Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2004: : Sword God Palace Lord’s monarch’s image, where do you think you are standing...

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"Unexpectedly, the Supreme Court also appeared."

"Now, Madman Chu is in serious trouble."

"For countless years, the Supreme Court has appeared very rarely, but every time it appears, it represents a major event in the human race."

"This is the first time that the Supreme Court has been dispatched for a great realm. Tsk tsk, the face of Madman Chu is really great."


Everyone talked a lot, but the Sword God Palace Master, King Kong Buddha and others looked at the Madman Chu with a gloating look in their eyes.

The Supreme Court has appeared, and Madman Chu is doomed to escape this time!

When King Lan faced the Supreme Court, she still did not waver. She looked at the man in the golden robe opposite, and said indifferently: "Even the Supreme Court, if you want to move my master, you have to pass me first!"

When the words fell, the king's breath flowed.

It is actually climbing.

There was a strange color in the eyes of the man in the golden robe. He had heard of King Lan's reputation, but the strength of the other party was still above his imagination.

Worthy of being a king who has suppressed an epoch.

The man in the golden robe was secretly jealous, but he came from the Supreme Court and was full of confidence. He watched Madman Chu continue and said: "I, King Golden Wing, the law enforcer of the Supreme Court, will now judge Madman Chu as follows..."

The Supreme Court is divided into judges and law enforcers.

There are only three judges and they are the controllers of the court.

It is also the person who made the ruling.

The law enforcer is the person who enforces the judge's order.

"The madman of Chu, who slaughtered the seeds of the human race's many kings and affected the future development of the human race, now decided to kill him... on the spot!!"

The word "kill" comes out.

The terrifying killing intent permeated the whole world.

But immediately afterwards, a more violent tyrant and iron blood swept out, overwhelming the sky, as if turning the world into a battlefield of Shura!

"you dare!"

King Lan screamed, his pretty face was stern, murderous, "Dare to move my master, I will go to the Supreme Court, and let you pay the price!"

"Presumptuous!" King Gold Wing was angry, "The Supreme Court represents the highest will of the human race, King Lan, can't you want to betray the human race?!"

"Everything about me is bestowed by the Master. If I dare to touch him, it will kill me! I don't hesitate to pay any price!"

"Reverse, reverse!"

The King of Golden Wings roared, and between raising his hands, the violent king's will merged with the breath of the majestic avenue and turned into a huge golden hand.

A palm fell, and the entire fairy island was trembling.

And King Lan also followed suit.

Raising his hand to gather the air of wind and thunder, he blasted out with a violent palm.

At the moment the two forces bombarded, the world shook, and many monks were suddenly lifted out under the impact of the force.

The King of Golden Wings also staggered back a few steps, his expression suspicious.

"She only became a king in the last epoch, so she is so strong?! Has she already touched the realm of a supreme king?!"

And just as King Jin Wing was fighting King Lan, the Sword God Palace Master several kings looked at Madman Chu, and their eyes burst with cold killing intent.

"Since the Supreme Court has issued a killing order, Madman Chu, please go and die!" Zi Leijun said with cold eyes.

One finger pointed it out, and purple thunder burst out, shaking Wanshan.

The madman of Chu condensed his sword fingers, and the Jidao cultivation method was used.

It is the King Kong Yu in the sword seal of King Fudo Ming.

The circulation of Buddha's words is like a chapter passed down from the world.

The purple thunder blasted on it, and huge energy burst out. After all, it was a blow from the king, and Madman Chu couldn't help but step back a few steps.

But he was unscathed.

"Chu Madman, I wanted to wait for you to be promoted to the emperor, and then discuss kendo with you, but now it seems that I should kill you now!"

Jue Sword, Sword Shi Fang, Du Gu Bu broken, and others died one after another in the hands of Madman Chu. Sword God Palace and Madman Chu could be said to be as deep as the sea.

He, the palace master, also wanted to get rid of the other party and hurry up.

Sword intent burst out, locking the Madman Chu tightly.

Both belong to the realm of kings, but the strength of the Palace Lord of the Sword God is even stronger than the kings such as Purple Thunder King and King Kong Buddha.

King Zi Lei and other kings, but just condensed the heart of the king.

Is the most ordinary king.

The Sword God Palace Lord is not.

I saw the law of swordsmanship flowing around him, and the light of the law of Chanran rose up into the sky, condensing an incomparably bright sword-wielding giant behind him.

The giant's eyes are like the sun and the moon, surging with the laws of majestic swords.

The giant sword in his hand is like a whole galaxy.

The boundless coercion envelops the entire fairy island.

"The monarch's image!"

The complexion of Zi Lei Jun, King Kong Buddha and others changed slightly.

The monarch’s Dhamma is different from the Dhamma practice practiced by ordinary practice.

The emperor's form is completely condensed by the power of the rule of the king, and ordinary kings can't use this kind of power.

"Able to display the emperor's law, the strength of the Palace Master of the Sword God has stepped into the second step of the emperor." Zi Lei Jun said enviously.

The strength of the kings is divided into several echelons.

The first step, the second step, the third step...

For example, they are ordinary kings on the third ladder.

And the kings that Madman Chu had faced before were all on this ladder.

"Chu Madman, feel the power of the emperor's face!"

The Sword God Palace Master knew that Madman Chu's strength was not simple, and he had the ultimate magic weapon in his hands, and he was able to exert strength beyond ordinary kings.

So he didn't dare to be careless, and he was the strongest monarch's image as soon as he shot!

The power of the monarch's magical powers is vast, covering the madman of Chu. In the face of this powerful force, no one thinks that he can contend.

"Unable to win, Madman Chu had faced the most ordinary king before, but even then, he had to rely on the formation method, and the ultimate magic weapon could win. Now this is not a beacon domain, there is no formation method, how can he? win?"


Zi Lei Jun, King Kong Buddha and several people think that the madman of Chu will die.

Most of the rest of the monks, already under the pressure of the vast emperor's power, shivered, showing a look of horror.

"Madman Chu, die!"

The Palace Master of the Sword God gave a cold drink, and the emperor's magic erupted behind him, and the magician raised his hand and cut down the galaxy-like giant sword in his hand.

"Huh, dreaming!"

Wang Lan gave a soft drink, UU reading www. is going to make a move.

Even if there is a King Wing who wants to stop her, she has the confidence to keep the Madman Chu under the siege of the kings.

But when she was about to make a move, she felt something and said softly.

"Where do you think you are standing now?"

Madman Chu snorted coldly.

In an instant, on the fairy island, endless auras burst out, like Wanchuan Huihai, turned into an extremely huge dharma!

Pan Gu Dharma!

This Dharma image is formed by the condensing of pure spiritual energy.

But this spiritual energy is really too majestic, it turned out to be the power that caused this form to burst out, and it was no worse than the monarch's form.

Even more!

Pan Gu Faxiang held the **** axe in his hand and slashed directly out, and an axe light that opened the world and the earth burst forth with the purest power contained in it!

The **** axe of the open sky collided fiercely with the giant sword like a galaxy.

The immense power caused the void to burst frantically, and in this impact, the Sword God Palace Master’s emperor's magic image was also constantly bursting!

"How can it be?!"

The master of the Sword God Palace was extremely shocked!

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