Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2008: : The kings of all sides shot, the candle sun absorbed the dragon blood altar, the vo

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Killing the emperor with one palm, Madman Chu still looked like a calm and breezy, ignoring the shocked appearance of everyone around him.

He said slowly: "I'll be a little more serious, and you will no longer have any resistance. It's really disappointing."

He stood in the air, celestial radiance flowing around him, brilliantly dazzling.

Just like the immortal king of the world, his momentum shocked the world.

He looked at the Son of Sora, with an indifferent expression, and he wanted to shoot again.

at this time.

An empty clan king rushed out, "Stop hurting the son of empty!"

This is a king hidden in the dark.

His strength is extremely high, and his cultivation has reached the first echelon of the echelon's level. As soon as he appeared, he directly used the emperor's form and domain.

The double killer move broke out, mighty, and locked the Madman Chu.

Not only him.

Among the soul clan, the soul clan elder also shot.

As the object of the future marriage and alliance of the empty clan, the existence of the child of the empty is very important, and he will naturally not sit idly by.

"The young king of the human race, let me come to you for a while!"

The elder of the soul clan snorted, and a treacherous soul power exploded from his body, piercing the Chu Kuangren like an invisible spike.

It was a direct attack on his soul!

But then.

His face changed slightly, and he felt that his soul power was blocked by a barrier, and he couldn't hurt Madman Chu at all.

"This is the soul barrier?"

The soul clan elder was a little surprised.

Constructing a barrier to the soul is a common way to protect one's soul.

In the soul race, it is not that rare.

But to his surprise, Madman Chu's soul barrier was not only much stronger than the ordinary soul barrier, but it was also layered on top of each other.

The soul doesn't know how many barriers are wrapped around it.

It's like a strong fortress.

The king with his dignified soul can't attack it!

"People of the Soul Race, heh, I killed a few not long ago, but I don't know what is different about you, the king."

Madman Chu chuckles.

And as soon as his words fell, a powerful and cold killing intent burst out of the Soul Race King, and this world was like a world of freezing ice.

"What did you just say? Did you kill the cultivator of the Soul Race?"

The soul clan elder was trembling with anger.

Not long ago, his son Huntian had just fallen.

Now it seems that it is very likely that he died at the hands of the madman Chu!

Thinking of this, he was furious, the law of the soul raged out, turned into a thousand soul practice methods, and bombarded the Madman Chu like a storm!

The weather was so terrifying that everyone was terrified.

Even the Sword God Palace Master couldn't help but touch the cold sweat on his forehead.

"What a terrible soul technique."

The methods of the soul clan are unpredictable.

Among the kings of the same realm, almost no one is their opponent.

But now, the attacks of the soul clan elders blasted on Madman Chu's body one after another, only to see that he was still calm and calm.

Soul barrier, this is the soul practice he obtained a long time ago.

He has already practiced this method to the extreme.

I don’t know how many layers of soul barriers have been built in the body, and coupled with the immortal body that he has just transformed from the body of Candle Yang, under the double protection, this soul clan elder attacked his soul, and it hardly had any effect. .

"Dhamma, come out!"

The elder of the soul clan screamed, directly urging the emperor's law.

A dark phantom formed behind him.

The treacherous soul fluctuations spread, impacting Madman Chu.

"Can you do anything like this to me?"

Madman Chu shook his head and smiled.

On his body, the tyrannical laws of the soul were also violent, and between raising his hands, various methods of soul cultivation were brewing.

The colorful soul method blasted towards the elder of the soul clan.

"how so?!"

The elder of the soul clan was immediately dumbfounded.

He thought of the madman Chu’s name of stealing the gods, he could steal the practice of other people, but it was too outrageous.

He only performed it once in front of Madman Chu.

Was it learned like this?

Boom, boom...

All sorts of soul attacks blasted above the spirit family elder's law.

In a short while, his Dharma phase was torn apart.

Together with myself, his complexion became pale and he couldn't believe it.

"Void Sky Blade!"

On the side, the Kong Clan king urged the law of space, condensed into a long silver blade, tore through the void, and beheaded to the madman of Chu.

Not only that.

In the dark, a divine light of fate shot out and hit behind Chu Kuangren.

"Really all monsters have come out."

Madman Chu sneered.

Nine hundred and eighty-one formations in the body operate.

The sword finger condensed.

Breaking the law of space, the power of the surrounding space flows, turning into a barrier to block the light of fate, and looking at the distant mountain.

I saw Ming Wuyou with a few powerful men of the six-eyed clan looking at him.

That light of destiny was sent by the other party.

Not only that, there is also a rebellious teacher beside him.

The crowd was in an uproar.

"The six-eyed clan has also come to blend in."

"They also attacked Madman Chu, what is going on?"

"How many enemies did Madman Chu provoke?"

"There are many people who want him to die."

On the top of the mountain.

The starry starry eyes of the Rebellious Master stared at Madman Chu, "There is absolutely nothing wrong with this kind of breath, and the other party definitely has something to do with the Temple of Destiny."

Although it is impossible to recognize that Madman Chu is the Lord of Destiny.

However, he could vaguely recognize the fate of the opponent.

This is also one of the reasons for the unprovoked move.

The Six-Eyed Clan and the Fateful Master are already in the same camp, and they will naturally help them deal with the Temple of Destiny. Not only that, they came to release the Lord of the Void, Madman Chu, which is a hindrance.

Just when the situation is chaotic.

On the edge of the dragon blood altar, a figure came staggeringly.

It is the candle sun.

"Madman Chu, Madman Chu, I will never spare you!"

He was totally unrecognizable at the moment, and his breath was wilting.

Madman Chu's attack was very terrifying, and directly wounded him severely. If he were not for the candle dragon, if not for the immortal body, I am afraid he would have died.

He couldn't swallow this breath.


He came to the Dragon Blood Altar.

"As long as I absorb the power of this dragon blood altar, I will definitely be able to defeat the Madman Chu, definitely!" Zhuyang said with fiery eyes.

He knew that this dragon blood altar was used to seal the Lord of Void.

But now he can't take care of that much.

He only needs a part.

It is enough to absorb only part of the power of the altar.

If it's just a part, it shouldn't release the Lord of the Void.

Zhuyang thought secretly, putting his hand on the dragon blood altar, the power of the candle dragon in his body was running, and the whole dragon blood altar was shocked.

There was a hum. UU reading www.

Waves of scarlet dragon gas mixed with dragon blood rushed towards the candle sun.

And above the altar.

The Void Lord suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the candle sun that was absorbing the power of the dragon blood altar, with a strange smile on his face.

"Originally, Candle Dragon, you must have never thought of it. It was you who sealed me back, but now, it is your Candle Dragon who broke the seal."

"Time and fate!"

"You are, after all, lose me!"

As the power of the Dragon Blood Altar continued to be swallowed, the power of the seal continued to weaken, and there was a defect. The breath of the Void Lord escaped from it, and the entire Xutian Spirit World was shocked.

In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 2368, the kings of the parties shot, the candle sun absorbs the dragon blood altar, and the Lord of the Void wakes up). You can see it next time you open the bookshelf!

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