Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2009: : Human heroes, how can you be shameful and crush the holy land of heaven and man?

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Inside the Holy Land of Heaven and Man.

The madman Chu's breath vented unscrupulously.

The whole holy place was shocked!

One by one, kings flew out from all directions and surrounded the Mad Chu, their faces were full of jealousy.

"Mad Chu, what do you want to do?"

Celestial Lord said with cold eyes.

"Human hero, how can you insult you? I want you to release the bright moon immediately!" Chu Madman said in a cold tone.

"Naughty, Mingyue has no time to be my saint in the Holy Land of Heaven and Humanity. What should we do with her and what does it have to do with you?"

"Just because I and her are comrades-in-arms fighting side by side."

"Then you have no right to interfere with my holy land."

"Oh, then if I let my King Tulan come and ask you to release Mingyue Wuxian as a judge of the Supreme Court, is this qualified?"


The face of the holy lord of heaven and man was livid.

The Supreme Court holds the supreme authority of the human race.

Even though it is a holy land of heaven and man, it can only be subordinate to them.

If they make a move.

The Holy Land of Heaven and Humanity is indeed very difficult.

But the Holy Lord of Heaven and Human is now unwilling to compromise, and he said coldly: "Even if the Supreme Court comes, he has no right to interfere in the internal affairs of my Holy Land!"

"Then, don't blame me."

Madman Chu also stopped speaking, and his huge spiritual power swept out.

Lock the location of the Five Badlands.

Since the Holy Land of Heaven and Humanity is unwilling to release people, then he will come hard!

"Madman Chu, you are presumptuous!"

The Holy Lord of Heaven noticed the other party's intention, and his face was gloomy.

For many years, no one has dared to challenge the authority of the Holy Land of Heaven and Humanity, let alone forcibly lead people away in front of the kings in the Holy Land.

The Holy Lord of Heaven couldn't bear it, and made a bold move.

With a punch, the magic of heaven and man is used.

A huge Tai Chi picture was pressed down towards Madman Chu like a sky.

"Extreme King, I don't care about it, let alone you?"

Madman Chu's sword fingers condensed, and he slashed in the air at will.

There was a boom.

That day, the figure of Tai Chi was easily torn in half.

The violent energy completely smashed the nearby mountains!

Under the impact of the Heavenly Sage Lord's sword energy, his shoulders were pierced by the sword energy, and the whole person flew hundreds of miles backwards, looking at Madman Chu, his eyes could not help but be shocked.

No matter how he put it, he is also close to the king of the first echelon.

Was actually defeated by a trick? !

Although he had long heard of the power of Madman Chu, when he actually faced it, he still felt a strong sense of suffocation.

This kind of existence is beyond his ability.

"Kuangren Chu, do you really treat me as a holy land with no one?"

A king stepped out. This is the Holy Land of Heaven and Man, an ancient king whose cultivation base has reached the level of the first echelon of kings.

It can be said that in the entire celestial holy land, it is second only to celestial sage.

As soon as he showed up, he urged the Dharma without saying a word.

That is a form of Tai Chi.

The power of yin and yang is contained in it, forming a majestic power.

Facing this kind of power, the madman of Chu condensed, and there was also a condensed form behind him, that was the form of King Lan!

"Yin and Yang shake the world!"

Lan Wang's move is used.

Even greater yin and yang energy swept out.

With a bang, Human Tai Chi was shattered abruptly that day, and the ancient king stepped back hundreds of feet, then, with a low growl, he used his domain.

As soon as the domain opened, the surrounding world was filled with frantic Yin and Yang energy.

It turned into a black and white divine light and swept towards the madman of Chu.

"Domain, how can it stand me?"

Although Madman Chu has not yet condensed the domain, and even his own law has not condensed, but his strength has long surpassed the ordinary realm division, the domain is used to deal with ordinary kings, and it is almost crushed.

But for him, it's the other way around!

"Sword, twenty-five!" Chu madman's sword fingers condensed, and the sword flowed around his body, traversing the past and the present, the sword of twenty-five, suddenly exploded!

Sword Qi filled the sky like waves and floods, pouring out, shaking the Quartet.

The yin and yang energy that swept through, under this force, was smashed one after another, and the ancient king couldn't help but be blown out.

His field also exploded!

When everyone saw this, they took a breath.

Doesn't even the king of the first echelon have any power to fight back in front of Madman Chu? This is, how terrible it exists!

Everyone's scalp numb.

"Damn it, let's go together, I can't stop him if I don't believe it!"

"Huh, not bad!"

All the kings join together.

That terrifying power of the law overwhelmed the sky.

The disciples of Heaven and Human Holy Land below saw their hearts tremble and their scalp numb. They only felt that the scene before them was like a natural disaster in the end.


Madman Chu sneered when facing the besieging kings.

Immediately afterwards.

I saw all kinds of laws and powers flickering behind him.

The law of light, the law of darkness, the law of space, the law of kendo...

All kinds of laws and powers build a specific law.

It is as if ten kings are here!

Lan Wang Faxiang blasted out with a punch, and the power of wind and thunder shook the world.

With a bang, a king was blasted to fly far away.

The Sword God Magic held the star giant sword and cut it out with a single sword. The sword aura cut off the arm of a king as if it was about to tear the world apart.

Light Dharma, Dark Dharma, Dharma Zu Dharma, Heaven and Man Dharma...

Various ways, each taking advantage of its prestige.

It was actually a few kings who were present in the Holy Land of Heaven and Human, in a panic.

The madman of Chu, with his own power, crushes the holy land of heaven and man!

The kings looked at the Madman Chu, who was surrounded by the monarchs, with horror in their eyes, as if they were looking at the biggest incredible in the world.

"This is the law of human ancestors!"

"He turned it into his own law, really, terrifying!"

"Oh my God, what kind of freak king is this..."

The kings were beaten with no temper at all.

Not an opponent at all.

at this time.

In the depths of the Holy Land of Heaven and Humanity, a tyrannical aura whistled out.

This is the extreme breath!

"King Chu, do you really treat me as a holy land with no one?"

An indifferent voice came.

A figure stepped out with its head held high.

Exactly, the strongest man in the Holy Land of Heaven... Heavenly Saint.

He looked at Madman Chu indifferently, the extreme coercion on his body locked it, mighty, engulfing the power of heaven and earth, and rushing towards Madman Chu.

Kuangren Chu had an icy smile on his face, and he couldn't evade, "Are you finally able to give it up? I thought you were going to be a turtle."

Strictly speaking.

He has no hatred with Tiansheng.

The two sides only met once at the Human Race election meeting.

But the other party detained Mingyue without any time, which has made Madman Chu's impression of him to the extreme, and when he opened his mouth, it was an indifferent mockery.

"Hmph, I see that you are a junior and I don't want to fight with you. I will give you one last chance and leave here immediately!" Tiansheng said indifferently.

"Release the bright moon without time, I will leave."


"Then what nonsense are you talking about?"

The madman of Chu waved his sleeves, UU read www.uukanshu. The majesty of the king of com erupts, and the dharma image behind him blooms with dazzling divine glory, blasting towards the sky!

"You are too presumptuous!"

Tian Sheng's eyes gradually cold, raising his hand to gather the power of heaven and earth, and the huge Tai Chi diagram was crushed out, smashing each law into pieces.

He stood with his hands held in his hands, with a calm expression, "Even if you have more faculties, what can you do? In front of Ji Dao, it's just a chicken!"

"Oh, isn't it?"

Madman Chu's body law worked, and his breath immediately became ethereal.

Heaven and human tactics are used, and the power of heaven and earth is blessed.

But this is not over yet.

The art of swallowing the sky, violently swallowing hundreds of thousands of miles of spiritual energy, the 980 formations in the body are running wildly, and the immortal body will be transformed into it!

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