Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2003: : No one can go, kill the black dragon king, the king’s horror

On the battlefield, Madman Chu handed the Dragon Slasher blade in his hand, surrounded by the power of incomparably terrifying Dao laws, surpassing ordinary kings.

Opposite him, the four kings such as Shishiwuzhu were traumatized after forcibly colliding with his sword twenty-four.

All of them paled.

The principle of the great power in the body, the heart of the king, is even more turbulent.

Everyone who observed this scene took a breath.

Rao is the goddess of light, and there is a strange color in his eyes.

"How could he improve so fast?"


The Goddess of Light soon discovered that the Madman Chu did not reach the realm of the king, but achieved it with the help of some external force.

But even so, it is enough to show that he is extraordinary.

"Kuangren Chu can actually do this, he, how did he do it, my goodness, it's terrible."

"This guy is actually capable of overpowering four kings?!"


All the kings who noticed this scene were lost.

Even the Demon King who was far away in the Demon Territory was a little surprised.

"Ha, it seems there is no need to help him."

She became more and more satisfied with Mad Man Chu.

Only such people can become their future comrades-in-arms.

Fight side by side with her.

Thinking of the possible battles in the future.

The gaze of the Demon King passed a dull color.


"How can this be?!"

"The four kings can't help Madman Chu. What is his background? How can there be such a freak in this era?!"

Among the dragons.

King Zulong saw everything happening in Fengyu, and his mouth twitched. He knew this battle in Fengyu.

In his opinion, the four kings had taken action, even if this Madman of Chu had great abilities, he should undoubtedly die.

How could things get to this point?

"He hasn't really become a king now, how terrifying should he become a king?" Zulong Wang thought to himself.

In the past, he regarded Mad Chu as a dragon threat.

But he also felt that the dragon clan's background was enough to deal with the opponent.

But now, he feels a little bit lost.

This monster...

Does the dragon really have a way to deal with it?

"Don't panic, don't panic."

"If the situation is urgent, there are still a few ancestors of my dragon clan."

The Zulong King took a deep breath.

Thinking of those ancestors, he felt a little relieved.

the other side.

Within the Celestial Clan.

The patriarch of the Celestial God also saw the war in the beacon, and his eyes couldn't help showing the color of thinking, "There is such a monster in the human race. In this era, if he does not die, he will become a king, and may even surpass the king of Lan!"

Thinking of this, there was an icy color in his eyes.

The Celestial Clan, like the Dragon Clan, is an extremely ancient race.

They appeared in this world earlier than the human race, but gradually, the development of the human race surpassed them and became the protagonist of the heavens.

This made him very dissatisfied.

Last epoch, there was a Lan Wang.

In this era, another madman of Chu came.

The more Tianjiao the Human Race came out in large numbers, the more upset he was.

"The last era failed to kill King Lan. In this era, the madman of Chu can't keep it. The king seeds of my Celestial Clan must act as soon as possible. It's time to summon them to the Great World of Hongmeng."

The patriarch of the gods thought to himself.


Beacon domain.

Madman Chu held the Dragon Slashing Blade and looked at the World Destroying Martial Masters indifferently.

"Success to death."


After the words fell, Madman Chu's figure instantly disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he had already come to the front of the Black Dragon King, and cut the dragon blade in his hand.


The Black Dragon King roared, the law of the Great Dao in his body urged to the extreme.

Claw out!

The majestic power still tore his dragon claws in an instant, and the terrifying blade light completely covered his body.

The dragon scales shattered, and the dragon's blood shot.

The main road in the Black Dragon King's body burst frantically.

The king's heart also began to break.

This blow caused him to fall into the front line of life and death.


A look of horror appeared in the eyes of the Black Dragon King.

At this moment, World Exterminating Martial Master made a move, and the scimitar in his hand slashed towards the Madman Chu, his power was overbearing to the extreme, and he was full of killing aura.

Madman Chu didn't back down when he saw this.

"Now you are no longer in my eyes."

Madman Chu said lightly.

Slashing Dragon Blade swung out in his hand.

At the moment when the two knives collided, the World Destroying Warrior only felt an unprecedented power surge from the Dragon Slashing Blade.

In just a moment, his own killing avenue actually had a tendency to collapse.

He was hit back by a single blow, and the bones of his arms almost burst.

A huge hole appeared in the scimitar in his hand.

"Thousands of thunderbolts!"

"Hunting Dragon and Eight Gods!"

The king of the formation, the leader of the dragon hunter, and the two teamed up to strike.

The power of the formation has turned into thousands of thunders, and each of them contains the power of the law of the great stratum, which madly beats the surrounding void.

The eight sword lights blocked all parts of Madman Chu's body.

"Infinite Domain!"

Madman Chu drank indifferently.


A terrifying spatial force spread out around him.

Covered the entire battlefield in the blink of an eye.

A large amount of space power condensed into an invisible barrier around Madman Chu, making the space around him almost distorted.

The two kings joined forces in a single blow, and they couldn't hurt him at all.

Being blocked by this space, UU reading easily blocked it.

His cultivation base was forcibly elevated to the emperor's realm, and the power of space he used was naturally different from the past.


The pupils of the two kings shrank.

The two kings joined forces, and was actually blocked so easily?

Is there any reason for this?

"His combat power at this time is approaching that of the second-order king!"

The Dragon Hunter leader swallowed and said.

"Not an opponent, leave!"

This idea came out of Jin Wang's mind immediately.

The leader of the hunting dragon, the warlord of exterminating the world also gave birth to a retreat.

"Oh, none of you can leave!"

Madman Chu gave a chuckle, and took out the Time and Space Treasure Mirror with cold eyes.

Infinite realm, time and space treasures, coupled with the power of the current king of Chu Madman, under the blessing of the three, the Sifang Tiandi suddenly turned into a prison that is almost impossible to break through, and even the king can hardly escape.


Madman Chu's hand once again waved the Dragon Slashing Blade, and locked onto the Black Dragon King who had been hit hard. The Dragon Slashing Blade was originally the Dragon Nemesis.

Coupled with the madman Chu's strength at this time, the display was even more terrifying, and the body of the Black Dragon King was cut in half on the spot!

A large amount of the power of Dao Law escaped.

The madman Chu's eyes flashed, and the sky-swallowing technique was used to forcibly swallow the power of the law of the Black Dragon King, forcibly holding the peak combat power.

Even more!

The kings who watched secretly only felt that their scalp was numb.

"This technique of swallowing the sky can still swallow the law?!"

"Oh my god, this cultivation method created by King Lan is too terrifying, I really don't know what realm she is now."

"I'm afraid it has already been among the first-ranked kings."

The spectators were amazed.

However, the World Exterminating Warriors who fought against the Mad Man Chu were frightened.


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