away after the former exterminating warlord was beheaded by King Lan.


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