Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 255: : Princess Linglong’s stubbornness, you dare to move her to let your family be buried

"A horse is like a bright moon, and you are not as good as a firefly!"

Princess Linglong respected Chu Madman very much.

As for Shang Han, it is extremely demeaning, this is her true heart, and at the same time it is disrupting Shang Han's Taoism and creating flaws.


After hearing Princess Linglong's words, Shang Han's face was extremely gloomy, and the rhyme on his body broke out in an instant, turning into a violent wind, and the floor tiles under his feet were lifted and smashed in all directions.

At this time, Duke Linglong took the initiative.

When Shang Han Dao's heart was shaken, the moon knife in her hand slashed out, and a silver-white knife light that looked like moonlight rolled out.

The sword light is like a broken bamboo, which contains a powerful Taoist rhyme.

Shang Han hummed lightly, using no weapons, raised his hand to gather spiritual power and Dao Yun, clenched his five fingers, and blasted a punch into the void.

When the two forces collided, a heavy wave of air was set off in the void, and Shang Han actually flew upside down several feet, his expression quite surprised.

"I didn't expect you to have such strength."

Shang Han didn't care about Princess Linglong anymore. In his opinion, Princess Linglong only became a young emperor with a mysterious Huangdi Qi, which was far worse than him.

However, in today's fight, he discovered that the opponent's strength is no less than him.

After a move forced Shang Han to retreat, Princess Linglong didn't keep any hands. She waved the Moon Knife in her hand, and the light of the knife poured out one after another. The silver-white light of the knife instantly brightened the entire night.

Shang coldly snorted, "It seems that I underestimated you."

When he flipped his palms, a terrifying Taoist rhyme mixed with spiritual power burst out instantly, like a storm swept out.

"Hush the palm of the mountain!"

A palm blasted out, two completely different Dao Yun collided in the void, the air wave burst, and the guards in the palace were all moved.

This is a force they can hardly resist.

"Is this the power of the young emperor?"

"It's so strong, I am afraid it is no longer weaker than the supreme."

"I didn't expect Linglong to have such strength."

Gu Changge said in surprise.

In the past few years, Princess Linglong has been very low-key and rarely does it in front of outsiders. Unexpectedly, her strength has become so strong.

Even Gu Changge felt a little bit worse.

"Really rare."

The Lord Qingyun also smiled with satisfaction.

A few years ago, the princess Linglong, who could not even be the master of her own marriage, has now grown to the point where she is alone.

"It is indeed beyond my expectation that you have such strength, but it is a pity that you are destined to lose in my hands today!"

Shang gave a cold cry, the Dao Yun spiritual power on his body exploded!

A palm hit turned into an invisible storm, all the sword energy was shattered, and Linglong was also shaken back by this force.

I saw that she suddenly took out something.

That is a black skull!

The black skull was thrown out by it, and rose in the wind, turning into a huge skull phantom, with a gray dead air rolling over his body, and a saint's rhyme was vaguely revealed.

"This is made from the bones of saints."

Shang Han said in surprise.

"Yes, let's learn about the power of this black light skeleton."

Princess Linglong said lightly, urging the black light skull to bite towards Shang Han, wherever it went, the wind swept away.

This skull was also obtained by her in the Mingyue Secret Realm. It was made from the head she took away after the death of the Black Light Saint.

The black light skull tumbling with uncomfortable death energy, Shang Han didn't dare to resist it easily, so he could only avoid his sharp edge temporarily.

He came to the halberd and held the halberd. At this moment, an incomparable rhyme burst from the halberd.

"Flying Waterfall Art!"

Shang gave a cold drink.

A domineering force burst out!

A black light shot from the halberd and fell on the black skull, which actually penetrated the skull in an instant.

The saint humanity rhyme on the skull was broken and fell to the ground.

While Princess Linglong was backlashed, her face paled.

She looked at the halberd in Shang Han's hand and couldn't say anything: "What kind of weapon is this that can easily crush the saint's skull!"

You know, the body of the saint is indestructible, and the monks under the saint are hard to destroy.

Even the head of the black light saint was refined by the princess Linglong for almost a full year before it could be refined into this black light skeleton.

"Princess Linglong, you should feel honored. Since Zhentianji saw the sky again, you are the first person to lose to it."

Shang Han held a halberd in his hand, with an aura like a rainbow, and that Zhentian halberd burst out a terrifying Taoist rhyme that merged with him, causing his strength to soar more than tenfold, making everyone present in shock.

Even the Lord Qingyun was full of jealousy.

"What is this halberd?"

"Even the holy king weapon can't increase the monk's combat power to this level. This is... the quasi-imperial soldier!!"

Lord Qingyun said in shock.

Quasi-Emperor Soldier, this kind of existence is too rare, even if you search the entire Qingyun Dynasty, you can’t find a Quasi-Emperor Soldier!

"No wonder you threatened to defeat the consort, it turns out that you have this halberd." Princess Linglong suddenly realized.

"Even Madman Chu, under the halberd of the heavens, can only drink hate and defeat! Princess Linglong, you will see how I defeat him and step on him completely!" Shang Han laughed.

With the quasi-di soldier in hand, his confidence is unprecedentedly high.

"I said that a cohort is like a bright moon, and you can't even count as a fireflies. You think you can defeat a cohort with a weapon. Again, you are just like a chariot with a mantle arm, and you can't help it!"

"Princess Linglong, it's no good for you to provoke me!"

Shang Han said with a gloomy expression.

"Oh, just tell the truth."

"you wanna die!"

Seeing Princess Linglong defending Madman Chu in such a way, Shang Han was extremely jealous of Madman Chu. He held a sigh of anger in his heart. He held the Tiantian halberd and waved heavily at Princess Linglong.

A majestic Taoist rhyme broke out, and Princess Linglong couldn't resist this force, so she flew back nearly a hundred meters, spit out a mouthful of blood, her face turned pale, her aura was extremely wilting.

"Enough!" Qingyun Lord roared, "Let's end this battle, we lost."

Hearing this, Shang Han stood on the spot with a halberd in his hand, and looked at Princess Linglong and said lightly: "The princess hasn't conceded himself, then this battle is not over The Lord Qingyun looks at Princess Linglong. , But saw the other party firmly said: "I can lose, but it is impossible for me to surrender to you! "

She has regarded herself as the woman of Madman Chu, and it is absolutely impossible to give in to someone who insulted Madman Chu!

"Emperor, don't be arrogant."

The Lord Qingyun quickly dissuaded Princess Linglong.

But the other party still looks stubborn.

"Very good, very good! Let me see how hard your bones can be!" Shang Han grinned back in anger and wanted to shoot again.

"Miscellaneous, do you dare to move her, I will let your family be buried!"

At this time, an extremely cold voice suddenly sounded above everyone.

When everyone looked around, they saw two people walking in the air.

One of them was dressed in a white robe, with a gorgeous ancient sword hung around his waist, as if walking in the moonlight, with a moving style.

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