Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 239: : 1 sword qi broke the army, I can be sure who it is

The arrow broke through the air, like a stream of light!

When the arrow penetrates the evil spirit group, take the evil spirit general directly!

And the evil spirits along the way were pierced and shattered!

In almost an instant, the arrow had traveled hundreds of miles and arrived in front of the Shaling general.

Everyone's eyes lit up.


But at this time, he saw that the general suddenly raised his right hand, grabbing the arrow, and a terrifying evil spirit erupted!

The arrow trembled crazily, and then was crushed abruptly!

This scene caused the pupils of Sect Master Tianyu to shrink suddenly.

"How is this possible!!"

His face was full of shock.

You know, although this golden bow in his hand is not a sacred weapon, it is also the top supreme weapon. With the launch of his supreme supreme cultivation base, even the existence of the supreme supreme is difficult to resist, but But it was crushed to pieces by this evil general! !

What kind of strength is this? !

"The highest supreme supreme, even close to the quasi-sage!"

Sect Master Tianyu's face was extremely solemn.

The faces of the others are also ugly.


The evil spirit general seemed to be irritated by the attack, and he let out a roar, and the advance speed of the evil spirit army suddenly accelerated.

I'm afraid it won't take a moment to confront everyone.

"Damn it, this battle is hard to fight without breaking the evil spirit army formation."

"I'm afraid it won't last long with our strength."

"No matter what, this battle must be fought." Sect Master Tianyu took a deep breath, his face full of determination.

"Damn it, I don't believe it."

An elder rushed out, a spear in his hand burst out with brilliance, and a powerful Taoist rhyme flowed in it.

With one shot, the majestic Dao Yun broke out and rushed into the evil spirit army!

This shot took the evil spirit general directly, but it was blocked by the other evil spirits before it got close, and it couldn't hurt the opponent at all.


"Heavenly Sword Qi!"

Another elder cut out a sword.

Wu Ye also took a deep breath, pinched the mysterious seal art, a golden Buddha light contained the power of the diamond.

One sword and one Buddha light, also hit the Shaling general.

But as before, it was completely useless.

After experiencing an attack, the number of evil spirits surrounding the evil generals became more and more difficult to penetrate.


Leng Changkong looked unwilling.

He constantly urged Jian Qi to cut towards the evil spirit army.

But Sect Master Tianyu, a master like Wuye couldn't do it, not to mention a mere mortal monk.

That sword gas, like a mud cow into the sea, did not respond.

Sect Master Tianyu met with him, sighed, and said: "Zhangkong, save spiritual power, prepare for the next battle."

Leng Changkong nodded unwillingly.

But suddenly.

What did he think of.

He once again urged his spiritual power and injected it into the long sword in his hand.

Sect Master Tianyu saw, his brows frowned.

Why doesn't this kid listen to advice?

Just when he wanted to be severely reprimanded for a few words, from Leng Changkong's long sword suddenly burst out a terrifying sword rhyme!

The rhyme of this sword is too powerful, and it swept the entire city wall instantly!

Everyone looked in the direction of Leng Changkong, with shocked expressions.

"What a strong pressure!"

"How could Daozi have such strength."

"Not Daozi, but the sword in his hand!"

"what happened?!"

I saw the long sword in Leng Changkong's hand blooming with a bright purple brilliance, and the dazzling sword light circulated in the front of the sword, as if it was about to gush out!

Leng Changkong was stunned.

Before returning to Tuyang City, Madman Chu had left a sword aura in his sword, saying that he could use it when he encountered an opponent that was difficult to match.

However, on the way back to Tuyang City, they did not encounter any risks, so this sword energy has been retained to this day.

Just now, he urged this sword aura with the mentality of giving it a try. He didn't have much hope at first, after all, even the master body like Tianyu Sect Master and Wuye couldn't help much here.

What can Madman Chu's sword aura do?

But he never expected it.

This sword aura is so powerful!

The endless power that came from the sword made his scalp numb. It was a terrifying power he had never seen before!

And now, this power is in his hands.

At this moment, his heart was full of pride, and he involuntarily raised the sword in his hand and aimed it at the generals in the evil spirit army.

One step forward, the majestic sword swept out.


With a long drink, the saber in his hand swung down!

A dazzling purple sword light swept out like an endless torrent, slashing into the evil spirit group madly.

When the sword gas passed, all the evil spirits were shattered into nothingness.

The evil spirit general made an extremely sharp and long howling as if he felt an unprecedented threat, and a terrifying evil spirit erupted from his body, turning into an extremely ferocious skull and hitting the sword light.

Two forces impacted, and the skull burst open!

The sword light fell on the Shaling general without reservation.

After a scream, General Sha Ling completely dissipated under the sword light.

Without the generals, the remaining evil spirits were in chaos.

On the wall of Tuyang City, everyone was looking at Leng Changkong, dumbfounded, immersed in the shock of that shocking sword just now.

All the generals who are helpless are solved like this?

A sword gas is used by a hole!

The cold sky at this moment has attracted much attention!

But Wuye, Sect Master Tianyu knew that the sword just now was not made by Leng Changkong.

Exerting this sword, there are others.

At this time, the long sword in Leng Changkong's hand suddenly made a clicking sound, cracks were densely covered, and finally turned into countless fragments and fell to the ground.

Leng Changkong took a breath.

You know, his sword is a supreme weapon, but it can't withstand the power of this sword energy, and it shattered after it was released.

"Zhangkong, what the **** is going on?!"

Sect Master Tianyu asked quickly.

"This sword aura was given to me by a Taoist friend of Xuan Tianzong. Two days ago, he saved me and asked me to take him into the ancient battlefield for a walk. When he was separated, he blessed my sword. This sword spirit."

Leng Changkong recounted the matter briefly.

"Xuantianzong? Who is from Xuantianzong?"

"His face is shrouded in aura, it is difficult to see clearly, but he said his surname is Chu." Leng Changkong said.

"The last name is Chu... Chu... Could it be..."

Sect Master Tianyu seemed to have thought of something, his pupils shrank slightly.

A member of Xuan Tianzong, and with such power, his surname is Chu...

The combination of these characteristics reminded him of a person.

"Beside him, is there a silver-haired woman with him?"

At this time, Wu Ye Wen said.

"Yes, that girl seems to have her surname Lan."

"Then I can be sure."

Sect Master Wuye and Tianyu looked at each other and both saw the shock in each other's eyes, and then said a name at the same time.

"Madman Chu!!"

As soon as the name came out, the faces of those present changed.

Leng Changkong was even more stunned.


Fellow Daoist Chu, he was actually the madman Chu that shocked the world? ! !

Thinking of some details when he got along with Madman Chu, Leng Changkong was shocked, but at the same time he felt reasonable.

But this did not prevent his shock.

That's Madman Chu!

If you say who is the most famous in this world today.

There is no doubt that that is Madman Chu!

That is the real world, no one knows you!

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