Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2007: : Xiao Ai is proud, the debt of fate, the election meeting of the human race

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The wisdom list is here.

The omniscient spirit at the top of the list.

Many ancient kings felt unfamiliar with this name.

And then, the luck of the wisdom list also began to scatter.

Among them, the most massive Qi movement has attracted the attention of many people. Everyone wants to see how this omniscient spirit is sacred.

I saw that this air of luck actually flew towards...Pangu Sect!

Um? ?

The omniscient spirit is in Panguzong?

Everyone was extremely surprised.

Even the Panguzong people were stunned.

When did our Panguzong have such a number one person?

Immediately afterwards, a huge amount of fortune poured into Madman Chu's body, which strengthened his originally very magnificent fortune.

Everyone was stunned to see this scene.

The omniscient spirit is actually a madman of Chu? !

Is he number one on the wisdom list? !

His knowledge and wisdom are above those old antiques who have lived for so many years. How can this be possible?

Everyone was dumbfounded.

They couldn't imagine that the other side would be the first in the wisdom list.

"How did Madman Chu do it?"

"It's the top of a list again, this guy, awesome."


And compared to the shock and shock of other people, Madman Chu was not too surprised. The omniscient spirit naturally refers to Xiao Ai.

Collecting the knowledge of the heavens and the universe, plus exploring the history in the human ancestral land, Xiao Ai's knowledge and wisdom are unfathomable.

"Beautifully done."

Madman Chu praised with satisfaction.

"Humph, it's a trivial matter."

Xiao Ai's tone rose, somewhat proud.


Within the City of Ten Thousand Soldiers.

In front of the fortune-telling booth, the fortune-teller sat bored and waited for the customers to come. At this moment, a person came slowly not far away.

This man was immaculately dressed in white, and otherworldly.

Wherever you go, everything is eclipsed.

He seemed to have become the only touch of color in the world.

The fortune teller narrowed his eyes.

It's not easy to come!

It's not easy!

The white-clothed man is a madman of Chu.

He is now looking for those who have signed a fate agreement with the Temple of Destiny.

Especially the existence of those great avenues, and even the realm of kings.

What surprised him was that he did not expect that there was a person who signed a deed with the temple in Ten Thousand Soldiers City, and he was still a...king!

When seeing this fortune teller, Madman Chu felt that the Heaven Seal in his body had changed, as if he had noticed something.

There was a different color in his eyes.

It seems that the other party also has one of the nine heavenly seals.

"This son, I don't know what you want to count?"

Madman Chu's face was covered with a faint light, which made it hard to see his face, so the fortune-teller did not know him for the first time.

Madman Chu sat down straight, "Not fortune-telling."

"Uh, not fortune telling, what does the son come to me for?"

"Debt collection."

"Debt collection?" The fortune-teller was even more confused.

However, Madman Chu's next sentence caused him a huge shock.

"No one can hide the debt owed to destiny, even if you are a six-eyed clan who is proficient in the way of destiny, the same is true."

The fortune-teller's pupils shrank, and he already guessed the identity of the visitor.

"You, you are the messenger of the temple."


"No, then you are..."

The fortune teller swallowed, "Lord of Destiny?!"

Madman Chu did not answer, but looked at each other calmly, and the fortune-teller was completely hairy and felt stripped.

"You used to have six eyes unopened and were bullied by your tribe. It was destiny that opened your six eyes and allowed you to grow. The deed of life you signed says that you are willing to be driven by the temple in this life. Now, it is time for you to fulfill the deed. ."

"I knew that one day, you will be back."

The fortune teller smiled bitterly.

Since he felt the power of the Lord of Destiny reappeared in the world, he knew that his free days, I'm afraid there are not many.

"Go ahead, what do you want me to do?"

"Receive the contract for fate..."

Too many people have signed a fate agreement with the Temple of Destiny.

It is impossible for Madman Chu to come to the door one by one, as that would take an unknown amount of time, so he planned to find someone to help him receive the contract.

The fortune teller in front of him is a suitable candidate.

"I'm being chased by the six-eyed clan now, I'm afraid I can't easily reveal my identity." The fortune teller thought for a while and said.

In his hand, he held one of the nine heavenly seals of destiny.

This is the treasure that the Six-Eyed Clan has been searching for for many years, and it is also one of the main reasons why he is being hunted down by the Six-Eyed Clan.

"You are a person of destiny now, a group of fools who think they are manipulating destiny, can't move you." Madman Chu said lightly.

Dare to fight against the Temple of Destiny?

Except for the Rebellious Master, few forces in these heavens are so bold.

The fortune teller thought for a while, knowing that he could not get rid of the control of the Temple of Destiny anyway, and sighed helplessly, "I agreed."

"very good."

Madman Chu threw out a bunch of deeds.

There are hundreds of people in the thick pile.

"These are people who owe destiny debts just like you, go find them and let them fulfill the content of the deed." Chu Madman said.

The fortune teller glanced at the fate deed and was surprised.

Good guys.

With so many deeds, none of them are under the great realm.

Among them, there are even several kings like him.

The Temple of Destiny, really is no small thing.

"I see."

The fortune teller nodded.

Seeing Chu Kuangren's back left, his eyes showed thoughts, "Are you the one I was thinking of? If so, then you hide too deeply?"

The Lord of Destiny, his fate he cannot figure out.

But he had some guesses about the identity of the other party.

He shook his head and looked at the stack of deeds in his hand, "Forget it, let's find these people first, alas, the days of free work have begun..."


"Human race election meeting?"

Madman Chu looked at the invitation in his hand, showing a hint of thought.

This is an invitation sent by the concubine, and the purpose of this election meeting is to elect a third judge to take charge of the Supreme Court.

In the Supreme Court, three major judges have always ruled various matters.


Tianzun rebelled, leaving only Dijun and concubine.

If there is any disagreement between the two, it will affect the operation of the court.

That's why they wanted to elect a third judge.


The election meeting will be held in Cangming Mountain, the Holy Land of Human At that time, there will be the presence of the king of Human Race, the metropolis will be there, and the third judge of the Supreme Court will be elected by voting.

"Let's go take a look."

With this thought in mind, Madman Chu went to Cangming Mountain together with King Lan.

In fact, Madman Chu was not interested in this judge.

But if he can hold it in his hands, it will be convenient for him to act in the future, but it is a pity that this is not realistic.

Those human kings will never choose him as a judge no matter how they choose.

As a result, he was not qualified enough.

Secondly, he has offended many people.

In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 2337 Xiao Ai's Proud, Destiny of Destiny, Human Race Election Conference), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf!

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