Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2004: : Concubine Ming came, the goddess of light shot, the dignity of the leader of the dr

"Damn it, the world-destroying demon martial arts, the highest ten thousand martial arts!"

The World Exterminating Warrior made a decisive decision, and a great move was brewing.

But it was not Madman Chu who locked it.

It's the surrounding space.

He wants to break the blockade of the Infinite Realm.


Madman Chu gave a cold cry.

When he raised his hand, the power of the surrounding space rushed towards him.

A palm fell.

The power of the space, like thousands of sacred mountains, was directly crushed out, disrupting the World Exterminating Warrior's moves, and madly impacting his body.

Immediately afterwards, Madman Chu cut the dragon blade in his hands, cutting out a blade of light.

Puffed out.

The flesh and blood of the Destroyer Warrior was torn on the spot.

The heart of the king in the body shook wildly.

"Damn it!"

"Madman Chu, I'm fighting with you!"

With a long roar from the World Exterminating Warrior, a surging aura of killing erupted in the heart of the emperor. He used a certain secret method to forcibly enhance his strength!


In Wanbing City, there was a scream suddenly.

Madman Chu glanced.

It was discovered that those people were all the remnants of the World Exterminating Martial Arts Association who had practiced the World Extinguishing Demon Martial Arts, and their power was forcibly swallowed by the World Extinguishing Martial Master!

"Sure enough, you moved your hands and feet in the World Extinguishing Demon Martial Arts."

Madman Chu said lightly.

"All of them are given by me. I am just taking it back now." The War Master said in a cold tone.

With his cultivation level improved, the scimitar in his hand burst out with a strong light of the law of killing, and the madman of Chao Chu covered the sky with the light of the sword.


Madman Chu raised his hand and slashed.

The two forces converged and each retreated.

And when the Madman Chu was fighting against the World Exterminating Warrior, the formation king and the dragon hunting leader looked at each other and fled immediately.

"These two bastards!"

The Destroyer Martial Master was cursing secretly in his heart, and the coalition forces of those forces, seeing that the king had fled, also began to flee in embarrassment.

"It's over, hurry up, the king has run away."

"Yeah, we'll be over if we don't leave."

But just when everyone fled in a panic.


Suddenly the power of light exploded.

A bridge extending from the void is the Guangming Bridge.

On the bridge, one person stood.

With blond hair flying, wearing silver armor, heroic appearance, supreme aura is surging wanton, it is Guangming Youtian Wang, Mingfei!

Her eyes were cold, and a group of Paladins rushed out behind her.

"The madman of Chu is the son of light appointed by the goddess, but you have repeatedly targeted and violated the majesty of the goddess, and the sin is unforgivable!"

Concubine Ming said indifferently.

She cut out the big sword in her hand and easily cut Ying Longfeng in half.

Jiu Zun looked at him and was amazed.

"This concubine Ming should have only been promoted to the Supreme not long ago. I didn't expect to be able to display such combat power, and it has already condensed the power of the law, and her talent is not inferior to the goddess of light of the year."

With the appearance of Concubine Ming.

Allied forces were strangled one by one.

The people of Panguzong would naturally not be stunned. They also joined the hunting team, and the allied forces of the major forces were beaten up by them.

"After this battle, my Pangu Sect's background will be greatly enhanced!"

Li Jun looked at the allied forces that had been strangled one by one on the battlefield, and looked at the treasures that had fallen, and he couldn't help but be pleased.

"Perhaps, this is also the supreme master's calculation. He has long known that there will be this battle. Use this battle to sharpen the Pangu Sect."

The Lord Tongtian said.

When the others heard the words, they admired Chu Madman more and more.

"The ability of the Sect Master is really unpredictable."

"Pangu Sect, under his leadership, will surely be able to move the heavens."

On the Bright Bridge.

Concubine Ming watched the battle between Madman Chu and the Destroyer Martial Master, her eyes exuded, "In just a short time, I have grown to this point. Is this the son of light who can contend with the darkness of the doomsday in the legend? It really is extraordinary."

She turned her gaze to other places.

That's the direction in which the king of the formation, the leader of the dragon hunting, left.

"You guys can't go."

She whispered.


The two figures flew across thousands of miles in an instant.

It is the formation king and the leader of the dragon hunting.

They took advantage of the time when the Madman Chu was fighting against the World Destroying Martial Master, they wanted to leave the domain, with their monarch cultivation base, one step would be tens of thousands of miles.

It is not difficult at all to cross a large area between breathing.

But they found out, but they are still in the domain no matter how they run!

There seems to be an invisible force trapping them.

"It's space!"

"The Madman Chu has manipulated the space here. Under his control, the entire space of the beacon has been extended, so it is not easy to want to leave."

Jin Wang said with a gloomy expression.

This kind of spatial practice is really extraordinary.

I'm afraid it is also a kind of extreme practice.

Where did the other party come from?

Ji Dao magic weapon, Ji Dao cultivation method, as well as formation method, refining equipment...

He couldn't understand.

How could Madman Chu use so many methods?

Everything shocked the world!

"Since you can't leave, break it!"

The Dragon Hunter leader said coldly.

I saw that he was holding a long knife in his hand, and the power of the law of the road was circulating.

At this time, a burst of brilliant light broke out between the heaven and the earth, and the endless light fell down in the starry sky, paved into a vast avenue of light.

At the end of the avenue, a sacred figure came along.

She was dressed in a slender white robe and held a scepter in her hand. She was shrouded in radiance, and her beautiful face was full of indifference and majesty.

Sacred and inviolable.

"Goddess of Light!"

Jin Wang recognized the person at once, and his pupils shrank slightly.

But it also makes sense.

The Ziluo maze has been destroyed.

The battle in Fengyu is not full of opponents, so how can Madman Chu, as the son of the light that the opponent values ​​most, sit back and ignore?

"King of the Formation, are you ready to accept the sanctions of the light?"

The Goddess of Light said lightly.

The scepter in his hand knocked in the air, and the majestic light breath roared out like a tide, madly rushing around.

Under the coercion of the light, the formation king and the dragon hunting leader both had heavy eyes.

"Two to one, we are not without a chance."

The Dragon Hunter leader said coldly.

He took out a dragon's heart, his eyes showed a touch of struggle, but he still crushed it and sucked all its power into his body.


The injuries he left after fighting Madman Chu are quickly recovering.

"As a dragon hunter, but using the power of the dragon heart, you have completely abandoned your dignity." The Goddess of Light said lightly.

"Today, my dignity has been trampled on countless times by you. Only if I live, can I get my dignity back!"

The Dragon Hunter leader said coldly.

As a dragon hunter, he joined forces with the dragon clan. As the leader of the dragon hunter, he couldn't get back the supreme soldier of the dragon hunter. As a king, he and other kings besieged a junior, and finally he was beaten and fled. …

Now, in order to survive, he will not hesitate to absorb the power of the dragon's heart that is most disgusting.

The dignity of the dragon hunter leader has long been left.

He just wants to live now.

Where there is life, there is hope.

Only by living can get everything back.


The leader of the dragon hunting roared, and the long sword in his hand was cut towards the goddess of light.

The power of the domineering law swept out.

But at this time.

A black vortex appeared in the void.

In the whirlpool, a bright and moving voice came out, "Two kings bullied another charming little sister, you are really shameless."

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