Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2002: : Cursing backlash, the law of resonance, who is cursing me

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Within the trajectory of Chu Madman's fate.

The **** blood doll uttered a scream, the invisible curse power crazily impacted the path of fate, and the black wood turned into a big tree in the sky, and the curse power eroded the surrounding...

That mummy is even more powerful, and countless white tentacles spread out from him, whipping the path of fate, as if to shred it.

These three curses are extremely terrifying.

The fate of ordinary kings was attacked by them, and they were afraid that they would be shattered on the spot and completely disappeared in this world.

But a pity.

These three cursed things attacked the fate of the madman Chu at this time.

No matter how they attacked, they couldn't hurt them.

Not only that.

An invisible force broke out.

That is the power of Chu Kuang's fate.

But when this strange force spread out, the three cursed things seemed to have been stimulated, and they stagnated for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, the blood doll was trembling, the curse power around him was completely reduced, and he knelt on the ground with a face full of horror.

The branches of the towering black tree trembled, and countless leaves fell rustlingly, withered and shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Finally turned into a piece of dead wood.

There was also the mummy, whose bandages began to fall off, revealing a shriveled corpse, which looked like a human and a beast.

And now, the face of the corpse was horrified.

At the moment when the madman Chu's life style burst out of supernatural power, these three cursed things all stopped attacking, exuding endless fear.

It seems to have encountered the greatest horror in the world.

But they stopped attacking, and the madman Chu's fate did not mean to stop, and the invisible power enveloped the power of these three curses.

Just a moment.

The three cursed things are shattered and turned into ashes!

at this time.

Beyond the trajectory of fate.

A series of blood-colored small arrows shot out.

This is the forbidden technique of the curse clan, life-breaking arrow book!

And it is the deadly arrow book jointly used by the four kings, with countless small **** arrows, densely packed, like a violent storm.

Madman Chu felt that his entire destiny trajectory was shaking.

Not because of this little arrow.

It was his fate, as if he had been stimulated in some way.


The invisible force exploded, and the **** little arrow collapsed completely.

Madman Chu saw this, his eyes condensed.

"Curse Race, it's time for you to taste the real horror!"

I saw him urging the power in his body to communicate the power of destiny in the Temple of Destiny. According to the curse of the curse king, following the trajectory in the dark, toward the source of the curse, that is, the curse, he also issued a curse! !

This curse is exactly the Jidao practice method in the Heaven Seal of Curse!

Great curse of heaven and earth!

And he incorporated the power of the Temple of Destiny into this power.

The level of horror is believed to be enough to make the curse clan... unforgettable for a lifetime!

Within the curse.

The master of the curse clan, Xuetianjun and others are casting a curse.

But suddenly.

They noticed that the Madman Chu's life style suddenly burst out with an unimaginable force. On the altar, the several cursed objects were shattered and turned into ashes after a strange and inexplicable scream.

Not only that.

The powerful backlash swept out.

The four kings vomited blood one after another, and the incomparable curse power enveloped them, eroding their bodies crazily.

The broken arrow book is indeed powerful.

But the more you activate this access control technique, the more terrifying the side effects after failure.

And now, the four kings have suffered an unprecedented backlash!

"How could there be such a fate? The curse power we use to curse the entire human race can't help him!"

"This is impossible, impossible!!"

Several kings doubted life on the spot.

But they are now suffering from the backlash of the power of the curse, if they don't deal with it anymore, I'm afraid his cultivation will be abolished.

"Everyone listens to orders and uses the law of resonance!"

The Lord of the Curse Clan gave the order immediately.

I saw that around them, a monk of the curse race came out, sitting around, muttering words, it was a kind of weird syllable.

It is a syllable that humans cannot utter.

Ordinary monks may even go crazy when they hear this sound.

As the voices of these cursed monks became louder and louder, the power of the curse on the master of the cursed family was gradually transferred to them.

This is the unique resonance method of the curse clan.

Can share the power of the curse for others.

However, the masters of the curse tribe had underestimated this backlash. As the law of resonance was performed, the curse tribe monks died one after another under this power.

Even some monks in the great realm are no exception.

"Let more people resonate!"

The Lord of the Curse Clan said with cold eyes.

In his view, these so-called tribesmen are nothing more than tools.

As long as I can survive, no matter how much I die, it will be the same.

He is the patriarch.

It couldn't be more normal for them to sacrifice for themselves.

Soon, most of the people of the curse race came to share the power of the curse for the master of the curse race and the kings, and the complexions of the kings improved.

"It's terrible, what is the origin of this Madman Chu, attacking his fate, will he suffer this degree of backlash?!"

"Madman Chu, he is definitely not just as simple as the Great Realm, there is absolutely a shocking secret hidden in his body!!"


Several people of the master of the curse were communicating.

This time they cursed the madman Chu, they paid a great price, spent years searching for them, and used all the rare and cursed things.

But there was no result left, but he was backlashed and his vitality was greatly injured.

In order to resist this backlash.

Many tribesmen also died under the curse.

"Mad Chu, my curse clan won't just forget it for nothing."

The Lord of the Curse Race said with a gloomy face.

But now, he still has to face a problem.

The curse failed.

How is he going to explain to the rest of the races.

You know, in order to gain time for them to cast the the various races sent top kings to stop the earth kings, and it took a lot of effort.

Now, they have failed.

Will all races treat them this way?

I feel a headache just thinking about it.

But at this moment.

The void shattered fiercely, and a series of weird purple lines appeared above the cursed clan, and a curse force enveloped the entire cursed clan.

This cursing force is very terrifying.

Even the master of the curse clan couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

And most of the curse clan is using the law of resonance, assuming the power of curses for the masters of the curse clan, and there is no time to react to this sudden curse, and they are directly attacked.

The entire curse clan fell into chaos.

The curse races began to become weak and aging...

All of them have stepped into the five decays of heaven and man in advance.

In addition, they had already assumed a lot of curse power for the masters of the curse clan.

"Who is it, who is cursing my curse?!"

The lord of the curse clan was furious, and they were always the only ones who cursed the clan to curse others. When would it be someone else's turn to curse them! !

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