Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2003: : King Lan is here, besides her, there are us

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The Lord of the Void is now present, and the ancient kings of all parties have taken actions.

For a time, the entire Hongmeng world was surging.

And within the Xutian Spirit Realm.

The breath of the Void Lord is more and more surging.

"He broke the seal."

Mingyue had no time to look at the direction of the Dragon Blood Altar, her eyes solemn.

At high altitude.

Madman Chu stood with his hands in his hands, his expression was cold, and the celestial radiance circulated around his body, his eyes revealed a rare dignity, "You are more capable than I thought."

The Lord of the Void broke the seal, but he did not expect it.

That seal can't be broken even by the King of Jidao in person.

It seems that a higher-level existence has intervened.

Void fluctuations became stronger and stronger, and in the direction of the Dragon Blood Altar, a beam of light rose into the sky, and a figure in white clothes slowly walked out.

This person has white hair and a pair of light wings behind him.

On the wings of light, Xianhui circulates, dazzling.

The breath of his body is connected to the void of heaven and earth, and every move carries an unspeakable power, which makes Wan Ling tremble.

Some avenue monks keenly felt that the avenue that symbolized space within the avenues shook suddenly.

It seems to welcome an existence that is absolutely in control!

Needless to say.

This existence is naturally the Lord of Void.

"How many epochs, I finally regained my freedom, the original candle dragon you still lost after all!" The Void Lord spread his hands and said.

The coercion spread over his body, shocking the Xutian spirit world.

He didn't do it.

But the coercion alone has made it difficult for all the kings to rise up the heart of resistance. Between them, there are completely two levels of existence.

"Welcome to the Lord of the Void!"

Sorako knelt on the ground halfway.

The rest of the Kong Clan monks also knelt down, with a fanatical color on their faces.

Compared to others, they are extremely excited.

As the ancient origin characters of the Kong Clan, the return of the Void Lord is so significant that they will most likely suppress countless epochs.

"The empty race, the race I created, get up."

"Your Lord, is back."

"From now on, you will have supreme glory, and everything in the world will be surrendered under your feet." The Void Lord said lightly.

The tone is calm, but there is no doubt about it.

The Kong Clan monk was excited.

"The Lord of the Void, this person is making a big fuss in the Prison of the Void. He has a **** feud with my Kong Clan. He also asks the Lord of the Void to take action and suppress him."

Sorako pointed at Madman Chu and said with a sullen expression in his eyes.

And the Void Lord also looked at Madman Chu, his eyes narrowed, "Human King, tell me where did you get your other-in-law?"

Needless to say the Son of Void, the Lord of Void will not let go of Madman Chu.

A young emperor sitting on his own law of freedom has unimaginable growth potential, and he will probably be another human ancestor.

The threat to him is even greater.

"Nothing to do with you."

Madman Chu said lightly.

"Fine, after I kill you, I will look it up slowly."

After speaking, he raised his hand to condense a finger, and slowly clicked it out.

This finger contains a strong and surging spatial law, and under its power, it seems that there are countless worlds that lock the madman of Chu.

Wherever he went, the void collapsed and shrank silently.

Seeing this, Madman Chu didn't dare to be careless, the formation in his body was running at full force, the three thousand laws flickered, and the sword of the ultimate **** weapon was already in his hand.

Sword intent soared into the sky.

One shot is the twenty-five Extreme Sword!

Sword Twenty-Five collided with the finger of the Void Lord.

The supreme power that burst out in an instant caused the space of the entire Xutian Spirit Realm to burst frantically like a mirror.

Countless spaces are like mirrors, reflecting the dazzling energy fluctuations.

Madman Chu, the Lord of the Void is also reflected in it.

The two sides fought for a moment.

But seeing Madman Chu's body fly backwards uncontrollably, and his bones made various noises, as if they were about to burst, making him very uncomfortable.

"Lord of the Void, well-deserved name."

Madman Chu whispered.

Even though the opponent had just broken through the seal and was in a weakening stage, the fighting power that broke out was far stronger than that of ordinary kings.

He has seen the Ethereal King who is the King of the Great Dao.

But he felt that even the opponent was far inferior to the Lord of the Void.

"Is this the power of dominance?"

"Even at the most debilitating stage, it still has the power to suppress everything, which is really desirable." Madman Chu murmured.

Such power, one day, he will have it too.

Do not.

He even wants to surpass!

"You can block my casual move, Human King, you are really extraordinary, which surprised me." The Void Lord revealed a different color.

But the better the Madman Chu performed, the stronger his killing intent.

I saw the power of the law surging on him, and it actually tore a huge crack in the void. Among them, a terrifying force of the space avenue broke out, and the rift was connected with...the space avenue!

He is directly extracting the power between the avenues.

This is the power of infinite avenues!

This hand, Madman Chu has so far only seen it in the dark body of the doomsday, but the Lord of the Void will also, not surprisingly.

As an ancient character at the origin level, the opponent may be above the darkness of the apocalypse, and can also use Dao Infinity, which is normal.


The Void Lord clicked again.

The power of this blow is far better than before.

The infinite power contained in it makes people feel desperate.

Madman Chu narrowed his eyes.

The infinite realm is displayed.

The law of space whizzed out, condensing a series of space barriers in front of him, trying to resist the blow of the Void Lord.

"It's foolish to use the power of space in front of me!"

The Void Lord sneered.

Bang, bang, bang!

Space barriers one after another, burst into pieces one after another!

This finger completely enveloped Madman Chu, making him inevitable!

at this time.

Not far away, there was an extremely overbearing power of law bursting out.

A huge ball of light roared!

Wind thunder, universe, yin and yang...

The power of various laws is contained in it, and it is immense.


The huge ball of light fell on the fingers of the Void Lord.

The moment the two forces collided, a violent energy storm was set off.

Under the impact, Madman Chu backed away for a certain distance.

The corners of his mouth curled slightly, "It's finally here."


The Void Lord also showed a sense of interest, and looked not far away.

I saw a figure in a Chinese robe, walking step by step, with iron-blooded domineering aura flowing through his body, the immortal posture of unparalleled elegance, UU reading made everyone look at him.

"If you want to hurt my master, you have to ask me first!"

The person here is Wang Lan!

She came to the Madman Chu, waved her sleeves, and a thousand li auras poured towards her. She was violently swallowed by her, and her cultivation was also frantically improving.

Vaguely, there was actually a tendency to break through the Supreme Dao King and step into the infinite avenue. This breath surprised the Void Lord slightly.

But he sneered, with supreme arrogance in his eyes, "Little King, you are not worth mentioning in front of me!"

"Besides her, there are us."

An indifferent voice echoed in the sky, and a few more powerful and earth-shattering breaths that surpassed that of ordinary kings burst forth.

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