Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 230: : To die in vain, the madman of Chu is here, one sword destroys tens of thousands of e

"Kuangren Chu is actually in Tuyang City. If he is there, then we might have hope of blocking this evil spirit army."

Sect Master Tianyu said brightly before his eyes.

Under the so-called reputation, there are no vain people.

Kuang Chu is famous all over the world, and his strength is naturally beyond doubt. If he can help them, it will be much easier for them.

"Sect Master, Fellow Daoist Chu, he is now going deep into the ancient battlefield, and he said that he would go to the core area to explore. It is estimated that he will not be able to make it in a while." At this time, Leng Changkong said helplessly.

Hearing this, Sect Master Tianyu's expression changed slightly, and then he sighed and said: "It's really time and fate!"

I finally saw hope, but now it is gone.

While everyone was talking, the Shaling army that had lost the Shaling generals still did not stop, and charged towards Tuyang City. Although there was no army blessing, the monstrous resentment was still extremely terrifying.

Countless evil spirits flew, and the billowing resentment turned into a substantive black mist covering the sky and the sun, making the entire Tuyang city dim.

The evil spirit army came to a place ten miles less than Tuyang City, and the terrifying resentment and coercion shrouded everyone.

In the crowd.

A disciple of the Sky Feather Sect was holding a long sword, his face was pale, fine sweat was dripping from his forehead, and his sword hand was shaking slightly.

When the evil spirit army rushed in front of them, everyone saw the evil face of those evil spirits.


A leading disciple shouted and rushed out first!

Behind him, the disciples of the Sky Feather Sect roared like cheering themselves, rushing towards the evil spirit army.


Sect Master Tianyu and other masters also rushed out, and a burst of Dao Yun broke out, clashed with the spirit power and collided with the evil spirit army.

Without the blessing of the military formation, this group of evil spirits would not be able to gather all their forces and fight separately, reducing their combat power a lot.

But millions of evil spirits are still not to be underestimated.

Almost at the moment of the collision, there were casualties in the Tianyu Sect, and the casualties were still expanding rapidly.

Compared with the million evil spirits, there are too few people in the Sky Feather Sect.

But no one retired!

If you retreat, the home behind you will become purgatory.

Tens of millions of people will die.


"You evil spirits, come on!!!"

The monks of the Tianyu Sect were roaring, constantly wielding weapons, urging their spiritual power, and erecting barriers for the people with flesh and blood.

Some of the escaping monks stopped and saw this scene.

This scene had a great impact on them.

They didn't understand why the people of Tianyu Sect were going to die because it was obviously a defeated war.

And when they die, the tens of millions of people will still die.

Their deaths are almost worthless.

"Madan, I think I am a coward!"

"me too."

"Damn it, isn't it just a group of evil spirits? Go back and fight with them. My Longlong team is definitely not a deserter!!"

"go back!"

Some monks were affected by the tragic and vigorous nature of the Sky Feather Sect.

Many people also sneered at these monks.

"Huh, it's just going to die."

"Yes, the evil spirit army is too strong, so how can these people be able to resist it and send it to death for nothing."


In Tuyang City, the members of the Tianyu Sect were fighting with the evil spirits, and within a short time, more than one-third of the members of the Tianyu Sect were killed or injured.

Even if other monks join in, it is difficult to hide the decline.

Sect Master Tianyu saw this, heartbroken.

"Even if the army is destroyed, but it is still difficult to resist these million evil spirits, can we only do this?"

"The way of heaven is not fair, can you really bear to see this creature be charcoal!"

He gave a long scream and fought again with his sword!

In the crowd.

The leafless hand pinched the seal art, the spiritual power of the whole body revolved, and the Buddha light manifested. Every time a Buddha light was shot, an evil spirit died.

He is very powerful, and Buddha's light is also very lethal to Sha Ling.

But he is only one person, no matter how strong the Buddha's light is, how can it be compared with these million evil spirits, it is only a drop in the bucket.

Leng Changkong took a long sword again and was fighting Sha Ling, and the members of Team Tianyu surrounded him.

The evil spirits around are constantly pouring in like a tide.

Soon, everyone has reached the limit.

Seeing that the team was about to be annihilated, there was a sudden rumbling in the sky, as if something was falling from the sky.

A stream of light suddenly fell in front of Leng Changkong and others!

A tyrannical sword rhyme suddenly broke out, and the evil spirits within a hundred meters of radius were all turned into ashes under this rhyme.

Leng Changkong and the others saw clearly that what fell in front of them was a sword, an extremely beautiful and delicate sword.

Sect Master Tianyu, Wuye and the others' faces suddenly overjoyed.

They don't recognize the sword.

But he was very familiar with the rhyme of this sword, because the sword aura that Leng Changkong had urged before contained such a sword aura.

"he came!!"

"That person, finally came!"

Without Ye, Sect Master Tianyu murmured, with hope in his eyes.

A peerless figure in white fell from the sky.

He stepped on the hilt of the sword, his robe was hunting, and then a terrifying and majestic sword aura erupted from his seemingly thin body, which instantly swept across all directions like an endless wind!

All the evil spirits that were affected by the sword aura disappeared in smoke.

For a while, everyone was attracted by the white dress, their eyes were on each other, and everyone who saw it was lost.

Even the whole sky evil spirit was shocked by the opponent's momentum for a moment.

The man who came was Chu Madman.

At this time, there was a bright white light blooming in the sky, and I saw Lan Yu spreading its wings and wearing a gorgeous silver armor holding a scepter of light, urging the vision of the divine body of light, and killing the evil spirit!

Bright and Taoist rhymes gushed out of her body, turning into bright white light, but all the evil spirits that were illuminated by this white light were not spared.

"Young Emperor Lan Yu."

Everyone recognized Lan Yu. According to rumors, Young Emperor Lan Yu and Chu Kuangren were inseparable. Chu Kuangren was there, and she was naturally there.

"Sect Master Tianyu, see the head!"

Sect Master Tianyu, who was fighting the evil spirit, shouted.

Tianyu Sect is a subsidiary force of Xuantianzong, and the madman of Chu is the head of Xuantianzong, and naturally the head of Tianyuzong.

Madman Chu looked around.

Most of them are from the Sky Feather Sect.

He took a deep breath and was able to guess what happened everyone, I was late. "

He looked at the evil spirit all over the sky, a coldness suddenly shot out in his eyes, and the sword rhyme on his body became more vigorous and domineering.

The evil spirits present seemed to be aware of the threat from Madman Chu to them, roared at him, and then rushed towards him.

Kuangren Chu trembled lightly under his step Kunwu, then rose into the air and fell into his hand with a light wave.

A purple sword light exploded, spreading like a tide, and the evil spirits affected by the sword light were easily wiped out.

With this sword going down, tens of thousands of evil spirits vanished.

This scene made everyone stunned.

They killed for so long, and suffered heavy casualties, but the sum of the evil spirits killed was not as terrible as Chu Madman's sword!

"Is this the strength that can kill the saint?"

Sect Master Tianyu whispered.

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