Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2005: : Blasting Yu Dzi, 4 kings, none survived

"Two kings, bullying a charming little sister, you are really shameless." A charming voice came from the black whirlpool.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely majestic coercion swept out.

A big hand formed by the power of a large amount of black law, grabbed from the black vortex, and directly shattered the attack of the dragon hunter leader.

In an instant, he blasted the opponent out, hitting the ground like a meteor, smashing a huge sinkhole.

Just a blow.

The leader of the dragon hunter, who had absorbed the dragon's heart, and his injury was almost healed, was severely injured again, and the situation was more serious than before.

Jin Wang's pupils shrank sharply.

"This power..."

In the black swirl.

A woman dressed in a gorgeous black robe with wings on her back walked out slowly, her beautiful face with a charming charm that charmed all beings.

In this charming, there is also a majesty of the king.

The person here is... the devil king.

"Little sister?"

When the goddess of light heard the words of the devil king, she couldn't help but raised her eyebrows.

She is a dignified goddess of light, the existence of the king's realm.

She is actually called Jiao Didi's little sister?

This demon king is too presumptuous.

But it seems that she is here to help her, and it is not easy to have an attack.

However, the Demon King seemed to perceive the displeasure of the Goddess of Light, and did not stop at all. Instead, he smiled sharply: "Little sister, as long as you call me sister, these two people, I will help you solve them."

"Need not."

The hand of the Goddess of Light that held the scepter burst into blue veins.

She provoked dissatisfaction and said lightly.

"That's a pity, I actually always wanted a younger sister."

The Demon King said regretfully.

The goddess of light did not reply, too lazy to respond to each other.

Opposite them.

The faces of the formation king and the dragon hunting leader were very ugly.

The goddess of light, the king of demons, the second of the three kings behind the madman of Chu, especially the oldest king of demons, is unfathomable.

No one knows her specific strength.

When these two came, their way of life was almost cut off!


the other side.

Madman Chu and the Destroyer Warrior are still fighting.

When the two of them collided with extreme strokes, they each retreated, but then, seeing Madman Chu made an unexpected move, he took out a gem and smashed it out.

That is a treasure of Hongmeng!

It was the Yu Tianzhu he got from the craftsman Ou Chen in the past.

Upon seeing the situation, the World Exterminating Warrior slashed out and slashed on the Yutian Bead.

But the moment the knife touched the bead.

That Yu Tianzhu suddenly burst into an extremely terrifying energy, that energy, even the World Destroying Martial Master felt a trace of heart palpitations.

"not good!"

The World Destroying Martial Master drew his sword and violently retreated, but it was too late. The torrent of energy vented out of the Yu Tianzhu, directly drowning him.

Concubine Ming couldn't help but marvel at the Jiu Zun who was not far away.

"He actually blew himself up with a great treasure?"

"Good guy, so bold..."

Hongmeng Supreme Treasure, this is a treasure that even the emperor should cherish.

Madman Chu was good, and he directly exploded himself.

However, thinking that Madman Chu still had the magic weapon of Extreme Dao, the two of them were not too surprised. Compared with the magic weapon of Extreme Dao, Hongmeng Zhibao was indeed a lot worse.

Billowing energy, venting out.

And in it, an embarrassed figure slowly appeared.

"Oh, isn't it dead yet?"

Madman Chu said lightly.

That figure is the Destroyer Warrior.

It's just that even if he isn't dead at the moment, it's not much better.

His body was dripping with blood, the main road inside his body collapsed, and the power of the law was constantly escaping, and the king's heart was hit hard, like a blue and white porcelain full of cracks, it would turn into fragments with a light touch.

Seeing this, the madman Chu raised his hand to perform the sky-swallowing technique.

The power of the law that escaped from the opponent was absorbed by him.

This scene made the Desperate Warrior almost vomit blood.

Not only to kill me.

Before you kill me, you have to **** my law.

It's too cruel.

"Chu Kuang..."

The exterminating warlord gritted his teeth.

But he hadn't finished speaking yet, Madman Chu had already arrived in front of him, and the Dragon Slashing Blade in his hand contained astonishing power to slash down.

"I have no time to listen to your last words."


The knife light flashed.

In the main body of Mie Shiwu, the heart of the king is completely broken!

Madman Chu sucked those fragments into his body one by one, the fragments of the king's heart, this is a good thing, the great law contained in it can be used for comprehension, and it can also be used as a means of temporarily improving strength.

And after killing the World Warlord, Madman Chu found that there was still a dark ring on the opponent's finger, which aroused his interest.

To know.

Under the spontaneous explosion of a piece of Hongmeng Supreme Treasure, there were few things in the World Exterminating Warrior's body that could be kept, even the sword that was also Hongmeng Supreme Treasure was cracked, but this ring was intact.

He fetched the ring.

The ring can resist the spontaneous explosion of the most precious treasure of Hongmeng. The material is very important. It is also engraved with incomparably ancient lines. The dark lines reveal a breathtaking force. "This is... the ring of killing the gods?!"

The moment he started, Madman Chu understood the name of the ring.

He put it away.

I plan to find some time to study slowly.

"Next, it's time to deal with those two people."

Madman Chu said lightly.

He looked at the direction of the king of formation and the leader of the dragon hunting in the distance.

The power of Ze Guo Zhan Tu is almost exhausted.

It must be done quickly.


His figure disappeared instantly.

The entire beacon domain was shrouded by the infinite domain, where he could perceive all existence and appear in any place. UU reading


"What is that energy?"

When the formation king, the leader of the dragon hunter confronted the goddess of light and the king of devil, he suddenly found a roar in the distance.

That is the power generated by the explosion of Hongmeng Zhibao.

They can't help but feel frightened.

"Oh, here he is."

At this time, the Devil King smiled faintly.

As soon as she finished speaking, a figure in white clothes came to the formation king, and in front of the two dragon hunting leaders, it was Madman Chu.

His appearance basically pronounced the result of the two.

"Madman Chu!"

There was horror in the eyes of the two kings of the formation.

"The World Destroying Martial Master is dead, so soon?"

"It's the energy just now."

But Madman Chu was not in the mood to explain more to the other party.

Slashing Dragon Blade held high in his hand.

With just one knife, the two kings of the formation were cut and flew out.

"Tsk tusk, the ultimate magic weapon, it's not bad."

The Demon King looked at the Dragon Slashing Blade, and was amazed, and then his eyes showed nostalgia, "I don't know where I threw my Extreme God Soldier."

A long time ago, she also had a supernatural weapon.

But then it was lost.

The Devil's Blade she currently holds was forged by her later.

"Chu madman, don't be proud of you, your limelight is too high, and the wood show in the forest wind will destroy it, and you will not have good results!"

The formation king yelled at Chu Madman.

At this time, he was already bruised all over.

Madman Chu slashed down and completely ended him.

Then, the dragon hunting leader was beheaded again.

Looking at the Dragon Slashing Blade that penetrated his chest, the dragon hunting leader was full of unwillingness, "This Dragon Slashing Blade should be mine, it's mine..."

With unwillingness, he died on top of the magic weapon he dreamed of.

With his death, it was announced that the four kings who had come to Fengyu to deal with Panguzong this one survived!

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