Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 238: : The monks of Tianyu Sect are not afraid of life and death, and the Buddha has no lea

Inside Tuyang City.

Countless adventurers abandoned the city and fled.

From afar, they saw the black torrent that was rolling in, it was a terrifying army composed of countless evil spirits! !

That soaring evil spirit, resentment, is daunting!

Wherever the army passed, the existence of the evil spirits was easily torn, destroyed, swallowed, and no one could resist.

Everyone even saw from a distance that a supreme level adventurer was swept in by this evil spirit army, and after only a dozen breaths, he was torn into dozens of pieces, which was terrible.

This evil spirit army seems to have only one rule...

Kill everyone who sees it! !

"so horrible."

"This Tuyang City is going to be gone today."

Everyone, even the famous and top-notch teams in Tuyang City, can only flee in front of this evil spirit army.

But a group of retrogrades appeared in the fleeing crowd.

When everyone was busy fleeing Tuyang City, these people went straight to Tuyang City from a distance.

Everyone has an extremely firm look on their faces.

"These things... from the Sky Feather Sect."

"What are they doing, what are they doing in Tuyang City now?"

Everyone was puzzled.

At this time, someone said with emotion: "After Tuyang City is the territory under the jurisdiction of the Tianyu Sect, there are tens of millions of civilians living there. Once Tuyang City is gone, then the results of those people will be I guess, they are here to resist the evil spirits!"

Hearing this, someone showed respect in their eyes.

But some people sneered.

"Hmph, do they want to resist this evil spirit army? It's almost a dead end."

"Yes, this army is too terrifying, let alone one Sky Feather Sect, even ten Sky Feather Sects are probably not useful."

"They went to die for nothing."


In Tuyang City.

Leng Changkong and others who had just returned to Tuyang City saw the mighty and resentful evil spirit army.

Leng Changkong immediately thought of the Wuxi surnames under the jurisdiction of Tianyu Sect, knowing in his heart that his sect would not ignore it.


Soon after, he received a call from Tianyu Sect.

"Lao Zhang, take the dynasty and them away."

Leng Changkong said to Lao Zhang of Team Tianyu.

In addition to the members of the Sky Feather Sect, there are also a few people in the team who are not members of the Sky Feather Sect.

"Captain, what are you talking about, I don't know the others, anyway, I'm not going to leave, I've said that I will live and die together." Lao Zhang said.

"Yes, we are not leaving either."

"Isn't it Sha Ling? I see too much."

The members of Team Tianyu have been born and died together for many years.

None of them are leaving.

Seeing this, Leng Changkong suddenly felt that his greatest achievement in his life was not being a Taoist, but having these brothers!

At this time, a stream of light swept past the heads of Leng Changkong and others, but the people of the Tianyu Sect had already arrived.


Leng Changkong took a deep breath, his eyes showed firmness.

He led everyone to the direction of Tuyang City Wall.

In the city, among the fleeing crowd, there was a young monk in common clothes and shoes, holding a Zen stick and walking towards the city wall.

Everyone couldn't help being surprised when they saw him.

"This monk doesn't want to die, he dares to go to the city gate."

"Is he not afraid of Sha Ling?"

"What the **** are you doing, run away."

The young monk listened to the words of the people around him, his expression was calm, the ancient well was silent, and he looked at the evil spirits coming in the distance, and muttered: "Amitabha, I don't go to hell, who goes to hell?!"

Thinking of this, he walked towards the city gate without hesitation.

At this moment, he saw the Tianyuzong monks flying above the city wall to resist the evil spirits, with smiles on their faces.

"My way is not alone, my way is not alone."


Tuyang City, on the city wall.

Sect Master Tianyu and a group of elders are looking at the evil spirit army in the distance, their eyes are extremely solemn.

The horror of this evil spirit army exceeded their imagination, even if they were far away, they could still feel the huge pressure.

The terrible resentment made them get goose bumps.

At this time, Leng Changkong and others also came up.

"I have seen the lord, elder."

"Well, the state of wartime, you don't need to stick to etiquette."


Leng Changkong noticed that there was a young monk next to Sect Master Tianyu, and couldn't help being a little curious, "This master is..."

"Little monk has no leaves."

The young monk Wu Ye faintly smiled.

Hearing this, several people in Leng Changkong couldn't help being surprised.

"No leaves, the Buddha of Leiyin Temple has no leaves?!"

"The leader of the younger generation of Buddhism and Taoism today is Wuye, one of the 38 young emperors, and he is here."

No Ye, this name is not small among the younger generation.

The two names of Buddha and Young Emperor are enough to resound all over the world.

"Master Wuye came to this ancient battlefield to experience, and now encountering this evil spirit army, the master is compassionate, so he came to help."

Sect Master Tianyu said.

"That's it."

Leng Changkong gave a solemn expression and saluted Wuye.

Then, everyone began to discuss how to deal with this evil spirit army.

The evil spirit army is less than a hundred miles away from Tuyang City, such a distance can be reached in a moment with the advance speed of the evil spirit.

There is not much time left for everyone.

"I have observed that the individual strength of this evil spirit army is not strong, but it is very concentrated, just like an army formation! The power of all the evil spirits is gathered together, this is the most tricky.

"Yes, if you can break this battle, these evil spirits will disperse, and then it will be much easier to deal with."

"How will this battle be broken?"

"Since it is a military formation, there will be a general commander. As long as the generals in this evil spirit are removed, the formation can be broken!"

"But with so many evil spirits, how do you find the general?"

Speaking of this, everyone is in a difficult situation again.

Wuye Fuzi smiled faintly, "Leave this to me."

Everyone looked at him, and Tianyu Sect Master moved in his heart, "It is rumored that there is a technique called Sky Eye Tong in Leiyin Temple. It has been cultivated to the extreme. It can be seen in the Three Realms and Six Paths. Master wants to use the sky to find the evil generals?"

"You can give it a try."

No leaves slightly nodded.

Then, there was a golden light flashing in his eyes, the eyes of the sky were fully displayed, and the evil spirit army in the distance suddenly came into view.

The majestic resentment struck him, shocking his body, and almost blinded him with his eyes.

His face was extremely solemn and began to look for the evil spirit group.

In the end, he locked onto a evil spirit, that evil spirit was wearing a black armor, and the resentment on his body was extremely strong, and countless evil spirits lingered around him, seeming to be guarding.

"It seems that this is the leader of this group of evil spirits."

Wuye Fozi told the discovery to Sect Master Tianyu and others.

"Next, it's time to kill this evil spirit general."

"Leave this to me."

Sect Master Tianyu smiled faintly, and saw that he took out a big golden bow, which revealed an extraordinary rhyme.

Then, another arrow appeared in his hand, and he opened his bow and arrows, and under Wuye's guidance, he locked the position of General Shaling.

Pulling the golden bow to the full moon, the spiritual power in the main body of the Sky Feather Sect is continuously injected into the bow.

Then, with a swish, the arrow burst out of the air, turning into a golden streamer, and flew towards the Shaling general!

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