Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2001: : I would like to see who can stop me, the power of fakes, fusion...

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Tiansheng looked at the Madman Chu whose breath was rising steadily, his eyes gradually became cold, and there was a touch of jealousy in this!

That's right, it's jealous!

He recognized the various methods used by the madman Chu.

Among them, there is even their supreme magic of the Holy Land of Heaven and Man.

He knew that these were all made by Madman Chu.

The mystery of his free law is above his imagination!

He is jealous!

Why can a Madman of Chu be able to sit on this supreme magic method.

Why can't he learn?

"I'm leaving the words here, Mingyue has no time, I must take her away today, I want to see, who dares to stop me!"

Madman Chu gave a low cry, and the power of the majestic law poured out like a flood, making the entire heavenly holy place tremble.

Holy Land of Heaven and Man.

In a desert-like scene.

A pale-haired woman in white clothes sat cross-legged on the spot.

She wears a veil.

However, the exposed skin is steadily drying out, the breath is rapidly weakening, the physical body is aging, the law is weak, and the lifespan is coming to an end...

At the moment of falling.

In the wind and sand, a magical power flowed out.

Her skin was restored to fullness, and her breath continued to recover, but immediately afterwards, there was a new round of aging, weakness, and longevity...

Such reciprocation is like a reincarnation that cannot be escaped.

This is the land of five failures.

Here, the monks have to endure the endless five decays of heaven and man.

And sitting in the yellow sand is not someone else, it is the bright moon without time.

The first goddess of the human race, the holy woman of heaven and humanity, not long ago, just helped the madman of Chu kill the lord of the void, saving the human race from a catastrophe.

Now, she, who should have enjoyed the supreme honor, was sitting in this desolate desert, suffering from extremely terrifying five declines.


A wave of fluctuations spread to the land of five failures.

Mingyue, who had been sitting in the same place and enduring the suffering calmly, suddenly opened her eyes, letting the five fading torment her, her eyes are still as clear and bright as the bright moon in the dark night, full of brilliance.

"This breath, it's him..."

Mingyue has no time to sense the owner of this breath.

I also sensed the anger of the owner of this breath now.

"Why did he come to the Holy Land of Heaven and Human, and he made such a big fire?"

Mingyue frowned and thought.

She couldn't think of any grudges between Madman Chu and the Holy Land of Heaven and Humanity.

Just because you killed Lu Wuhen?


Heaven and Human Holy Land should not be guilty of opposing Chu Madman because of this.

Could it be that Madman Chu took the initiative to find fault?

Not right.

She asked herself what she knew about Chu Kuangren's behavior. The other party seemed crazy, but in fact they were calculating every step. They never did unnecessary and uncertain things, and suddenly went to war with the Holy Land of Heaven. What benefit could he get?

"Can't figure it out..."

Mingyue shook his head without time.

Then no more reason.

She is being held here anyway, and she can't do much.

She didn't think of herself, after all, in her opinion, she was not very familiar with Madman Chu, and only met a few sides.

How could the other party go to war against the Holy Land of Heaven and Man for her...

Outside the land of five failures.

In the Holy Land of Heaven and Man.

Madman Chu urged several cultivation methods one after another, as if he had no limit, he raised his power to a whole new level!

With that overbearing breath, it only takes a wisp of it to shatter the void, and the Madman Chu at this moment seems to surrender even the world to his feet!

The kings were eclipsed in front of him.

At this moment, it seems that he alone is worthy of the word king!

"Tiansheng, can you dare to fight with me?!"

Chu Kuang's popularity is strong, his eyes are like torches, and he directly calls Bantiansheng.


Tiansheng snorted coldly.

He raised his hand and held it in the void, only to see a stream of light swept over, turning into a jade Ruyi with gleaming blue light in his hand.

It is a supreme treasure.

Extremely magical soldiers are extremely rare.

Even if it is Heavenly Sage, the Extreme Dao King, there is no Extreme Dao Divine Soldier standing beside him.

"Heaven and man rush to the big day!"

I saw Jade Ruyi in Tiansheng's hand, and the rules converged, turning into a vast black and white sun, burning with raging fire, and blasted towards the madman of Chu.

"The good fortune of the universe means!"

Chu madman's fingertips condensed the law of the universe to play.

Pointing to the strength, the sky is bombarded.

The two forces exploded.

Heavenly Sage, Chu Madman, each was shaken back.

In the old days, when the Madman Chu was in the Void Prison, he had to hold the Supreme Dao Divine Weapon in his hand to injure the Supreme Dao King, but now, with his own strength, he can already fight the Supreme Dao King, which shows that he has made great progress. .

"The Law of the Father?"

Tiansheng's eyes flashed.

Just now, for a moment, he really thought that it was Fa Zu's coming.

This made him even more amazed at his self-contained law.

At the same time, he hated Chu Madman even more.

"After all, it's just another person's law, you are just a fake."

Tiansheng sneered.

After speaking, he performed Tianren Tai Chi again.

However, he saw the madman of Chu condensing the power of the world to the extreme, displaying it in the shocking eyes of everyone, urging the law of yin and yang, and performing extreme moves!

"Heaven and man rush to the big day!"

A round of black and white big day, blasted out mightily.

Tian Ren Tai Chi, burst out!

Tiansheng was forced to retreat for a few steps, his expression changing.

This is his practice!

"Oh, how does my fake taste?"

Madman Chu chuckles.

The monks in the Holy Land of Heaven and Man were all dumbfounded.

"It's the first time that Tiansheng saw the trick just now, but Madman Chu can use it. This is too abnormal."

"Yes, just by looking at it, you can turn that practice into your own use. This kind of thing is simply incredible."

"Tiansheng seems to have been beaten back."

"This shows that the tactics performed by Madman Chu are not worse than those performed by Tiansheng himself, maybe even stronger?"

Listening to everyone's discussion, the blue veins throbbed on Tiansheng's forehead.

He looked at Madman Chu with a murderous intent in his eyes.

"I want to see how capable you are with this fake."

The jade Ruyi thrown out in Tiansheng's hand, the blue light flickered, and the black and white luster circulated between the sky and the earth, "Heaven and man break the stars and the moon!"

I saw black, white, and blue, the three rays of light changed one after another.

Black turns heaven and earth into night.

White turned into a bright moon in the dark night.

As for the cyan, it turned into a sky full of stars.

A powerful suppressing force enveloped the madman of Chu.

This is the realm of Heavenly Sage!

Madman Chu said nothing, the infinite realm opened, and the resistance realm.

Tiansheng waved his sleeves.

As if shooting down the sky full of stars.

The starry sky turned into a meteor shower and fell towards the madman of Chu.

Every star contains great power.

"The dragon elephant is vigorously."

Madman Chu once again urged a trick, this time it was the trick of the Buddha emperor. U U Reading

And just as he used the Buddhism method, the relic from the latest lottery in his body also bloomed with incomparably bright Buddha power.

Actually bless the Buddhist method of the madman of Chu.


The light of the Buddha circulates and turns into a dragon and an elephant, containing unparalleled strength, smashing the sky full of meteor showers one by one, and blasting towards the sky.

"Tianrenzhen Yin and Yang!"

The Heavenly Sage urges the Tianren Jue to play with the power of Yin and Yang.

With a bang.

The dragon elephant burst to pieces, and he backed a few steps.

The entire area buzzed and trembles, and cracks appeared.

The blow of the power of the relic smashed the realm of Heavenly Sage!

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