Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2001: : Reappearance of the broken arrow book, intensify efforts, and enter the long river

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Within the curse.

The patriarch of the curse clan united with Xuetianjun and the other two kings of the curse clan sitting on the four sides of the altar, and began to activate the curse avenue in the body.

Suddenly, the wind and clouds changed color, and the sun and the moon were dull.

A treacherous breath filled it.

Above the altar.

The several cursed things also began to move.

The dark black wood, with curious black runes, the blood-colored doll, made a stern howl, and the mummy buzzed and snarled, as if an unknown monster was trapped inside...

"The location curse of the **** confusion, found it!"

"let's start!"

The head of the curse clan said with cold eyes.

The positioning curse imprint left by the blood puzzle on Madman Chu is not ineffective. It allows the curse clan to accurately find Madman Chu and accurately place the curse power on Madman Chu, making him unavoidable.

Four cursed kings, plus all kinds of extremely cursed things...

Such a lineup, no matter how strong the emperor is.

In their opinion, even if Madman Chu was unparalleled in combat power, he could easily kill the king, but in the face of this unpredictable curse method, there was absolutely no way to carry it. They didn't believe that the other party could understand the curse better than them.

"Falling Arrow Book!"

I saw the patriarch of the curse clan take out a puppet.

Then he bit his fingertips, the blood converged into the shape of a Madman Chu, blended into the puppet, and the puppet also changed accordingly and became the shape of a Madman Chu.

Broken Arrow Book.

The top curse of the curse clan, specializing in fate.

But the users themselves will also be greatly affected, but in order to kill the madman of Chu 100%, they do not hesitate to use this access control technique.

The other kings also bit their fingertips, and blood flowed out, converging in the air to form small arrows, shooting towards the Madman Chu puppet.

Bizarre fluctuations burst out instantly.

Inside Pangu Zong.

Madman Chu felt an incomparably terrifying force impacting his fate. This force was the same as the feeling of blood terror attacking him.

But the effect is too powerful, too many times.

"Oh, you are finally here, let's see if it is your curse technique is better, or my fate is harder."

A smile appeared on Madman Chu's face.

The next moment.

His body disappeared.

When he reappeared, he had already come to the Temple of Destiny.

"I have seen the Lord of the Palace."

Dian Ling bowed slightly to the Madman Chu who hadn't appeared for a long time.

But then, he whispered.

"Hall Master, you are surrounded by cursing power, and someone is attacking your fate!" When the Palace Spirit spoke, his tone was full of anger.

Who is it, such a guts!

How dare to attack the fate of the Lord of Destiny? !

Are you looking for death? !

What a jerk!

"Calm." Madman Chu waved his hand and didn't care. "If they don't attack my fate, how can I get them to settle accounts?"

Madman Chu showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Let the curse clan attack his fate, this is his calculation.

Since Xuehuo left the positioning curse mark on his body, he had vaguely guessed what the curse clan would do.

fair enough.

I also plan to find the curse clan to settle accounts.

Curse the blood of murderous ancestors?

Calculate the entire human race?

It's daring!

He Chu Madman, who has also been a Pangu universe human emperor, dares to calculate the entire human race, what if they don't let them pay the painful price?

"Curse Race, huh, are you ready to bear my anger?!"

Madman Chu's eyes were extremely cold.


Within the curse.

Several kings joined forces to curse and kill the madman of Chu.

But when their attack fell on Madman Chu's fate, they suddenly felt an unimaginable force, which was like a copper wall and iron wall that could not be broken through, completely blocking their curse power.

Not only that, the powerful curse power has a faint tendency to backlash!

"how so?!"

"How can Madman Chu's fate be so weird?"

"What the **** is he from?"

Several kings couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

This is the first time they have met such a fate.

"Humph, no matter what, Madman Chu must die!"

"Yes, step up!"

The Lord of the Curse Clan had cold eyes.

They had already said it in front of the other races, vowing to kill Madman Chu. If they stopped at this time, wouldn't it be a joke?

Moreover, how strong is Chu Madman's fate?

He didn't believe it, and the kings joined forces, so why couldn't they help each other?


The Lord of the Curse Clan gave a soft cry.

I saw that several cursed objects on the altar burst out with extremely terrifying power, and the majestic curse power swept out.

Through the curse seal connection, constantly impacting the life of the madman Chu.

That invisible force spread out, and even affected the entire Hongmeng Great World, so it is more or less aware of the existence of the path of destiny, the path of curses, or other cultivation bases that reach extremely high levels.

"This kind of breath, someone is cursing life!"

"Moreover, it is a curse of extremely exaggerated scale and level. With such a level of curse power, even ten kings can be easily cursed and killed!"

"The source of this breath is... Curse Race, what happened? The Curse Race actually used such a secret. Who are they cursing to kill?"

The existence of so many kings was extremely shocked.

For countless epochs, the curse clan has been very jealous because of its own curse, and no one dares to provoke them easily.

But now, they use this power to curse to kill a person.

Everyone can't imagine.

What kind of existence is it worth to let the curse tribe fight so much!

"The curse...could it be..."

Inside Pangu Zong.

Wang Lan's eyes condensed, and he had a vague guess in his heart.

Her mental power spread out and enveloped Xiandao.

Especially the retreat of the madman of Chu.

Before, she could feel the breath of Madman Chu, but now, Madman Chu's breath has completely disappeared, and she can't even be found.

"how so?"

"Master, where did you go? Is the target of the curse clan Master?"

King Lan frowned, UU read www.uukanshu. There is some concern in the eyes of com.

Then, she thought of the curious and bizarre life style of Madman Chu, and murmured: "Even if the target of the curse race is Master, Master, with the peculiar life style of Master, would not be easily affected. "

Within the City of Ten Thousand Soldiers.

In front of a fortune-telling booth.

A fortune teller suddenly opened his eyes, six golden lights flashed past his eyes, and an unpredictable breath flowed away.

He looked towards the sky and murmured: "The curse race is mad. That's okay. The Chu madman’s fate is impossible to observe even with my six eyes. Let’s see if the curse power of this curse race can cause him. What impact?"

Inside the Temple of Destiny.

Madman Chu sat cross-legged, and the curse clan's attack on him continued.

But he didn't feel much.

His fate has endured all the attacks, but it is still intact.

Then, his mind came to the long river of fate.

Found his own destiny trajectory.

At the same time, within this trajectory, he also saw several weird existences, including **** dolls, mummies...

"Oh, is this what the curse used to attack me?"

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