Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2009: : Yu Ling participates in the assessment, Gu Linglong recognizes everyone

"Sister Linglong, let's go."

Yu Ling left the fortune-telling booth with Gu Linglong.

And the fortune teller looked at the back of the two leaving, especially Gu Linglong, and couldn't help but shook his head with emotion, "Such a noble person, rare in the heavens, but from the perspective of talent and strength, she is not superior. How can life be so expensive?"

"Furthermore, her fate is faintly connected with another inexplicable existence. Even though I feel heart palpitations for that existing fate, even if I just look at it, is it because her fate is expensive?"

This is not impossible.

Fate is not static.

Some people's fate is born low, but because of some opportunities, such as befriending some noble people, under the influence of their fate, their fate is sublimated.

This is also the reason why the fortune teller wants to befriend Gu Linglong.

It is good for oneself to make friends with such noble people.

"If it is really expensive because of other people, then what kind of existence is it that has affected this woman's fate and sublimated her fate to this place?"

The fortune teller couldn't help being shocked.

The emperor's fate, I'm afraid I don't have the ability to wait.


"Ling'er, look at me for a long time."

Gu Linglong looked at Yu Ling helplessly.

After leaving the fortune-telling booth, Yu Ling looked at Gu Linglong weirdly.

"Sister Linglong, the fortune teller said that your life is extremely expensive, and you won't be a big figure in someone's power." Yu Ling asked curiously.

"I have been the queen of a country, but the strongest person in that country is only in the Primal Realm." Gu Linglong said.

What she said is indeed not a lie.

Since the opening of the Hongmeng Great World, most of the powerful people in the Pangu universe have come here, and the strongest ones who remain in the universe are Hunyuan.

Still the most common Hunyuan realm.


Yu Ling thought for a while and didn't pursue it anymore.

In any case, she recognized Gu Linglong's sister, and no matter whether the other party's life is extremely expensive or lowly, it is her sister.

"Let's go, let's go to the Panguzong assessment."


Gu Linglong nodded, expecting in her eyes.


There were a lot of monks who came to Panguzong from all directions.

They all want to join Panguzong.

Therefore, the assessment site is also very lively.

Yu Ling looked at the crowded assessment site and couldn't help swallowing his saliva, "My dear, can I really pass the assessment?"

She feels a little bottomless in her heart.

Gu Linglong smiled and said, "Believe in yourself, didn't the fortune teller tell me? You will be able to succeed if you have the help of a distinguished person."

"Well, I just don't know who this noble man is."

Yu Ling thought curiously, then looked at Gu Linglong and smiled: "This nobleman will never be you, Sister Linglong, right?"

Gu Linglong thought for a while, the corners of her mouth curled slightly, "Perhaps."

"Sister Linglong, you really love to joke."

Yu Ling didn't take it seriously.

Several people were involved in the supervision and assessment this time.

When Yu Ling came, he did his homework and introduced the people to Gu Linglong one by one, "Look, sister Linglong, that woman with silver hair and silver armor, her name is Lan Yu, she is in a great realm, and she looks so real. nice."

"The one next to her is called Wahuang, one of the patron saints of the human race, and also a great realm, and the white-haired old man named Yang Mei. This person is good at space and has unpredictable methods, and his strength is among the best in the Pangu Sect... "

Listening to Yu Ling's words, Lan Yu just smiled without speaking.

In fact, she knows these people better than Yu Ling.

Lan Yu looked at the people in front of him who had come to participate in the assessment, his eyes swept calmly, and when he saw Gu Linglong, his expression was happy, and he was about to recognize each other, but when he saw the other person, he just shook his head at her.

Lan Yu froze for a moment, then stopped.

She glanced at Yu Ling beside Gu Linglong, thoughtfully.

Sister Linglong...

Do you have other good sisters?


The assessment has begun.

Yang Mei opened an artificial cave and let people enter it.

Inside is the assessment venue.

"Yu Ling, I am waiting for you outside."

"Sister Linglong, aren't you together?"

Yu Ling was a little puzzled, and then she suddenly realized, "I understand, sister Linglong, don't worry, I will find out the content of the assessment for you first, and then I will tell you when I come out, then you will have a greater certainty to pass the assessment."

Gu Linglong smiled without saying a word.


Yu Ling stepped into the assessment cave.

When all the people who came for the assessment had entered the cave, Lan Yu walked up with them and looked at Gu Linglong with joy.

"Sister Linglong, you have also come to Hongmeng World."

"Everyone, it's been a long time."

Gu Linglong looked at Lan Yu and Yin Honghua and missed them very much.

"Meet Gu Daoyou."

Li Jun and others also bowed slightly.

They knew Gu Linglong's identity and did not dare to neglect.

"You fellow Taoists are polite."

"Sister Linglong, who was that woman just now?"

"The partner I met at this time, she wanted to join Pan Gu Sect, so we went together by the way." Gu Linglong said.

"In that case, there is no need for an assessment, just hire it."

Yin Honghua said.

Gu Linglong shook her head, "No, the rules can't be broken, and I believe she can pass the assessment by her own ability."

Along the way, she knows Yu Ling's temperament and abilities very well.

If she opened the back door directly to the other party, she would probably not be at ease.

It's better to let the other party flex their muscles and enter the Pangu Sect in an open manner.

Then, she asked about the current situation of Madman Chu.

"The son is in retreat."


Some reminiscences.

Time passed unconsciously.

The assessment soon ended.

As Gu Linglong expected, Yu Ling successfully passed the assessment but she didn't see Gu Linglong after she left the cave, and she couldn't help but wonder, "Hey, where did Sister Linglong go?"

"Heh, the little girl is called Yu Ling, right." Li Jun walked up.


Yu Ling looked at Li Jun in front of him and hurriedly bowed his hands in salute.

The other side is Dadao.

She is still at the forefront of the Dao Ranking, but she is not in the Dao Realm.

"Your sister Linglong kind of left for a while beforehand, and she will look for you soon. You have joined the Pangu Sect. Let me take you to your residence."

"Oh well."

Yu Ling was a little confused.

Li Jun's status in Panguzong is not low, he actually came to receive him personally? How is this going? She doesn't think how good she is.


In addition, the fortune teller said he would have twists and turns.

Why didn't I meet it?

Where's my nobleman?

Yu Ling was a little puzzled. She was taken by Li Jun to the residential area of ​​Panguzong newcomer. After she settled down, she sent a few messages to Gu Linglong. After learning that there was nothing wrong with the other party, she breathed a sigh of relief.

the next day.

Yu Ling is practicing.

"This Panguzong is different. This place is so good for the new disciples to live." Yu Yinqi said.

Where she lives, some formations have been set up.

Practicing here has greatly increased the efficiency.

"The people inside listen, let this place out quickly."

at this time.

A voice came from outside.

Yu Ling's face changed, "What's the matter?"

When she went out to look, she only saw a few monks standing at the door, looking at her eyes, full of unkindness, the head of the person, holding a white jade fan, looked handsome, but his eyes revealed a vicious meaning.

"What do you want to do?" Yu Ling frowned.

"Very simple, give up here."


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