Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 254: : Shang Han challenges Princess Linglong, you are not as good as Firefly

"Killing lives is for protecting lives, killing one's industry is not killing people!"

As soon as he said this, his murderous face suddenly changed, his mind roared, and an epiphany suddenly surged into his heart.

"Killing lives is protecting lives, cutting karma is not cutting people..."

Killing heart murmured several times.

His heart loosened, as if he had put down a big rock, he couldn't help but let out a cheerful laughter, "Haha, what a killer is to protect a life, kills one's karma is not kills a person, I understand, I understand!!"

A powerful murderous aura erupted from him, but this murderous aura was extremely pure and without evil intentions. On the contrary, it echoed with the Buddha's light on his body, and it had a vast and upright feeling.

Huixin was overjoyed, and was happy to kill Xin.

"You have finally proved yourself in the Buddha's mind."


Killing Xin nodded slightly, and then walked to the front of Madman Chu, there was a puff, and he knelt directly in front of him.

"Thank you for the kind of murderous fellow Taoist Chu for his kindness!"

The first seat of the dignified Bodhidharma Academy, the supreme supreme, actually bowed down to a younger generation. I am afraid that this will scare many people.

At least all the monks at the scene were frightened.

It's just that Madman Chu stood in the same place, but he accepted the gift extremely calmly, and said lightly: "Get up."

Killing Xin stood up and said solemnly: "The kindness of fellow daoists is unforgettable. If it is useful to me in the future, as long as it does not harm the common people and kills the innocent, it is incumbent to kill the innocent!"

"Master is polite."

Madman Chu smiled lightly.

But he was muttering in his heart, there is a kind of don't make any blank checks, and give tens of millions of high-grade spirit stones to spend.

If I can't do anything, how can you help?

Even though he thinks so, Madman Chu's face is calm, he is the head of Xuan Tianzong, and it is so shameless to ask for money.

In the next few days, the madman of Chu was treated as a top VIP at Leiyin Temple, and every monk respected him extremely.

After successively tapping the wisdom heart and killing the heart, the madman of Chu has almost become a living Buddha walking in the world in the eyes of the monks.

"I heard that Princess Linglong was challenged."

"Tsk, who dares to challenge the young emperor."

"I heard that he is also a young emperor."

Madman Chu had just finished eating his fast, and he heard a few monks talking next to him, his heart moved slightly, and he was a little surprised.

"Princess Linglong has been challenged?"

Madman Chu frowned slightly.

In the past year, Madman Chu and Princess Linglong were not totally unconnected. Princess Linglong sometimes stayed in Xuantianzong, and she also had a reputation for deepening the relationship between Qingyun Dynasty and Xuantianzong.

He also has a growing affection for Princess Linglong.

Although it may not be possible to talk about love, it is still in the category of favorites, not to mention that the two have had skin close.

She is still her husband.

Now that he heard her being challenged, he couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"My son, do you want to go to Qingyun Dynasty?"

Lan Yu noticed Madman Chu's unpleasant expression, and she knew what Madman Chu was thinking, so she proposed.

"Well, let's go, before we go there, we will find out who challenged Linglong." Madman Chu said lightly.

This matter is not difficult to investigate.

The young emperor is the most outstanding talent in the world. It was originally the eye-catching one. One young emperor challenged another young emperor. Not everyone knows such things, but many forces are clear.

He found Wuye and asked about it.

"The challenger to Princess Linglong is Shang Han of Vermilion Bird. The time and place is tomorrow, right in the palace of the Qingyun Dynasty."

Wu Ye said.

"Shang Han, what a coincidence."

Hearing this name, Madman Chu's eyes flashed a cold color.

Speaking of it, he originally planned to go to the Shang clan in the Vermillion Bird Region after leaving Leiyin Temple. The first is to find his blood descendants for Baipao. Shang Han has the Lou clan's ancient sword in his hands, and there may be clues.

Second, the opponent took the quasi-emperor soldiers in the ancient city of Louguo and released millions of evil spirits. This matter should also be terminated.

"Friend Taoist Chu knows this person."

"Oh, only one subordinate is defeated."

Madman Chu gave a chuckle.

After learning the news he wanted to know, Madman Chu stopped staying in Leiyin Temple and took Lan Yu to the Qingyun Dynasty.


Qingyun Dynasty.

Inside the palace of Princess Linglong.

"Princess, you are going to a duel with that Shang Han tonight. You must beat the opponent to the ground."

A maid is changing clothes for Princess Linglong.

Princess Linglong smiled faintly: "That Shang Han is the young emperor of the world, and he has gained the Xuanhuang Di Qi earlier than me. It takes longer to comprehend than me. How can it be so easy to defeat him."

"Ah, is that guy so good?"

The maid was a little surprised.

"Naturally, and this person seems to have come prepared, I want to win this battle, I am afraid it will be difficult." Princess Linglong sighed.

"It would be great if the maid was there. With him, he wouldn't dare to brave the prestige." The maid said.

"That's natural."

Speaking of the cohort, Princess Linglong's face showed a touch of pride, "If the cohort is here, don't talk about Shang Han, even if the young emperors all gather together, what fear is there for him?"

She has great confidence in Madman Chu, this confidence is not blind, but based on understanding of Madman Chu.

"If he knew that I was challenged, would he worry about me, would he come to me?" Princess Linglong suddenly looked forward to it.

After getting dressed neatly, Princess Linglong walked out of the bedroom and came to the palace school grounds. She was beautiful and noble dressed in red.

As soon as she appeared, everyone felt that the night was a little brighter.

On the school field.

Kingdom Qingyun, Gu Changge and others were all present.

There was one person standing in the schoolyard, wearing a black robe, holding a black halberd in his hand, and his face was cold.

But she was moved when she saw Linglong princess dressed in red.

But Princess Linglong didn't even look at him, first came to the front of Qingyun Kingdom Lord and saluted.

"Emperor, be careful in this battle."

Qingyun Kingdom Master said solemnly.

This is a matter between the younger generation, and it is the challenge of the young emperor to the young emperor. Even if he is the head of the country, it is difficult for him to directly intervene.

"Yes, Father."

Princess Linglong nodded.

Then, she walked in front of Shang Han, and a scimitar appeared in her hand, with cold light flowing on it, engraved with a bright moon pattern.

It was just a few years ago that the Mingyue Sword she obtained when she explored the Mingyue Secret Realm was actually not correct.

This knife was given to her by Madman Chu after he had a relationship with Since then, she has carried this knife with her and has become her weapon. It is a holy weapon and is worthy of her. identity of.

"Go ahead."

Princess Linglong said lightly.

"I'll let you do it first."

Shang Han's halberd station, said indifferently, he looked at Princess Linglong with hatred and possessiveness in his eyes.

"Four years ago, you still had the humiliation that Madman Chu brought to me. Today, I will get it back from you. After I defeat you, I will go to Madman Chu again, and I will be ashamed!" Shang said coldly. .

Upon hearing this, Princess Linglong couldn't help but sneered, "You are also worthy to challenge the cohort? It's like a man-armed car, and she can't help it."

"Are you so sure that I can't beat Madman Chu?"

"A horse is like a bright moon, and you are not as good as a firefly."

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