Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2009: : Still crushed and worthy of being a king? Kill the king one after another

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"This breath is the Lord of the Void!"

Everyone present has noticed the breath of the Lord of Void.

Some kings' expressions even sank.

They knew that the Lord of the Void was sealed here, but they didn't intend to help the other party to unblock it. After all, that was the origin of the empty clan.

It's not theirs.

Once the other party unblocks, only the empty clan gets huge benefits.

Other races, I'm afraid only surrender.

"This idiot, what did he do?"


"Release the Lord of the Void, isn't this a trouble?"

The kings cursed secretly.

No one wants an uncontrollable existence to appear.

The Lord of the Void is such an existence.

"Zhuyang, stop!"

One of the dragon kings roared.

And Zhuyang also sensed the breath of the Lord of Void, coupled with that roar, immediately recovered, and quickly left the dragon blood altar.

But just this moment, it increased his strength a lot.

The violent Longwei continuously vented from his body.

The power of horror made the void directly twisted.

"This, is this the power of the original candle dragon?! So strong!"

"No, this kind of power may be less than one percent of that dragon blood altar. If I can swallow this dragon blood altar completely, how high my strength will be, by that time, even if it is What about the Lord of the Void?!" Zhuyang suddenly burst into endless ambitions.

But then, he quickly suppressed this thought.

It was only for a while, his forehead was already sweating finely.

Power is really easy to get lost.

How could an ancient character like Lord of the Void easily contend?

His thoughts are too dangerous.

"Oh, the young candle dragon, this dragon blood altar has a lot of power. Can you just swallow it? After absorbing it, you will be the second original candle dragon. Why, don't you want it?!"

The bewitching voice of the Void Lord slowly sounded.

When Zhuyang heard the words, he admitted that he was moved.

But he gritted his teeth and refused, "Lord of the Void, don’t tempt me anymore. My Dragon Origin will seal you here. Once you are released, I’m afraid that the first thing you do is to seek revenge from my Dragon, huh, I will never be fooled, and the power I gained is strong enough!"

Zhuyang clenched his fists tightly, sensing the strength he had improved, and then looked at Madman Chu with a scorching warfare in his eyes, "Madman Chu, fight again!"

His figure is like a stream of light, shooting towards Madman Chu!

The speed was so fast that he seemed to have broken through the limits of time and space. In the blink of an eye, he came to Madman Chu, and he blasted his fist. The dragon Qi rolled like waves, and the violent candle dragon fire burned crazily on it. The body extinction made him urge him to the extreme, and a pair of candle dragon eyes burst out brightly!

This blow blended the candle dragon's fire, the time power of the candle dragon's eye, and the immortal body, and its power was extremely powerful.

The shocking momentum is even more shocking for nine days!

Everyone exclaimed.

"After absorbing a bit of dragon blood, I thought I could defeat me? I have to say, you are so naive and cute."

Madman Chu sneered and blasted out a punch!

The power of the three thousand laws circulated in it, and the 980 formations in the body were superimposed with the power of the ten thousand magic indestructible bodies, bursting out!

Two fists collided in the air, and the violent energy spread out wave after wave like a tide, shaking the earth.


Zhuyang only felt an unprecedented force coming from him, madly impacting his arm, making a series of cracks of bone.

"Ah!" After a scream, Zhuyang's body flew out like a meteor, smashing a huge hole in the ground.

That shocking attack was disintegrated by the madman Chu!

He lay in the deep pit, trembling all over, couldn't believe it, "How could this be? I absorbed the power of dragon blood, why is it not as good as him?"

"Why is he so powerful?"

"It's impossible, impossible..."

Candle Yang kept muttering, his mentality almost collapsed.

The others were also dumbfounded.

The blow of Zhuyang just now was terribly powerful, even comparable to the king of the first echelon. In addition, he is a candle dragon and possesses the power of time. Even the king of the first echelon is not so easy to solve.

But he was blown away by the madman Chu.

Still crushed!

Is there a bottom line for the opponent's strength? !

Inside the altar.

The Void Lord couldn't help showing a strange color, "Oh, Human Race, and it's a rare human race with huge luck."

Although he said so, his eyes were a little cold.

For Terran.

He really can't afford the slightest favor.

"The Celestial Clan, the Empty Clan, the Dragon Clan, the Six-Eyed Clan, the Soul Clan, you all want to kill me, that's great! I'll follow along!"

Madman Chu's eyes were like electricity, sweeping over the kings of the major races present.

Among them, there are kings of the new generation.

There are also veteran kings.

But without exception, at the moment when the madman Chu was watching, he felt a chill rise from the soles of his feet and exploded on his scalp.

"Is this the powerhouse of the first king in this era?!"

"Good spirit, good strength."

"The kings of all races are actually afraid of him!"

Seeing the kings of all races who were too late to do anything, Madman Chu showed a mocking smile on his face, "A group of crooked melons and jujubes are worthy of being kings?"

I saw a horrible suction burst out of him.

The aura of surroundings, the aura of vegetation, the aura of the sun and the moon, etc. rushed towards him.

Swallowing the sky!

Not only that, but the Tian Ren Jue also works.

The power of heaven and earth blessing!

The formation in his body was spurred, and the immortal body of ten thousand laws bloomed brilliantly, and the three thousand laws surrounded him like stars, bright and dazzling.

Madman Chu at this time, a breath is enough to destroy the world!

A look can make the sun and the moon pale.

A group of people who profess to be kings, in front of him, actually gave birth to a feeling of bowing their heads and claiming courtiers, as if the other party is the king, they are the ministers!

But the king wants the minister to die, the minister has to die!

"If you don't do it, then I am coming!"

Madman Chu stepped out in one step, his figure straddled time and space, and came to the elder of the soul clan, between raising his hands, three thousand laws flowed, pointing out.

"not good!"

The pupils of the elder of the soul clan were violently turbulent, and his face was full of horror.

But it was too late.

This finger is like subverting the universe and locking him firmly.


The elders of the soul clan urged the law to resist.

But in front of the Madman Chu today, all his methods were useless. With just one finger, his body was completely destroyed!

"This is the good luck of the universe!"

A monk from the Taoist School of Ten Thousand Faculties couldn't help exclaiming.

And after the Madman Chu blasted the soul clan elders, his eyes locked on the Kong clan king, and between raising his hands, the laws of space flowed out.

Another finger!

"This is the Void Spirit Sealing Finger of the Void Spirit King!"

The king of the Nakorn clan couldn't believe it.

This trick, UU reading www.uukanshu. com has always been the fame and mastery of the Void Spirit King of the empty clan, but now it is displayed in the hands of the madman of Chu, and its mystery has been brought into full play.

He even thought that it was the Void Spirit King himself who had come!


Just a finger.

The body of the Kongzu king was shattered by most.

The king's heart is turbulent.

"No, go!"

"Where can you go?"

The madman Chu's sword fingers condensed, and the sword came out twenty-four, with an eye-catching sword aura, cutting the opponent's king's heart in half!

For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 2369 is still crushed, and is also worthy of being called the king? Kill the king successively) to read the record, and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf!

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