Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2002: : The heart of the king, the map of Zeguo war, stepping into the level of the king

The appearance of the heart of the king made the face of the Destroyer Warrior look very ugly.

This reminded him of the scene where he was defeated by King Lan.

The point is, that is just an incarnation of King Lan.


I saw Madman Chu crushed the king's heart in his hand.

Just as the use of the Supreme Heart can improve the cultivation base of the Mad Chu in a short period of time, this King's Heart has the same effect.


The madman Chu's strength is rising steadily.

Soon he surpassed the current realm and approached the king infinitely!

The Dragon Slashing Blade in his hand was also buzzing and trembling after receiving the blessing of this power, and the majestic evil spirit continued to gush from it.

The world-killing warlord's eyes were gloomy, "Chu Madman, with the blessing of the king's heart, you really have the ability to fight us."

"World War I?"

Madman Chu chuckled lightly and said lightly: "I don't want to fight you, but I want to strangle you...all!"

The voice fell off.

I saw the wind surging between the sky and the earth.

The majestic killing air surged crazily between the heaven and the earth, and blood-colored lines began to appear among the purple clouds in the sky.

The killing air poured out from the **** lines.

Constantly poured into Chu Madman's body.

Actually let his power increase crazily again!

"This is... the formation?!"

The King of Formation recognized the essence of the blood-colored lines in the sky at a glance, his pupils shrank, and he had never seen this formation before his eyes!

"You have done one thing wrong from beginning to end, that is, trying to kill me on my territory, you are too self-righteous!"

Madman Chu raised his hand and shook it, and the void burst into pieces.

And his power, under the blessing of the endless killing and killing air, increased crazily, and coupled with the king's heart that he had absorbed before, the great power in his body started to breed...the power of the law of great power!

"This formation is blessing his power!"

The formation king's pupils trembled violently, and with such a crazy improvement, even if he could not arrange such a big formation, what formation was this?

The top of the formation list is so tyrannical? !

"Oh, sure enough."

In the crowd, the soldiers chuckled lightly.

He is one of the few people who knows the battle map of Ze State, and he also knows that this is a hole card arranged by Madman Chu in Fengyu.

So he was not as worried as the others.

"Zeguo's battle map can absorb the killing air and transform it into the power of the formation. The beacon domain is one of the strongest areas with the strongest killing air. After so many years of absorption, this large array has accumulated killing air. I don’t know how strong it is for a long time. Once this power burst out..."

A sneer appeared on the face of the soldiers disaster, and he looked at the kings, "Are you ready to bear the anger of the most terrifying king ever?!"

Boom, boom, boom...

The killing air is like a waterfall pouring out from the **** lines in the sky.

That power caused the world's warlord to palpitate slightly.


He no longer hesitated, and cut out with a scimitar in his hand.


The power of the law of the Slaughter Avenue is condensed and turned into a peerless edge!

But he saw Madman Chu stretch out his hands and spread his five fingers.

Hold it slightly in the void.

That peerless edge was actually frozen in mid-air abruptly.


With a soft drink.

That sharp edge burst into pieces, and the power of the Dao Law contained in it was directly shattered, which made the World Exterminating Warriors horrified.

"This big formation can actually increase his strength to this point?"

"His cultivation base has been promoted to the emperor!"


The madman of Chu stood in the air, and under the dual blessing of the king's heart and Ze Guo's battle plan, his power was unprecedentedly strong.

Has reached the realm of kings!

He felt this unprecedented powerful force, with a smile on his face, looking at the World Exterminating Warriors, "Prepare to die!"

"Hurry up!"

Several kings did not dare to be careless and raised their strength to the extreme.

"The Devil of World Destroying, Ten Thousand Martial Supreme!"

"Thunder destroys the formation!"

"Hunting Dragon Slash!"

"The black dragon swallows the sky!"

The force of the four-legged great principle swept towards the madman of Chu.

In the face of such a terrifying power, it was difficult for the Madman Chu to resist before, but now he has a leisurely look.

I saw him holding the Dragon Slashing Blade in his hand and screamed, "Sword Twenty-Four!"

The ultimate sword intent bursts out instantly!


The majestic power, like a storm swept through, burst out!

The sword light cut by the Dragon Blade almost illuminates the entire beacon domain!

Blade energy, power of formation, dragon energy...

Several strands of energy had the most extreme collision.

A beam of earth-shattering energy beams formed, rushing straight into the sky, and the huge barrier formed by the entire Ziluo maze was directly pierced!

The enchantment is broken.

The law of the great road poured out.

Most of the kings of the Hongmeng world have sensed this power.

"What a surging power of the king, who is it?"

"Who did it?"

"The source of this breath is...Fengyu?!"

"Isn't that the site of Madman Chu?"

Everyone was a little surprised.

They looked in the direction of the beacon domain and began to perceive the situation.

"Hey, there are traces of the formation."

"Is this place cut off by a certain formation before?"

"I see…"

Everyone noticed the gradual dissipating purple cloud in the sky above the beacon, and they also knew that this place was once shrouded by the formation.

Then, they looked towards the aura of Dao Law, and when they saw the messy battlefield, they suddenly took a breath of air.

"Damn! What's the situation?"

"The World Exterminating Warrior, the Black Dragon King, the Formation King, and the Dragon Hunter Chief! The four kings, what are they doing together in Fengyu?"

"There are still a lot of troops, they want to deal with Panguzong."

Just a glance.

The kings have guessed about the situation at the scene.

Four kings were dispatched to deal with a Madman Chu in a great realm?

This is simply a fantasy.

"A big deal."

Everyone can't help but sigh.

Inside the Temple of Light.

The eyes of the Goddess of Light were extremely cold, and her face turned pale with anger.

"Okay, what a formation king!"

"Ming concubine, call someone, let's go to Fengyu!"

She was angry.

The seed of light is her hope for the future against the darkness of the end.

But there are always people who want to exterminate her hope by all means, she can no longer bear it, even if the blood is flowing in a river today, she has to make the formation king, the exterminating warlord and others pay the price!

"Goddess, the situation doesn't seem so bad."

Concubine Ming was a bit weird on the side, the goddess of light heard the words and looked into the depths of the battlefield, and then there was a stunned expression on Qiao's face.

Not only her.

The scene that the others saw, also shocked their jaws.

I saw in the battlefield.

The law of violent energy is raging, constantly shattering the void.

The world was beaten into chaos.

In this chaos, the World Exterminating Warriors were more or less scarred on their bodies, looking quite embarrassed.

Opposite them.

A figure in white clothes stood proudly, with a dazzling celestial splendor on his body.

Like a **** of the world!

This person is Chu Madman!

The horror of the breath exuding from him at this time made some kings feel palpitation, and they felt incredible.

"The king?! Madman Chu, has become a king?!"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

This seems to be different from what they thought.


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