Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2004: : The judges come together, the Buddha appears to fight against the Lord of the Void

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There is a **** falling from heaven and earth.

The rain is passing, the dead wood comes in spring, and everything recovers.

I saw a beautiful woman in yellow, holding an oiled paper umbrella, walking step by step, the power of the mysterious Dao law flowing all over her body.

Boom, boom, boom...

The earth quaked, and the peaks bulged.

The terrifying earth is rolling, like thousands of dragons wantonly horizontally and horizontally.

In the atmosphere of the earth, a tall figure stepped forward with its head high.

It is the concubine, the landlord!

With the addition of King Lan, all three judges from the Supreme Court of Human Race came.

"Oh, it's just two sick cats."

The Lord of the Void glanced at the concubine, the landlord, and said contemptuously.

Sick cat?

Madman Chu heard this, his mind moved slightly.

It seems that the concubine, the earthlord fought against Tianzun, but the injury has not yet recovered. Now he is running to face the Lord of the Void, can he hold it?

But he also knew that as Human Judges, they had to come.

"Human concubine, earth prince, I will help you."

A voice sounded, and immediately afterwards, there was a dazzling Buddha light flowing between the heavens and the earth, and a breath of pure sage and harmony came out.

In this breath, the emperor of ten thousand Buddhas appeared.

He is holding the colored glaze stick, standing side by side with the concubine and the earth prince.

"Master, you are here."

The concubine saluted slightly.

For the arrival of the Buddha, she was not too surprised.

Although she chose King Lan at the time of the election, the Buddha Emperor was kind-hearted and had a human race in mind. Faced with such crises, she would not fail to come.

As for the Heavenly Sage, Fazu.

The two of them did not come, as she expected.

"Hmph, it's ridiculous to want to reap the benefits of the fisherman."

The concubine was contemptuous of these two people in her heart.

"Haha, it seems that you are the strongest of the human race. Then use your blood to declare my Lord of the Void and reappear in the world!!"

The voice of the Void Lord was arrogant and arrogant.

The power of the vast laws of space swept out, oppressing the king!

Except for the strongest concubines, the rest of the monks, even the king, madly regressed and stayed away from the battlefield.

"What a terrifying Void Lord."

"This kind of power is simply not something we can resist."

"too frightening."

The concubine, the king of the earth, the emperor of the Buddha, and the king of Lan all stared.

I saw the power of the concubine's laws of good fortune circulating, and with a single push, the laws converged into a mighty river, rumbling out.

As the earthlord raised his hand, the earth's air surged and turned into ten thousand sacred mountains.

These two forces, one on the left and the other on the right, lock onto the Lord of the Void.

But seeing the other party smile coldly, not backing away.

"Is it the only way?"

His space law turned into a giant hand blasted out.

Thousands of sacred mountains were shattered, and the long river of good fortune poured out. To him, the extreme tricks of the two judges were actually useless.

"Great Dragon Elephant Force!"

At this time, the Buddha made a move.

Countless scriptures flashed in the Buddha's light around the body, turning into a dragon and an elephant.

The dragon elephant is powerful and vast.

This power is stronger than the concubine, the blow of the earth prince.

After all, the concubine and the landlord were hurt.

But the Buddha Emperor was in his heyday.

The dragon elephant blasted out, crushing towards the Lord of the Void.

"The Buddha's moves, unfortunately, if it is the origin of the Buddha, it is still a bit to behold, and you are in front of me, only...destroy!!"

The Lord of the Void snorted coldly, the law surged, and the infinite power of the great avenue burst out, and in an instant, the power of the dragon elephant was smashed to pieces.

But this force was like a broken bamboo, blasting towards the Buddha Emperor.

The Buddha Emperor's face changed slightly.

The Buddha's light flowed around his body, and a Buddha's image appeared behind him.

Faxiang pushed out with both hands, resisting the power of the vast space.

But at the moment of contact, the Faxiang was roared, and cracks appeared.

Moments of crisis.

Several strands of the power of the law gush out, blasting toward that power.

King Lan made a move.

After a roar, the Buddha Emperor and the Lan Wang joined forces to block this force, but under the powerful impact, they were still vomiting blood and flying upside down.

"So strong!"

The Buddha's light on the emperor's body was dim, and he couldn't help but marvel.

King Lan wiped off the blood from the corners of his mouth and forced the Heaven-Swallowing Technique. More and more of the power of Vientiane was swallowed crazily by her, impacting higher combat power.

There was war in her eyes.

"No matter how strong it is, there will be a battle!"


The Buddha nodded, the Buddha's light on his body became bright again, and countless scriptures circulated on his robes, seeming to gush out at any time.

"King Chu, he can't die. He has unlimited potential. He will definitely be the Optimus Prime of my human race in the future. Even if you turn the road, you must keep him."

The concubine said lightly.

Between words, there was actually a plan to save his life.

The landlord next to him hesitated a little, but then he also showed decisiveness.

Through observations during this period of time, the talent and strength displayed by Madman Chu had indeed been qualified to support the entire human race.

"In this era, there will be an unprecedented change. The strength of our wait may be able to protect the entire human race in the past."

"But in this era, it's not necessarily the case. We have come to an end, and he still has unlimited potential."

"You are right, even if you reverse the road, you must protect him thoroughly."

Dijun said slowly.

The two judges are both conscious.

In the distance, Madman Chu heard this, his eyes condensed, he knew that if he didn't do anything, the two judges would be desperate.

Once they lose them, it will be a huge blow to the human race.

"Emperor Buddha, judge, you don't need to fight for your life, you just need to fight for me for a while." Madman Chu spoke to several people.

Hearing what he said, several people were a little surprised.

Hearing what the Madman Chu meant, he seemed to have a way to deal with the Lord of the Void.

However, this is the Lord of the Void.

Existence above the king.

Even in the period of weakness, they have to hold the consciousness of death to be able to cause such a slight threat to the other party.

Madman Chu, how can you deal with it?

Everyone is really puzzled.

But when they thought of the various things the Mad Chu had done, they had an inexplicable sense of trust, and they could only temporarily suppress their doubts and choose to believe.

Concubine, Dijun temporarily dispelled the idea of ​​reversing the avenue.

After all, if you can survive, who wouldn't?

"Oh, Human Race, you are still greedy."

The Void Lord sneered. Just now, he noticed the decisiveness of the concubine and the landlord, but now, the other party does not intend to fight for his life.

Only when the other party is afraid of death.

"You don't even have the consciousness of death, how are you my opponents?"

The Lord of Void's eyes condensed, and the power of the law of space stirred the world, as if turning into a huge grinding disc, enveloping the four of King Lan.

The four of them suddenly felt the boundless pressure coming from the main road inside their bodies, also shaking like crazy.

"Even if it is procrastination, how easy is it to prolong the existence of Lord of the Void?" The concubine thought helplessly.

Then, her eyes condensed, and the laws of good fortune all over her body became apparent.

The realm of good fortune, open!

Not only she, but the Lord of the Earth also moved at the same time. The majestic earth was like a dragon, strangling out, flooding the world, and manifesting a realm.

There is also the Buddha Emperor and the Lan Wang.

The light of Buddha shines, and the universe is turbulent.

All four areas are open!

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