Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2006: : The energetic King Zuo, the vision of the endless world

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Concubine Ming rushed to the goddess of light, trying to touch her.

But the black energy on the opponent's body was extremely terrifying. As soon as she got close, the way of light in her body felt corroded, which was extremely painful.

She looked terrified.

Just a little touch, it's so powerful.

What kind of pain did the goddess endure? !

Thinking of this, she looked at the Dark Lord, extremely angry.

"There has been an accident in the dark place of suppressing the doomsday, and we must rush over."

The goddess of light barely braced herself.

But then, he couldn't help but vomit a big mouthful of blood.

"Oh, the Goddess of Light is really fulfilling her duty, the darkness of the end has already appeared in this world, and with you now, the past was just looking for death."

"Dark Lord, you are not qualified to say these things!"

The goddess of light said with cold eyes.

She has never been like this moment, wishing to skin the other party cramps.

But the Dark Lord didn't care.

"If you want to leave, you have to ask me if I agree."

As he said, he blasted out with a palm, and the domineering power directly lifted the concubine Ming around the goddess of light away.

The Goddess of Light was shrouded by the power of darkness and wanted to resist, but the **** arrow wounds in the doomsday in her body continued to erode her strength.

It made her unable to resist.

"Ming Dao!"

"Let go of me, the darkness of the doomsday has appeared, and I am going to stop him!"

The Goddess of Light said angrily.

When he heard the word Mingdao, the eyes of the Dark Demon shook.


This is his real name.

How many years, how many years hasn't he heard the name.

"The current you are dead in the past."

"Even if I die, I have to go there. My people need me!"

"Oh, you, the patriarch, are really not in vain."

The Dark Lord sneered.

If it were him, he would not sacrifice himself for these so-called tribesmen. He received a lot of criticism from the Ming tribe.

Seeing his thoughts moved, the dark aura of the doomsday in the goddess of light was stripped out one by one, and he was inhaled into his body.

"You are..."

The Goddess of Light was a little puzzled.

The Dark Lord, is helping her?

Isn't his conscience waned?

But she couldn't manage that much now, and she didn't have time to pay attention to what the Dark Demon thought was. After the dark breath of the doomsday was stripped away, her injury was not fully recovered, but it could be suppressed.

The figure turned into a stream of light, and quickly swept towards the dark direction of the apocalypse.

Concubine Ming also followed.

Looking at their backs, an inexplicable smile appeared on the face of the Dark Lord, "Sister, please help me buy time. As for whether I can survive... Tsk, it depends on your good fortune."

After speaking, his figure flashed and disappeared.



The screams of screams echoed in the sky and the earth.

Guangming Zuo Tianwang only felt that his body was being crushed and crushed, reshaped, crushed and crushed again, so reciprocating, painful!

But at the same time, he also felt that a power was growing in his body, and that power was beyond imagination.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The coercion that Guangming Zuo Tianwang exudes is getting more and more terrifying.

The doomsday leader and others are trembling about it.

When the goddess of light, the concubine Ming, arrived, the dark power of the apocalypse sealed in the Ming clan had been completely entered into the body of the left heaven king Guangming.

And at this moment, he no longer had the slightest breath of light.

There was a deep darkness all over his body, and his eyes were like two black holes, revealing an intimidating force.

"This power is so wonderful!"

"It turns out that this is the dark power of the apocalypse. Such a powerful force has always been by my side, but I dare not approach it. I was really an idiot before." Guangming Zuo Tianwang felt the power in his body and was overjoyed.

After the extreme pain, he mastered the darkness of the doomsday.

The strength of this power made him extremely excited.

The doomsday leader and others are somewhat confused.

what happened?

What about the dark consciousness of the doomsday?

How does the other party look like the King of Light Zuo Tian Wang?

However, feeling the terrifying coercion on the other side, they knelt on the ground with respectful faces, "I have seen my lord!"

Guangming Zuotian glanced at the leader of the doomsday.

Not long ago, I had to bow down to the other side, but now, the other side is kneeling in front of me and calling myself his master.

This is the charm of power!

Guangming Zuo Tianwang became more excited as he thought about it. He looked at Goddess Guangming and said: "With such a powerful force, you have been resisting it. Goddess Guangming, you are really stupid compared to your brother."

How dare he speak to the Goddess of Light like this before.

But now.

He is confident.

"Guangming Zuo Tianwang, that is not a power you can control!"

The Goddess of Light said solemnly.

"Haha, are you scared?"

The King Guangming Zuo Tian didn't care at all, only when the other party was afraid of himself, thinking that the goddess of light was actually afraid of himself, he couldn't help feeling numb all over his body, and he was so refreshed to fly.

"Goddess of Light, Concubine Ming, read about our previous love, I can give you a chance to surrender to me, I can make you my princess, and still enjoy the supreme right!"

Guangming Zuotian said triumphantly.


Concubine Ming's eyes were cold, and she cut out a sword directly.

But seeing the Guangming Zuo Heavenly King lightly raised his hand, a ray of the law of darkness was hit, and the sword light was easily shattered.

Upon seeing the goddess of light, the power of the law of the whole body flowed, transforming the emperor's form, and the mighty power of the law of light rushed towards the other party.

"Break it for me!"

However, he saw Guangming Zuo Tianwang directly punched out.

The overbearing power of the law of darkness directly shattered the law of light, and the goddess of light's emperor's state was also severely impacted.

"So strong."

The faces of the doomsday leader and others showed awe.

"Mingyao is forever!"

The Goddess of Guangming once again used the ultimate move, combined with the power of the emperor's law and form, a dazzling divine light, shining through the ancient and modern, and blasting towards the Guangming Zuo Heavenly King.

"Break it again!"

Guangming Zuo Tianwang blasted out another punch.

The power of the law is like an undercurrent that swallows everything, annihilating the divine light.

The Goddess of Light was directly blasted back.

The monarch's image behind him also disintegrated every inch.

"Goddess of Light, do you think I'm the same me before? This dark power of apocalypse, you have feared for countless years, but now, you are under my control! I, above you! I, will be the heavens end!"

The King of Light Zuo Tian is full of spirits, surrounded by the laws of darkness.

Like an inviolable dark god!

He looked at the Goddess of Light, "Goddess of Light, since you don't want to surrender to me, let the entire Ming clan and you become the stepping stone for me to achieve supreme hegemony!"

After speaking, UU read and he gently raised his hand, and the law of darkness was about to pour out.

But at this moment.

Between the heaven and the earth, all of a sudden screamed together!

The entire Hongmeng Great World seemed to sense something, shaking crazily, with various visions constantly changing between heaven and earth.

There is a golden lotus springing from the ground, and a rain falls from the sky.

There is purple gas coming from the east for ninety thousand miles.

There are dragons flying and phoenix dancing, and unicorns step on the sea.

There are celestial music mingling, and Taoism sings to the heavens.

There is a pilgrimage of all saints, the fairy Buddha bows his head...

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