Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2005: : Powerful Pangu Dharma, the power of the island lord, the three justices...

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Pan Gu Faxiang splits a huge axe light, which contains the purest and most domineering power!

Under this power, the Sword God Palace Master's emperor's physical appearance was blown apart every inch, and the Sword God Palace Master himself flew out directly.

There were cracks in the body of the king, and the heart of the king was shaken as never before, and a violent mouthful of blood was sprayed out.

His face was pale, looking at the Pangu Dharma, extremely shocked!

"This, how is this possible?!"

The Sword God Palace Master couldn't believe it.

one move!

One move directly blasted his sword art!

This kind of power is too overbearing, and more importantly, this power actually came from the hands of a monk in the realm of Dao!

Before, Madman Chu killed four kings in Fengyu.

Everyone already thinks it is a ten-separation spectrum.

Now, even more outrageous!

The emperor's image is smashed with an axe!

Is that human being? !

"It's the fairy island, it's the aura of this fairy island that blesses his power!"

Soon, King Kong Buddha, Zi Lei Jun and others found the tricky.

But why?

Why would Fairy Island bless the power of the Mad Man of Chu?

"I don't want to ask why, I want to try me? The Supreme Court? Huh, you are also worthy to enforce the law for the human race? Where did you get the law?!"

Madman Chu looked at King Jin Wing and let out a loud shout.

Immediately stepped out, the figure flashed, and came to the sky above the fairy island. Between raising his hands, the fairy island aura gathered towards him like Wanchuan returning to the sea.

The Pangu Dharma image behind him exudes an aura like a **** like a devil.

Under the blessing of this fairy island aura, the power of the avenue has increased crazily, and the power of the law of power has appeared, and this form of power has also changed into the form of the king in an instant, revealing the boundless majesty of the king.

The laws of the great avenue fluctuate, and only a thread makes the void silently shattered.

Compared with the Sword God Palace Lord's monarch's appearance, I don't know how terrifying.

This is the power of the world!

"Lord of the Island!"

"You have actually become the master of this fairy island. No wonder this fairy island will have a human ancestral land. It turned out that you did it!" King Jin Wing was extremely shocked.

Regarding the legend of the Lord of the Island, he has only read it in the classics.

Unexpectedly, I actually saw it today.

Then, when he heard Madman Chu's words, his face was gloomy, "Madman Chu, how dare you question the Supreme Court, you, you, the crime is a plus!"

"If you want to commit a crime, there is nothing wrong with it. If this is the case, then let your judge come out to see me in person!" Chu Madman said indifferently.

When the words fell, his breath also rose to the extreme.

The Pan Gu Dharma behind him burst out with a dazzling divine light.

Hold the God Axe in your hand and lock the King Wing!

"not good!"

King Jin Wing's face changed, and he actually noticed a threat.

His strength is stronger than the main sword body palace.

It is close to the king of the first echelon.

But he still felt threatened like this.

It can be seen how much the Madman Chu's strength has been improved under the blessing of Xiandao.

"Open heaven!"

Madman Chu gave a cold drink, Pangu Faxiang let out an angry roar, the spirit of the gods and demons spread out, the surrounding space was shattered, and the universe was turbulent.

The **** axe fell and blasted towards the King Wing!

"Golden Wing God's Law of Heaven!"

The King of Gold Wing roared, and the power of the Great Dao Law also condensed into a form, which was a golden-yellow big Peng bird.

The whole body was burning with golden flames.

With a long cry, the wings of the Dapeng bird shook, covering the sky and the sun.

Thousands of golden flying feathers are like swords, flying out!

But in front of the light of the axe, Feiyu shattered one after another, was engulfed by the violent wind, and rolled back towards the Dapeng bird.

Accompanied by a wailing, the Dapeng bird was directly split in half.

The power of the law of the avenue is broken!

The King of Gold Wings flew upside down like a broken kite, covered in blood.

All the kings who saw this scene couldn't help being shocked and shocked, looking at Madman Chu with incredible eyes.

Even the law enforcement officers from the Supreme Court were bombarded.

What kind of strength is this?

Is the other party terrifying to such an extent?

"How big is this fairy island, how majestic is this spiritual energy, the power that Madman Chu burst out with the blessing of this fairy island is too terrifying."

"Yeah, I'm afraid that the top king of the first echelon is here, and he may not be won by him. How did he become the master of the island?"

"Ma Ye, not only that, there are countless resources on this fairy island. Madman Chu has become the master of the island, aren't these resources also his?"

"Yes, that's it..."

"How much did he gain from this trip to the ancestral land of humanities."

Everyone looked at Madman Chu, marveling to the extreme.

Dao Lingtian's eyes were red, and he was extremely jealous!

"Extreme Dao cultivation method, the nine treasures of humanities, the blood of the ancestors, so many good things have fallen into your hands, and now you have to take away even the fairy island!"

"Mad Chu, how can you do this?!"

At this moment, he couldn't help but remember what the Madman Chu had said in Zuling.

My fate is with me!

Is it really as he said.

Is all the luck of this era concentrated on this person? !

How can this be? !

Even if the opponent occupies the top of a few lists and gets a lot of luck, how can it be so bad?

Madman Chu looked at the Golden Wing King who was blown away, with an extremely cold expression on his face.

Trial him?

Are you kidding me? !

What did he do? Who can judge him!

He raised his hand again, and the majestic aura roared from all directions.

Pan Gu Fa Xiang escapes endless supernatural power.

In the next moment, he will make another shot.

But at this time.

Three majestic wills suddenly descended in the void!

I saw the clouds scrolling in the sky, auspiciousness, and various visions emerged one after another, and under the blessing of the thousands of visions, a figure was looming.

As if the supreme heavenly Lord!

Except for him.

The earth shook crazily, and the majestic air soared into the sky. Peaks rose from the ground and pierced towards the sky constantly, and the momentum was higher than the sky.

On the highest mountain, a tall man stood with his hands in his hands, overlooking all beings, with a strong breath and vastness.

Immediately afterwards.

Between heaven and earth, there are golden showers.

A majestic rain came.

Where the rain is covered, the dead trees come in spring, and all spirits are jumping for joy.

Amidst the golden showers, a beautiful woman in yellow clothes, UU reading holding an oiled paper umbrella, walked slowly, her expression soft, she was like a spring breeze.

"It's the three major judges!"

King Jin Wing saw this scene, his pupils shrank sharply.

Three major judges.

Among the human races today, it represents the existence of the most supreme power!

The moment these three appeared, everyone was in shock.

Even King Lan couldn't help being a little dignified.

"I didn't expect even them to show up."

King Lan could see that these three judges are nothing more than three projections of wills, but for many years, the three judges have never seen the end.

I don't know how many kings, even the projection of the will has never been seen.

As it is now, it is the first time that the will of the three major judges have appeared together in the last dozens of Hongmeng Era.

The three judges appeared together, and their eyes fell on Madman Chu.

But Madman Chu stood with his hands indifferent, his expression indifferent.

He looked at each other with the three judges, his eyes calm.

"Madman Chu, are you convicted?"

At this moment, the judge sitting high above the clouds said, sounding like thunder, causing the clouds to roll.

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