Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2006: : Injury Tianzun, Hongmeng Wisdom List, the top omniscient spirit

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Just when the Madman Chu was imagining whether he could seize the luck of other races.

Suddenly, he found that some of the luck that took the initiative to move closer to him had disappeared, and the luck... disappeared!

He now condensed the core of the God Kingdom of Qi Luck, and his perception of Qi Luck was extremely keen. This part of the missing Qi Luck could not be concealed by others.

But I can't hide him!

Generally speaking, luck will not disappear for no reason.

It will only transfer, from one person to other people, from this force to another force.

But disappearance is very rare.

This reminded Madman Chu of the theft of human luck.

"Is it Tianzun?!"

"He is stealing human luck for his own use, huh, he dares to steal my body, then let you know, who is in charge of my luck!"

Qiyun is like a river, converging from the four directions to the madman of Chu.

Madman Chu, along these Qi canals, found the part of the missing Qi Luck, and saw there, the original Qi Luck that had flowed to him was diverted, forming a divergence, and converging to other places.

"Huh, Tianzun, right? Let's try this trick."

"Qiyun, Ding Guozhu!"

The mystery of the kingdom of luck is endless.

Among them, it not only involves the method of constructing the kingdom of God.

There are also some methods of using air luck.

Madman Chu also learned a lot by the way and benefited a lot.


Somewhere in the void, a man in a golden robe, with a divine orb on his head, was practicing.

He is surrounded by the power of law, and more intangible luck is injected into the orb on his head, transforming into his body.

This person is Tianzun.

At this time, he was stealing Chu Madman's luck for use.

"This madman of Chu is really blessed, after refining the blood of the ancestors, he actually shared so much human luck."

Tianzun was a little jealous.

You know, he has been camping for so many years, and he didn't have as much luck as Madman Chu at this time, or even far worse.

He is not reconciled.

Extremely unwilling!

"If this kind of luck is given to me all, why worry that I can't break through the realm of dominance!" Tianzun was jealous and fiery.

He speeds up the urging of the orb on his head, refining Qiyun.

This orb is a treasure obtained by his chance.

Can transform air transport into other energy.

Either practice, or heal injuries, the magical effects are endless.

It is precisely because of this gem that he can steal a lot of human luck.

At this moment, he was stealing the Qi Luck of the Mad Man of Chu and turning it into his own healing energy, striving to return to the peak period as soon as possible.

At that time, the unrecovered landlord, the concubine, will not be his opponent, who can stop him from grasping the supreme authority of the human race again?

Even, no one can stop him from refining human luck anymore.

Madman Chu?

Tianzun sneered.

It's just a lucky guy.

However, how could he have been able to play with him as soon as he was promoted to the emperor? He is probably complacent now, and he doesn't even know his luck has been stolen.

Tianzun sneered secretly in his heart.

But at this time.

The orb on that head suddenly trembled frantically.

It seems that there is an unimaginable huge force that is madly impacting the inside of the orb, cracking, cracking, cracks gradually appear in the orb!

"what happened?!"

Tianzun couldn't believe it.

He had used this gem for so long, and nothing happened at all.

Why is it cracked now!

Before he could react, in the broken orb so far, a large amount of luck condensed into a golden stone pillar, crushing it down!

"No, it's impossible!"

Tianzun was shocked.

How can someone use luck as a means of attack to attack themselves?


At this moment, the body, which had been severely injured by the concubine, the landlord, and the king of land, encountered a strange and powerful luck attack.

Even if it was Tianzun, he couldn't help being blasted away on the spot in amazement.

When he was backlashed by his luck, he vomited blood on the spot. This attack is not a great energy, but the power of illegality is condensed by luck and cannot be prevented.

Haven't waited for Tianzun to adjust.

I saw his orb that was used to absorb air luck with a click, and it was completely broken. A large amount of air luck contained in it was directly lost, and it actually merged into the air luck of the Mad Chu, making his already magnificent air luck even more majestic. .

Tianzun can't steal the chicken and lose the rice.

He was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

Hardly need to think about it, he knew whose handwriting this came from.

"Madman Chu, Madman Chu, how many tricks are you hiding!"

Tianzun is extremely jealous.

At this moment, he no longer dared to look down upon Madman Chu.

It's just that the Qi Luck Orb was destroyed, and he was wounded and wounded. He would not give up this account easily, and would definitely try to find it back.

"Chu madman, as well as the landlord, the concubine, and the king Lan, you can wait for me, do you really think that I have been a judge in the human race for so many years, and I don't have some means to trump cards?! Wait for me to make a comeback!"


the other side.

Inside Pangu Zong.

Madman Chu received a new infusion of luck, and couldn't help but be a little surprised, "Oh, it looks like there are unexpected gains."

Although this air of luck was not enough for him to immediately construct the kingdom of God.

But no matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat.

It was not possible to immediately build the kingdom of God, although it was a bit regretful.

But the madman of Chu was not discouraged.

He believes that there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain.

This kingdom of God itself will condense one day.

"Now, first think of a way to solve the potential threats of Tianzun and the Darkness of Doom." Madman Chu thought to himself.

He thought of the Temple of Destiny.

I thought of the fate deeds I had seen before.

"Let's start with this first."

Except for Tianzun, the darkness of the doomsday.

Rebellious masters who specialize in opposing the Temple of Destiny should also pay attention.

Let him find some helpers for the Temple of Destiny first.

Thought of this.

He is out.

Lan Yu, Yin Honghua and others still had some accidents.

Why didn't the Sect Master make any huge noise when he left the customs this time?

Just when everyone thought so.

High in the sky.

A Hongmeng God's List suddenly appeared.

This list is called the Wisdom List, and those who can enter the list are the most knowledgeable people in the Hongmeng Great World.

This list has come into existence and has attracted the attention of many people.

Although in the monk's world, cultivation is everything, but knowledge cannot be ignored. There is a saying that knowledge is power.

"The Wisdom List...Well, the ones who can be on the list are probably the old antiques who have not known how many years they have lived. They have lived for the longest time, and their experience is not comparable to that of young monks in this era."

"I also feel that way."

On the Hongmeng Wisdom List, names appeared one after another.

Scholars with extensive books.

There are kings who travel the world and remember well.

There are also old antiques who have been alive behind the scenes for an unknown period of time.

soon. UU reading

The list has reached the first place.

Everyone held their breath and stared at the first place.

First place: All-knowing spirit.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but be speechless.

"All-knowing spirit? What an arrogant name."

"Do you really know everything?"

"Who is this, why I haven't heard of it."

Some ancient kings were also very surprised.

They don't know who this omniscient spirit is.

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