Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2009: : Mingyue’s impeccable situation, such a treatment of Terran heroes, Chu...

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After leaving the demon territory, Madman Chu thought about his next journey.

He is going to two places.

The Holy Land of Heaven and Man and the Pure Land of Heavenly Buddha.

To go to the Holy Land of Heaven and Humanity, the main purpose is to give Mingyue Immaculate the Dragon Blood Pill, to restore her deficiencies in lifespan, and to ask about ways to strengthen the sword spirit by the way.

Although Xiao Ai also has many ways to enhance sword spirit.

But she still wanted to ask the sword spirit of this former ancestor.

After all, they can be said to be the oldest sword spirit.

Sword, this concept is all because of her.

Finally, I have to go to the Heavenly Buddha Pure Land and ask for the Demon King’s ultimate weapon. The Demon King is now an important partner, and the other party has helped him a lot. He doesn't mind coming out to complete this for the other party.

Ah, very good.

The Holy Land of Heaven and Humanity was closer, so he rushed to it first.

Shortly after.

Madman Chu came to a lofty mountain range. In the mountain range, there were various pavilions and palaces, dormant in them, exuding immortal radiance.

Its weather is magnificent, far better than the ordinary fairy mountain blessed land.


A figure came in front of Madman Chu.

This is a cultivator in the Great Realm. It looks like he should be a young talent from the Holy Land. He looked at Madman Chu with a trace of caution in his eyes.

The madman of Chu handed his hands and said: "The madman in Xia Chu has no time to visit Mingyue. Please also this fellow Taoist to inform you."

"Madman Chu!"

The young man was obviously taken aback.

But then, hesitated.

"The saint is temporarily inconvenient to see guests."

"Is it inconvenient to meet guests? Is it because of some injuries suffered during the First World War in the Xutian Spirit Realm?" Chu Kuangren frowned slightly.

its not right.

Although Mingyue has no time to be injured, it is more of a loss in life, not to the point where there is no way to see people.

in addition.

He did not deliberately hide his breath.

The king in the Holy Land of Heaven and Human should feel that he is coming.

But no king came out to see him.

It's not that he is boasting. With his current status and strength, even if he arrives at the Supreme Court, the judge will have to come out to meet him in person.

The king of the Holy Land of Heaven and Man ignores him?

Make it clear, don't welcome yourself.

It's just that Madman Chu didn't care about this. He came here to see Mingyue innocent, as long as the other party is willing to see him.

"I brought healing things for Fellow Daoist Mingyue this time, which can help her recover from her injuries, and I also ask Fellow Daoist to introduce her." Madman Chu said politely.

"I said, the saint is inconvenient to see guests."


"It's not because of you."

At this time, another monk rushed over angrily, "If it weren't for you, how could the saint be imprisoned..."

"Junior Brother, speak carefully."

Before he could finish his words, he was stopped by the youth next to him.

Shut in?

Madman Chu's eyes flashed.

The strange attitude of the Holy Land of Heaven and Humanity, and the bright moon could not disappear, all this made Madman Chu's heart faintly guessed.

When he was in the Xutian Spirit Realm, he fought with foreign kings, but few people from the Palace Lord of the Sword God and the Great Sacred Lands stepped forward to help.

Obviously, it was an order from a higher level.

Mingyue had no time, regardless of orders, resolutely offered to help.

It seems that because of this matter, the high level of the Holy Land was punished?

"Since Mingyue Fellow Daoist is inconvenient to see guests, I will leave first."

Madman Chu finished speaking, turning around and leaving without entanglement.

Deep in the Holy Land.

There was a look of doubt in the eyes of the Holy Lord of Heaven, "When did this Madman of Chu become so easy to talk? He really is not entangled?"

Not only him, but Tiansheng was also a little surprised.

Judging from the other's past nature, it shouldn't be.

And Madman Chu, is that really the case?

How can it be.

The madman Chu's figure turned into a stream of light and swept into the void. After isolating the emperor's perception, the aura on his body changed, and he used it in his own way.

In an instant, he turned into the holy land monk he had seen before.

When it reappears.

He has mixed into the Holy Land of Heaven and Man.

"Oh, the saint is so pitiful, a place of five decay, such a place is treated by people, she must suffer a lot in it."

"For a Mad Chu, is it really worth it?"

"The five decays of heaven and man have successively experienced the decline of the Fa Hua, the decline of the appearance, the decline of the body, the decline of the soul, the decline of the longevity, and so on, this is undoubtedly the greatest punishment for the monks."

"Yeah, I remember that a disciple was imprisoned in a place of five failures for only a thousand years. After he came out, the demons grew, his cultivation was unable to advance, he completely degenerates, and finally died in depression, which is really pitiful."

"Well, I heard that some people couldn't bear the pain and committed suicide directly inside. Alas, can she survive the saint?"

"Speaking of which, the saint is right. Madman Chu is against foreigners. She is a goddess of the human race. What's wrong with her help?"

"Shhh, shut up, don't let others hear your words, if it reaches the ears of the Holy Lord, no one can save you."

After Madman Chu got into the Holy Land of Heaven and Man, he inquired a lot of things.

The thing about Mingyue's innocence is also clear.

Five failures of heaven and man.

This is the kind of calamity that monks fear most.

Entering the Five Declines means that death is not far from the middle distance.

In the five decays, the immortal essence of the monks' painstaking practice will slowly weaken, the appearance will age, the physical body will gradually lose energy and blood, and become unkempt, then the soul will gradually become chaotic, and the life will continue to pass...

Until death.

This kind of thing that is normal in the eyes of mortals is more torment than death in the eyes of monks with longevity and powerful strength.

Many monks would rather die in battle than die so aggrieved.

And in the Holy Land of Heaven and Man.

There is a peculiar spirit world, which is called a place of five failures.

It is to allow the monks to constantly experience the process of the five decays of heaven and man.

Ordinary monks are extremely afraid of the five evils.

Not to mention, the experience has been countless times.

Now, Mingyue Wuxian is suffering such torture.

Thinking of this, Madman Chu's eyes gradually became cold.

He is not familiar with Mingyue.

But the opponent was willing to spend tens of billions of life dollars to help him fight the Void Lord, no, not for him, but for the entire human race.

It was such a human hero who, after returning to his sect, not only did not receive praise, but was locked up and suffered from five failures!

And it was when she was injured and her life was in shortfall.

"Oh, okay, what a holy place of heaven and man!"

"What a god!"

Madman Chu laughed in anger.

A disciple of Heaven and Human Holy Land nearby couldn't help but wonder.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

But then, UU read, he saw the brother in his mouth stepping forward, his body flickered, and in a flash, he changed his face and his breath changed drastically.

An extremely surging power, like a boundless ocean, vented out!


The whole celestial holy place was shocked!

Within the Holy Land, all the kings suddenly opened their eyes.

"What's the matter, how did this guy go and come back?!"

"So powerful, who angered this person?"


The kings couldn't help but tremble.

At this moment, they couldn't sit still, the madman Chu's anger, even if it was the sacred place of heaven and human, who had a huge background, he didn't dare to face it easily.

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