Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2002: : The result that no one knows, the breath of the Dark Lord, the devil...

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The technique of swallowing the sky is cast!

The strength of King Lan has increased wildly, from the first echelon of the king to the ultimate king...the king of the ultimate!

This caused Tianzun's pupils to shrink slightly, "Okay, what a King Lan, it seems that I underestimated you, then the three of you, let's go together!"

King Lan, Earth King, Concubine, Tianzun.

These four people are well-deserved superpowers in the human race, and the battle between these four people is also a rare peak battle in the heavens!

This battle is extremely shocking.

The world was shattered, and the stars fell...

The universe is turbulent, and Xuanhuang is subverted.

Pieces of heaven and earth were beaten back to chaos.

This battle shook most of the Hongmeng world.

Many kings shivered as they felt the breath of that battle.

This battle also fought from the Great World of Hongmeng to the heavens, from one universe to another, and then into the void of the universe...

The power of this battle reflects the heavens and all realms.

No one knows the outcome of this battle except the parties involved.

After King Lan finished participating in this battle, he returned to Panguzong and retreats directly.

"Tsk tusk, it's really a wonderful battle."


The Dark Lord perceives the battle between King Lan and the others, and can't help but admire him, even he is very yearning for such power.

I just don't know how the darkness of the doomsday compares to that power?

The Dark Lord looked at a man on the opposite side.

It was an existence shrouded in black robes, and also the leader of the Doomsday Church, the object of his cooperation this time.

"It's almost done. When you start, come find me again." The Dark Lord said, then turned and left.

"Send the Demon Lord respectfully."

The doomsday leader saluted very politely.

Then he got up and looked at the darkness and emptiness, and said very piously: "My lord, I won't let you wait too long, and I will let you return soon."

The dark void.

An inexplicable will is circulating.

Vaguely, a dark statue of a strange animal was revealed.


Inside the Temple of Destiny.

Madman Chu is constantly fusing the blood of his ancestors.

At the same time, his mind was also entering between the avenues, constantly comprehending the laws of the great avenues, and striving to comprehend the three thousand laws as soon as possible.

One mind and two uses, this is not too difficult for him.

After all, he once had several souls.

Although it's all merged into one now.

But that experience is still there.

Between avenues.

Within a dark avenue.

This is the way of darkness.

Madman Chu is here to comprehend the power of the law of darkness.

Occasionally, I also met several monks who were also here to comprehend the law.


He looked into the distance.

In the darkness, it seemed to sense a familiar breath.

"This power... is the king."

"The King of the Way of Darkness!"

Madman Chu showed a thoughtful color.

There are very few kings who practice the way of darkness.

What he knew was that there was only one Dark Demon King, and coupled with that familiar aura, he could almost determine the identity of the other party.

"Tsk, I'm ashamed to say, I traded with this person to help him find something to heal, but now I still haven't found it."

Madman Chu shook his head and smiled.

The Dark Lord gave him a list of treasures that can heal his injuries.

But he hasn't encountered it all these years.

I don't know if it was he or the Dark Lord.

"Would you like to see each other?"

Madman Chu thought to himself that because of the Dark King's Order, he was very sensitive to the Dark King's breath.

Therefore, in this dark avenue, the existence of the other party can be sensed.

But just when he went.

The breath of the other party disappeared.

Want to come is to leave between the avenues.


The chance of encountering an acquaintance in a avenue is very small. This time he failed to catch up with the other party. I don't know if there will be another time. Kuangren Chu shook his head, and then left after comprehending the law of darkness.

Practice does not count years.

Madman Chu also doesn't know how many years he has been in this avenue.

The law aura in him is getting stronger and stronger.

There are more and more laws that I feel.

He could unite the king's heart early and break through the king.

But he did not.

I want to integrate the Three Thousand Rules.

It's another avenue.

This is the Avenue of Desires.

It is a great way for very few people to practice. As soon as he came here, Madman Chu felt that endless desires were affecting his mind.

If it weren't for his firm heart, I'm afraid it has already been affected by it.

This avenue is extremely terrifying.

Ordinary monks can't get in touch at all.


Just when the Madman Chu was about to comprehend this avenue of desire.

Inside the avenue, the force of the law rolled, and the overwhelming evil thoughts swept over the whole avenue, which shocked the entire avenue.

The evil of all spirits is like a black cloud.

Full of pressure.

Madman Chu took a look and found it dazzling.

In the dark clouds.

A figure walked out slowly, wearing a black gorgeous robe wrapped in a graceful figure, beautifully graceful, with black wings on its back and black hair like a waterfall.

Like a black poppy blooming in evil thoughts.

Full of fatal charm.

"Yo, isn't this my close comrade-in-arms? Don't come here unharmed."

The visitor looked at Madman Chu and recognized him at a glance.

"Oh, I have seen the Devil King."

Madman Chu saluted slightly.

Who else could this majestic evil thought be besides the Devil King?

"Little guy, the power of the laws around your body is very complicated. You are not going to take the path of merging the three thousand laws?" The devil king is indeed the devil king, and he can see the purpose of the madman Chu's cultivation. .

Madman Chu didn't conceal it either, he admitted directly.

"This road is not easy, but if it's you, maybe it's possible to succeed." The Devil King smiled.

She is very optimistic about Mad Chu.

There seems to be a kind of magical power in this man.

It can often turn the impossible into possible.

"By the way, some time ago, something extraordinary happened to your human race." The Demon King suddenly said.

Then I briefly talked about the civil war among the three major judges.

Hearing this, Madman Chu's eyes became solemn.

"Lan isn't she hurt?"

"Your little disciple, very good, nothing serious."

Madman Chu was relieved.

Not long ago, the major races wanted to calculate the human race.

Now, the three major judges representing the supreme authority of the human race are in civil war. This era of human race is really troublesome.

What about the protagonist of the world?

How could this luck be so messy?

Wait, luck.

Is it because of the stolen luck?

Mad Chu was thoughtful.

And then, the Demon King told him one more thing, "The Dark Clan and others who you left with me have already left."

"Where did you go?"

"I was taken away by the Dark Demon. The power of this little guy is a bit interesting. He can use the dark power of the apocalypse so cleverly and completely turn it into his own power."

The Devil King was surprised, UU Read immediately said: "In addition, he also made an interesting deal with me."

Madman Chu was surprised when he heard this.

The Dark Lord has returned to the Great World of Hongmeng?

Is his injury okay?

"What deal?" he asked.

"Oh, this is a secret."

Madman Chu was speechless.

Since it's a secret, what did you say to deliberately hang people's appetite?

It seemed that during the period of his retreat, a lot of interesting things happened outside. He always felt that the return of the Dark Demon was unusual.

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