Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2003: : The confidence of the son of the sky, the change of the temple of light, the betray

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After chatting with the Demon King, the Madman Chu successfully comprehended the Law of Desire in the Avenue of Desires, and the speed made the Demon King secretly speechless.

"I just said that this little guy really has the possibility of integrating the Three Thousand Rules."

The Demon King chuckled as he watched Madman Chu's departure.

Then, she touched her chin.

"And my lovely little sister of the Goddess of Light, I'm afraid there is going to be some accident, Madman Chu, can you become a king before then?"

"In addition, the human race is now in troubled times. As a queen, how can you manage your luck in leading this era?"

The Demon King murmured.

This era is extraordinary, some ancient existences, as if they were arranged, awakened one by one, and they left behind a lot of successors.

"Oh, a new storm is about to appear..."


Time is fleeting like a white horse passing by.

I don't know how many years have passed.

In Hongmeng Great World, it has been running.

Tianjiao evildoers from all walks of life, one after another, are on the Hongmeng God list, monks of all races are competing with each other, you come and I do not give way to each other, so lively.

Seeds of ancient dragon kings have revived and fought in all directions.

The ancient evildoers of a clan of gods awakened from their deep sleep, sprinting into the realm of kings in this era, trying to lead the luck of this era.

There are monks of the Pangu Zong who are advancing by leaps and bounds and have endless potential.

In addition, the most worth mentioning is the Son of the Sky. This person has a mysterious origin and is said to be the existence that can lead the Sky to glory in the legend.

Its high status is hidden above the master of the empty clan.

After he came to the Great World of Hongmeng, he defeated many monks, and even some of the king seeds of the ancient Hongmeng race were not his opponents.

Even Shangpan Guzong provoked and defeated Jiu Zun.

Although he was bombarded by King Lan, he vomited blood.

But after all, he took over King Lan without dying, and succeeded in replacing Jiu Zun, becoming the second in the supreme list, and obtained a lot of luck.

In the territory of the empty tribe.

A young man dressed in a silver-white robe with a pair of light wings on his back was sitting cross-legged, the power of the incomparably mysterious Dao law flowing around his body.

This person is exactly the son of the sky who has spread to the outside world.

At this moment, he is recovering from his injuries.

"The blow of King Lan is indeed a big deal."

Sora Son whispered.

With his strength, even the emperor would not dare to say that he could hurt him with one move.

But King Lan, without even showing his face, made him vomit blood and fly upside down, and it is said that the opponent was in a state of healing after a battle with Tianzun.

Otherwise, his fate may be even worse.

"Such a character, after being promoted to the emperor, he must have a battle with him before he can enjoy himself." Sorako said, with a war intent in his eyes.

I saw the rules of his body circulating.

Faintly, the embryonic form of a king's heart has emerged.

"The king's heart will come true. At that time, I will be the first person to become a king in this era. The luck of this era will be guided by me, and this era will be suppressed by me!" Korako said with enthusiasm.

He knew that there was a Madman Chu above him.

Although I have never met this person, I also know that the other person is not trivial.

But he is still full of confidence.

Because he is the son of the sky bred from the origin of space!

In the future, he will be above the king!

Another hundred years have passed.

Just this year.

In the starry sky, a large amount of bright energy burst out suddenly.

Light up the starry sky.

Many people are attracted.

"How is this going?"

"That direction is... the direction of the Temple of Light."

"What happened there?"

Everyone was puzzled, their consciousness flowed, and they went to check.

And in the temple at this time.

A turmoil is being staged.

I saw that King Guangming Zuo Tian led a group of people, actually attacking the temple where the Goddess of Guangming was madly. Outside the temple, an enchantment opened, and some servants urged the atmosphere of the great road to resist the opponent's attack.

"Guangming Zuotian Wang, why are you betraying the goddess!"

"Asshole, are you crazy?!"

The faces of the **** servants were extremely gloomy.

Just now, Guangming Zuotian used a certain treasure to sneak attack on the Goddess of Guangming who was in retreat, causing it to be severely injured and launching a rebellion.

This shocked everyone.

You know, Guangming Zuo Tian Wang, as one of the left and right heaven kings, has always been a cron of the goddess, and no one believes that he will rebel!

"From today, there will be no goddess of light in the world, only me, the king of tomorrow!" Guangming Zuotian said coldly.

His ambition is obvious.

He wanted to replace the goddess of light and control the temple.

"Things inferior to pigs and dogs, you also deserve to be king?!"

An indifferent voice sounded.

Concubine Ming slowly walked out of the temple with cold eyes, brewing an unprecedented killing intent. In her life, she hates traitors the most!

Especially, the traitor who betrayed the goddess!

Concubine Ming's figure flashed and stepped out of the barrier.

When the confidants around Guangming Zuo Tianwang saw this, they stepped forward.

"Ming concubine, surrender."

"The Goddess of Light has been hit hard and is unable to fight anymore. You are not our opponent at all. If you surrender now, you are still the King of You."


The power of the law of Guangming Dao whizzed out.

The violent power directly blasted the paladins to vomit blood and fly upside down, and the few with poor cultivation bases were blasted to pieces on the spot.


"You actually condensed the power of the law!"

Everyone can't believe it.

You know, it was only these years that Ming Concubine broke through the Great Dao Sovereign, but now it has condensed the law, this practice speed is too fast.

"It must be a goddess, it must be the goddess who helped you secretly!"

Guangming Zuo Heavenly King is extremely jealous, "The same as the right and left heavenly kings, but the goddess has completely different attitudes towards you and me. I have been enlightened for thousands of years, and have been hovering in front of the threshold of the law for thousands of years, but you have only broken through a few years, and you have already condensed it. The law, the goddess is unfair, she is partial!"

"Not only you, but also the madman of Chu. How long has the goddess met him before, and actually named him the son of light? Under one person, over hundreds of millions of people, even I would be under him. He was a heresy before. ! And I have been loyal to the goddess for so many years, but I have nothing!"

Guangming Zuo Tianwang said loudly, angrily.

When the concubine Ming heard this, her eyes became more and more indifferent, "What is inferior to pigs and dogs, see if the armor on your body was given to you by the goddess! Back then, you were chased by your enemies and desperate. Was the goddess rescued you? You are the King of the Zuo Guangming, in the church, countless people respect, you dare to say that you have nothing?! You do, but you are too greedy!"

After that, UU read www.uukanshu. com cut out the big sword in her hand towards the opponent.

The icy sword light was like a white horse.

The King Guangming Zuo Tian couldn't stand the blow, and with a bang, he was directly blasted out, vomiting blood and flew upside down, his face turned blue and white.

It's not just injuries.

There is also what Ming Concubine said, which he couldn't refute!

"This is the end of the matter, and I have no turning back! I have no turning back when I open the bow. Today, I can only succeed, not fail!"

"Then you go and die!" When Concubine Ming was about to take action, she suddenly sensed a huge dark aura in the distance, her face changed slightly, and she was surprised, "This breath, could it be..."

In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 2323: The Confidence of the Son of Sora, The Change of the Temple of Light, the Betrayal of the Zuo Tianwang), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf!

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