Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2008: : Gu Linglong and Yu Ling, fortune tellers, noble fate

After the First World War, Panguzong began to recuperate.

Madman Chu also planned to retreat.

In this battle, the four kings have gained a lot. He gave some of the fragments of the king's heart to Lan Yu, and asked her to share it with everyone.

But the fragments of the king's heart of the World Destroying Martial Lord, he himself stayed.

"In the old days, you could be resurrected, can you be resurrected this time?"

Madman Chu looked at the fragment of the king's heart and sneered. Then, he used the sky-swallowing technique, sucking it into his body, and forcibly refining it.

Although the Tao contained in the King's Heart of the World Exterminating Warrior is not the Tao of his major, but it also has some reference effects.

Even if you don't accept the opponent's Dao, the technique of swallowing the sky can transform it into pure Dao energy, which can be used to improve cultivation.

Although this will cause the power of the king's heart to flow away a lot.

But he can keep his way consistent.

After all, only one's own way is the best.

"After this battle, my way of self-improvement and invincibility should be improved again, maybe I can break through to the supreme in one breath."

Madman Chu thought to himself.

He is now in the realm of the Great Dao to the God.

Leap across the holy to the supreme in one breath.

This kind of thing is almost unthinkable to other monks.

It is enough to show how much the Madman Chu has gained in this battle.

And when the Mad Man of Chu was in retreat, Pangu Sect was also developing in an orderly manner. Time flickered, and nearly a hundred years passed.

For a hundred years, the major forces have not taken any action against Panguzong.

Four kings were killed in the domain.

This result is enough to deter all parties.

And the impact of that battle was far more than that.

The news that the madman of Chu killed the four kings swept across the entire Hongmeng world like a hurricane, shaking countless monks.

Even the name Panguzong is well known by everyone. Millions and tens of millions of monks came from all directions, wanting to join Panguzong.

Everyone believes that Panguzong will be the next king's power.

There are even madmen from Chu.

Will far exceed the power of ordinary kings!

The Pangu Sect is still in its infancy, the sooner you join, the better.

When you grow up later, it won't be so easy to join.

Within the City of Ten Thousand Soldiers.

People come and go, and the streets are extremely lively. Among them, a large part of them are here to participate in the assessment of Panguzong.

On the street, there are two shadows walking side by side.

Both of these women are pretty good-looking.

One of them, wearing a long skirt, has a gentle and generous temperament, but there is a faint nobleness in his gestures, which is very good.

The other woman has smart eyes and delicate features.

"This Ten Thousand Soldier City is so lively."

The smart woman couldn't help but said as she looked at the streets where people came and went.


The gentle woman gave a chuckle.

Looking into the distance, there was a hint of expectation in his eyes.

"Sister Linglong, do you think we can join Pangu Sect?"

The smart girl said with some worry.

The girl's name called Yu Ling.

She is a casual cultivator who came to the Hongmeng Great World from her own universe, but because she had no background, she was bullied everywhere.

Without contacts, there is no way to join some big forces.

That's why she came to Panguzong. This is a newly emerging power and is in the development stage, but this power has risen too fast. She asked herself whether her talent was bad, but she was not sure enough to join.

"Oh, Linger, you have to have confidence."

Gu Linglong chuckled.

"Sister Linglong, don't worry, if I join Pangu sect, I will definitely recommend you to the sect, and then our sisters will still be together."

"Then I would like to thank Ling'er, but I should be able to join without a recommendation." Gu Linglong looked at Panguzong's direction with a chuckle.

"Sister Linglong is so confident, then I will wait and see."


Gu Linglong's cultivation is inferior to Yu Ling.

Talent is also slightly inferior.

Even Yu Ling didn't have enough confidence to pass the assessment of Panguzong, let alone Gu Linglong, but Yu Ling didn't say anything.

Only secretly made up his mind that he must pass the assessment, and then joined the Pangu Sect with Gu Linglong and live a good life.

Over the years, although she has a certain strength in the Hongmeng Great World, because of her lack of background, she has been irritated by many disciples of that powerful force.

Later, I met Gu Linglong.

They support each other, and they love sisters all the way to this day.

"Sister Linglong, there is a fortune teller, let's ask."

Suddenly, Yu Ling saw a fortune-telling booth on the side of the road.

The two went up and took a look.

It was the same fortune teller with his eyes closed, dressed in Taoist gowns, and when he noticed the arrival of Yu Ling and the two, he asked, "What are the two of them?"

"You help me figure out whether I can pass the assessment of Panguzong."

Yu Ling asked.

The fortune teller is not surprised.

These days, he has encountered many similar problems.

"One hundred crystals of mixed element."

"So expensive?"

"I specialize in the way of destiny, to ensure that children are not deceived."

"okay then."

Yu Ling took out one hundred Hunyuan Crystals.

The fortune-teller started to operate the method of fate, his closed eyes opened slightly, and he glanced at Yu Ling.

Vaguely, there seemed to be six black spots hovering in the gap.

"Six-Eyed Clan?"

Yu Ling's expression turned straight, and he was a little bit confident about the fortune teller's ability.

The six-eyed family is a family closely related to the way of destiny.

Ancient and mysterious.

"Well, this girl, your trip to Panguzong for the assessment, although there are some twists and turns, it is still smooth, and there will be noble people to help..."

The fortune teller said slowly.

Yu Ling was worried first, and then heaved a sigh of relief. UU reading

Then, she pulled Gu Linglong by her side, "Sir, you can do the math for my sister, can she join Pangu Sect."

After finishing speaking, she took out another 100 Hunyuan Crystals.

She was too expensive just now.

Now let Gu Linglong count, it's unambiguous.

"Ling'er, I don't need to forget it."

Gu Linglong said.

"This fortune teller is not easy, let's do the math."

Yu Ling whispered in her ear.

"okay then."

"Oh, let's start then."

The fortune teller opened his eyes again and looked at Gu Linglong.


He saw an aura of extravagance rising into the sky, as well as a group of extremely fierce divine light, that light almost dazzled his eyes.


The fortune teller took a breath and closed his eyes quickly.

"These Hunyuan crystals, please take them back."

He pushed the two hundred Hunyuan Crystals back to Yu Ling.

"Sir, what's the matter?"

"Let’s make a good bond today, and tell the two fortune-tellers for free."

"Sir, you haven't said whether my sister can join Panguzong."

The fortune teller hesitated for a moment, and said, "This girl's fate is noble and extraordinary. It is rare in my life and it is difficult for me to calculate, but if there are people in Pangu Sect who are good at destiny, they will not let this kind of noble person."


Yu Ling glanced at him suspiciously, and pushed the two hundred Hunyuan Crystals back, "I will give you a good price if I give it to you."

The fortune teller was stunned for a moment, then chuckled lightly: "The girl is really clever."

He wanted to use these two hundred Hunyuan Crystals to form a good bond with nobles like Gu Linglong, so that Gu Linglong would owe him a cause and effect.

But Yu Ling had seen through his little abacus and refused to give him this opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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