Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2005: : The seal is broken, the body carrier, the dark appearance of the doomsday

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Boom, boom!

Above the Temple of Light, darkness and light are converging.

The power fluctuations that were produced were very shocking, and they reflected the entire starry sky, one day and the other night, alternating back and forth.

The battle between the Dark Lord and the Goddess of Light is constantly escalating.

Various Dao-level practice methods from the very beginning.

Up to now, the Hongmeng-class practice methods have also been used one after another.

"Dark Night Great Black Waterfall!"

Seeing the dark demon raised his hands, the power of darkness spread out crazily centered on him, covering all directions, intertwined with a dark night world.

A black waterfall gushes from the void.

What is contained in it is the strong and direct power of the law of darkness.

As if all the light will be swallowed by it!

"Mingyao is forever!"

The Goddess of Light didn't back down in the face of extreme moves.

The magic scepter in his hand blooms with a brilliant fairy radiance, and the light shines on the ten directions, reflecting a mighty river of light that traverses ancient and modern times!

Dark waterfall, bright river.

At the moment of the impact, the surrounding void shattered one after another.

A starry sky collapsed directly under the impact of the two.

Countless stars were swallowed by darkness and light, and then died.

"It's still so tricky." The Dark Demon was blasted backwards by the powerful impact, and he couldn't help but curl his lips.

After the goddess of light was blasted back, there was a burst of blood red on her face, but her body flashed, suppressing the blood red.

But all this did not fill the eyes of the Dark Lord.

"Oh, it seems that the sword of blood and darkness is not completely ineffective."

The sword of blood and darkness.

It was a treasure from the Doomsday Sect. It was made with the power of the darkness of the apocalypse and was specially used to restrain the power of light.

It is also something used by the King Guangming Zuotian for sneak attack on the Goddess of Guangming.

"Your cultivation strength hasn't grown much, but this method has become more despicable." The Goddess of Light sneered looking at the Dark Demon Lord.

In the past, the Dark Lord never used this method to deal with her.

Should I say that I suddenly resuscitated it?

The Dark Lord opened his mouth, but said nothing.

Guangming Zuotian was contacted by the Doomsday Sect, he didn't know it beforehand.

It's just useless to say this.

Because he is also the enemy of the Goddess of Light, why explain too much.

"However, if you want to defeat me like this, it would be too whimsical!" The Goddess of Light took a deep breath, and then, an incomparable law of light burst out of her body, and a huge goddess phantom was condensed behind her. Endless light radiated from it.

This is the image of the king!

"My dear sister, I dare not look down upon you at all."

The Dark Demon screamed, and the power of darkness surged out of his body, condensing a scene of boundless darkness in the void.

This is his king's image!

"Unexpectedly, you also condensed the Dharma."

"Even though your body has been severely injured, I don't dare to neglect my understanding of the law at all. It's up to you and mine, who is stronger!"

The two kings are in the same way, bombarded together.

Fighting, sublimation again.

And in another place.

In the depths of the Ming clan, within the magic circle that suppresses the darkness of the end.

Suddenly a group of people came out.

These people all contain a peculiar dark power in their bodies.

Vaguely, the suppressed darkness of the doomsday was shocked by it, as if it had sensed something, crazily impacting the seal.

"not good!"

The face of a strong Ming clan guarding the seal changed drastically.

at this time.

A sword pierced out of his chest, shattering his avenue.

It was Guangming Zuotian Wang who shot.

Except for him.

There are others who are also attacking the magic circle.

Although the monks of the Ming ethnic group resisted desperately, these people came prepared, extremely powerful, and with the help of the Zuo Tianwang, they were quickly defeated.

"Zuo Tianwang, you will pay the price!"

A monk of the Ming ethnic group stared at Zuo Tian Wang, stunned.

"Haha, King Zuo, did a good job, thanks to you, we can find this dark place that suppresses the apocalypse."

"Don't worry, I will not treat you badly in the future."

A black robe man smiled faintly.

"Thank you, the leader."

Zuo Tian Wang said respectfully.

In the past, he and Ming concubine investigated the Doomsday Sect, but the other party approached him on the initiative and wanted to cooperate with him.

After agreeing to succeed, help him become a king.

He agreed.

This is what happened today.

"Next, this force is released."

The leader of the doomsday looked at the huge apocalyptic dark power in front of him, and his eyes showed enthusiasm, "What a powerful doomsday darkness, we have collected so many years, we have not found such a powerful doomsday darkness!"

"As long as it is liberated, my lord will definitely come!"

Then, he took out a black statue.

This statue exudes a treacherous force, and a will circulates in it. This is the carrier of the will of the darkness of the apocalypse!

But the moment the statue appeared, the huge darkness of apocalypse vibrated at the same time as the statue, exuding an extremely terrifying wave.

The seals around are broken directly!

The black statue suddenly plunged into the darkness of the doomsday, and immediately, the power of pitch black ink began to boil, and a huge tentacle spread out from it, revealing an incomparably awkward breath.

"The Lord is looking for a physical carrier!"

When the Doomsday Master thought of something, his pupils shrank.

The power and consciousness of the darkness of the doomsday have been combined.

Now, there is only a physical carrier!

Among the people present, the most suitable carrier is...

The Doomsday Master couldn't help swallowing.

I saw the tentacles flying towards him quickly, but the Doomsday Sect Lord didn't have time to think, and directly pushed the Guangming Zuo Tian Wang beside him out.

"Do not!"

Zuo Tianwang's face changed.

But it was too late, his body was in contact with the pitch-black tentacles, and the huge and incomparable dark power of the apocalypse flooded into his body madly.

That power completely shattered and disintegrated his avenue!

Instead, there is a new force.

But this process is extremely painful.

He couldn't help letting out a stern and miserable howl.

The horrible power fluctuations spread out from him, and the stars were crazily shattered under this power fluctuation!

At this moment, the avenue between heaven and earth is in disorder.

The many kings of the Hongmeng Great World seemed to have noticed something, and they all looked at the position of the Temple of Light.

"This force is so powerful!"

"With an extreme darkness, is it the darkness of apocalypse in the mouth of the goddess of light? I didn't expect this thing to really exist."

There was fear in the eyes of the kings. UU reading www.uukanshu. cm

In the Demon Territory.

The Demon King opened his eyes and looked at the direction of the Temple of Light, "The Darkness of the Doomsday...Oh, all the monsters, ghosts, and snakes have come out and jumped."

And inside the temple.

The face of the Goddess of Light who was fighting against the Dark Demon changed drastically.

That is the power of the sword of blood and darkness.

At this time, she could no longer suppress her injury.

But compared to her injuries, she now looked into the distance with an extremely shocked expression, "The darkness of the doomsday, the darkness of the doomsday has appeared?!"

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