Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2007: : The wife of Panguzong, the disadvantages of Panguzong

Under the leadership of Lan Yu, Gu Linglong visited Panguzong.

the next day.

She thought of Yu Ling, and planned to visit.

After asking Li Jun about Yu Ling's residence, he left.

Because of Yu Ling's relationship with her, Li Jun arranged an excellent residence for Yu Ling. Among the new disciples, she was the only one who received this treatment.

Only when Gu Linglong arrived.

But I saw a few people blocking Yu Ling's door.

Between words, I want to drive Yu Ling out of this residence.

She frowned and immediately became angry.

"Who gives you the courage to be wild here!"

Gu Linglong shouted coldly.

The few people looked around and saw that Gu Linglong was just an ordinary Hedao realm, and immediately snorted, their faces full of disdain.

"A Hedao, where does the confidence come from?"

"that is."

After Yu Ling saw Gu Linglong, he hurried up.

"Sister Linglong."

"Well, it's okay, I'm here."

Gu Linglong comforted Yu Ling.

Among the few people, the headed young man holding a white jade fan snorted coldly: "My master is the deacon elder of Pangu Sect. I have a good taste for this place. From now on, it belongs to me. You leave quickly. ."

"Elder deacon? I don't know who is his last name or name?"

Gu Linglong said lightly.

"His old man's name is not something you two little co-daos can know." The young man holding a fan sneered.

"Oh, don't you know if I am qualified to know?"

At this time, an indifferent voice sounded.

A silver-haired woman came slowly.

"Elder Lan Yu."

"What's the matter, why would Elder Lan Yu come here."

Several people were shocked, and hurriedly bowed to salute.

But Lan Yu looked at the headed young man with cold eyes, "Am I qualified to know who your master is?"

"Elder Lan Yu, my master is the deacon elder Yu Dao."

"Rain Dao people..."

Lan Yu thought for a while, and had a slight impression of this name, "I joined Panguzong not long ago."


"Hmph, he really taught a good disciple."

Lan Yu snorted coldly, "Get out!"

"Yes Yes."

A few people did not dare to stay and left quickly.

And Gu Linglong looked at the backs of a few people leaving, her eyebrows frowned, "Pangu Sect disciple, is there such a generation of bullying?"

"In recent years, Pangu Sect has expanded its power and recruited many people. It is inevitable that the good and the bad will be uneven." Lan Yu shook his head helplessly.

"When Mr. Ruofu leaves the customs, he sees that the Pangu Sect that he created with his own hands has become a place to hide the dirt, how would he feel?"

Gu Linglong said lightly.

"This... isn't it that serious."

"Lan Yu, don't be careless about this matter. You need to know that the embankment of a thousand miles collapsed in an ant den. The development of Pangu Sect cannot be hindered by these people."

"What does Linglong want to do?"

"I will observe for a few days, and then I will convene everyone to discuss."


Yu Ling next to him was dumbfounded.

what's the situation?

Why is Elder Lan Yu obedient to Sister Linglong?

Sister Linglong, what is her identity?

Yu Ling couldn't turn his head a little.

"Ling'er, why are you stunned?"

"Sister Linglong, who are you?"

Yu Ling asked curiously.

Gu Linglong chuckled: "Then I will formally introduce myself. My name is Gu Linglong, the wife of the Sect Master of Pangu Sect."

The wife of Panguzong...

Yu Ling took a breath, feeling incredible.

Who is the suzerain of Pangu Sect?

According to the rumors, the peerless cruel man who killed four kings!

His wife...

This identity is amazing.

Yu Ling was stunned on the spot, remembering the words of the fortune teller.

It turned out that Sister Linglong's life is really very expensive.

She is her own nobleman!

"Sister Linglong, you lied to me so hard."

"Ling'er, don't blame me, if I told you from the beginning that I was the wife of the Sect Master of Pangu Sect, would you believe it?" Gu Linglong smiled.

Yu Ling thought for a while, then shook his head, "Probably not."

Any elder of Panguzong is an unattainable existence in her eyes, and the overlord of Panguzong is even more a mythical character.

Who would have thought that his sister was the wife of that character?

When I thought that Gu Linglong was actually that kind of noble character, Yu Ling was a little cautious for a while, and felt that the person in front of him was a little strange.

Gu Linglong seemed to see her thoughts and touched her head.

"Heh, isn't that right? And silly girl, no matter how my status changes, I am your Linglong sister."

Yu Ling felt relieved now.

However, Gu Linglong still needs time to adapt to the tremendous change in Gu Linglong's identity.

One month later.

Inside the discussion hall of Panguzong.

A group of people gathered together.

These people are mostly high-level elders of Pangu Sect.

In addition to the monks of the original Pangu universe, there are also some monks from the Great Dao realm who have come here over the past century to join the Pangu sect.

"What's the matter, why did Elder Lan Yu call us together."

"Yeah, is there something big?"

"I do not know."

at this time.

Two figures slowly walked into the hall.

It was Lan Yu and Gu Linglong. When everyone looked at Gu Linglong, they couldn't help wondering why a monk in the realm of harmony appeared here?

Is it Lan Yu's maid?

At this moment, I saw Gu Linglong walking towards the main hall.

In that position, only Madman Chu could sit.

But Gu Linglong, just below the crowd and everyone's attention, directly sat on it, making the atmosphere silent.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Who is this person? !


An elder stood up directly and shouted angrily: "Where is the ignorant female stream? Can you sit in that position?"

Gu Linglong didn't care, and said lightly: "I don't think anyone in the room is more suitable to sit in this position than me."

When this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar.

"A Hedao, he even uttered wild words."

"What's her background?"

"Quiet!" Lan Yu gave a cold cry to shock everyone, "She is the wife of the Sect Master, seeing her is like seeing the Sect Master!"


Those monks in the Pangu universe are fine.

I've heard of it a long time ago.

But those who had just joined the Pangu Sect were extremely surprised.

Mrs. Sovereign?

They have never heard that the lord has a wife.

But this was from Lan Yu's mouth, and everyone could only believe it.

"The main reason for calling everyone here this time is to stop Panguzong's expansion immediately!" Gu Linglong said indifferently.


"Madam Sovereign, do you want to hinder the development of Pangu Sect?"

"Yes, did you get the consent of the suzerain?"

Everyone suddenly exploded.

But Li Jun, Wa Huang and others showed the color of thinking.

Gu Linglong continued: "Pangu Sect's number has expanded more than tenfold in recent years, but most of these people have mixed good and bad, and some of them have bad behaviors. Walking outside will only ruin the reputation of Pangu Sect."

"Yudao, the newly promoted elder of Pangu Sect, you have a disciple who bullies others in Pangu Sect. Many disciples at the bottom have already complained."

"Liu Qi Tianjun, you use the reputation of Pan Gu Sect to force the refiner to refining for you in Wan Bing City. You know that this will affect the relationship between Ten Thousand Bing City and our Pan Gu Sect. There will be a problem at that time. Can you afford it?"

"There is also the Hundred Eyes Demon Dao. How many Pangu Sect's Dao Sources have you hidden in private, do I still need to say this?"

"And these..."

Gu Linglong took out a few jade slips and threw them to Li Jun and others.

What is recorded in it are all the various malpractices of the Pangu Sect over the years due to the rapid expansion of the number of people.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but their faces were solemn.

Those who were named by Gu Linglong were even flushed.


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